i haven't posted on here for quite a while. I've been doing pretty good moderating and having a few af days. but, about mid december, with the holidays and the inlaws in town for 3 weeks, I've been back to everyday drinking, 3-4 glasses of wine a day.
so. i feel like i'm back to square one. i want to get back to more af days, but again, i'm scared i will have withdrawals. this was my major hurdle when i began modding and af back in september. i had an irrational fear of seizures from withdrawals. i had been drinking pretty much every night for 5 years, 1-4 drinks a night, with no AF days.
NOW, i want to do AF tonight, but I'm scared I'll have a seizure cause I've been practically binge drinking for a month.
ugh. i could use some help again.