MaryAnne I am so so happy that you pulled through. And are a miracle. Thank GOD.
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CowGal Update
CowGal Update
Where are you????? That's my first question!!! You know how much you are loved and cared for by reading all these are a miracle to even still be alive! Nothing is worth dying over!!!! Or, being a vegetable over! I am praying still that you get help coping with this, surely they gave you some resources right? You nearly nearly died....that's not a hiccup. Get someplace and find some peace, let the atty. take over, you just heal........Love you.......and don't think you are getting out of an ASS-WHUPPING from me! You have had me turned upside down over this, I love you, and I don't take this lightly! Do Not Go Back to the Habits and Drama that led up to this, if you can't help yourself, then make a call to wherever in Florida you can get help and support....even places in Texas help with divorce, family matters etc., for folks or women that can't afford it.....NO EXCUSES!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
CowGal Update
Amen, Tough, Amen. MA, I have numbers, possibilities, to help you, but its time to change. You're too beautiful, talented, and loved to stay down in the ditch anymore. We've all been off the Reservation a couple of times, but coming back is what's important. Love you.[/video]]YouTube - Alison Krauss-A Living Prayersigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
CowGal Update
MA, I don't know you but I have following this and praying for you. I am truly happy that you live and breathe this day and many many more in the future. I can understand the pain you were in, but I am certain you can see the pain that would been felt here let alone your family if you had you success in your attempt.
I don't enough about your marriage to ask why he is threating you with a restraining order when he was by your side and giving updates.
Just don't think about it, move ahead with an optimistic attitude. Karma will take care of everything else
CowGal Update
jessie;798068 wrote: : When the weight is too much even the strongest knees can buckle.
Cowgirl, I don't know you well as I post in a different area usually but my prayers certainly went out to you and your family and I'm so happy that you pulled through and are back with us - esp. posting again. Feel the love you got all of the posts. Listen to the songs folks shared. Bring your feet together with a grateful tap and don't forget "There's no place like home".
Eve11"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:
CowGal Update
Wow Cowgirl!
I am so grateful to know you are pulling through and have another chance at a healthful, creative, and happy life! I haven't posted here much, but prayers & candles daily. You were so kind to me when I first started to post (can it only be a week and a half ago?!?) I hope we can "talk" in the future, even if only thru this forum.
Wishing you strength and Grace,
"I fought against the bottle, but I had to do it drunk."
Leonard Cohen
CowGal Update
Girlfriend....I gotta say...WHY THE HELL didn't you call one of us???? If you ever feel it is just to much, you pick up the damn phone. One of us will be around. We are never alone. Don't be ashamed...get back on your feet. I love you!!!!!!!!!!Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
CowGal Update
Ok, you need to check in unless you are someplace you can't!!!! Where the heck are you????? We all love you, you better not scare us again! Tell us what's going on, and let us help if we can!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"