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Cross Addiction

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    Cross Addiction

    AF since Jan.1. Worrying about cross addiction. I am realizing that I am going to need to watch my shopping. I am getting all these fabulous ideas about home decoration. My ideas could end up costing a lot of money. When I was drinking I didn't really care and now I am having these Martha Stewart type ideas. Oh well. Maybe its ok because I'm probably saving about $100/week from stopping al. I guess my motivation is back! YAY! Today I am working on my two year old's room as he smashed holes in the wall with his rocking chair and ripped off his wall paper border. Its really a good feeing to clean up one's life and one's house. Truthfully I am feeling a bit wired. I guess its my brain sorting itself out.

    Cross Addiction

    If it's keeping you busy and distracting you from AL, I wouldn't worry about it. It's funny how much we will justify spending on AL, or use a credit card to pay for it if short of real money (yes, I actually did that). You've now got $100 a week for decorating - cool!

    Sounds fun, creative and productive, and bet your house is going to look great! And congratulations on your AF time!
    ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

    AUGUST 9, 2009


      Cross Addiction

      I agree with dancelot, newgirl! At least now you'll have something to SHOW for that hard-earned money... instead of it going down the toity. hehe.

      But I know what you mean - it's SO easy to justify spending money on AL (and also cigs for me - quitting that, too!!) --- yet I have to turn a $5 item that I need/want that would LAST over & over before I allow myself to buy it. Whassup w/that??!

      Guess that's addiction.

      As soon as I get back working & feel secure (??), I'll be going Nuts on redecorating, painting, etc. my place! I can't wait.

      And you mentioned my HERO, Martha Stewart!! (lol) I record her show every day.

      There, I admitted it: My name is Savon19 and I am a Martha Addict!!
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        Cross Addiction

        Your post made me laugh NewGirl because it reminded me of a time when I first decided to knock the drink in the head about 15 years ago. I ordered a credit card and went on a massive spending spree. I'd only had it for a about a month and swore I was only going to use it to buy the odd CD which I managed that first month. After the first month I was completely 'fixing' myself with it due to not drinking or using. Material things made me feel better about myself and as you mentioned I can see today that I was replacing the alcohol with the fix of having things I wanted rather than needed. I eventually ended up getting a tattoo done and splashing out on festival tickets where I ended up relapsing (of course!). The remaining money on the card I drew out and went on a massive drink and drugs bender.

        It's good to have distractions early on but be careful it doesn't take over and replace the alcohol. If it's money your saving due to your alcohol consumption then I wouldn't be too hard on yourself at this stage. Be very careful though and it's good you are aware of what you're doing. I never saw it coming!!

        Love and Light
        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
        Clean and sober 25th January 2009


          Cross Addiction

          I filled in the holes and painted the room and it sure looks nice. It is clean and tidy and fashionable. I am starting to feel like a "good" parent. Yesterday when me and hubby would usually have had our asses planted in front of the TV, drinking copious amounts of AL, we were working on a project together. What a lovely way to live! Come to think of it, in the last couple of weeks I have watched very little TV at all. I guess TV and booze went together for me.


            Cross Addiction

            Thanks for the heads up Phil. Part of the reason I stopped drinking is to live a heathier life. I sure don't want to get my act together in one area just to develop problems in another.

