was waiting for my order to come in, which I noticed while in hospital, was unable to be delivered, want/NEED to read, fill myself w/ positive thoughts/feelings/emotions.....just don't know about being able to buy them, as I am worried about being able to pay rent/utilities/pc/ tv..............?????????.....I am just a mess right now, thanks Red, Dragonflies, and TIT,limeaa, dancelot, doggygirl, More2...............good to see some love here.............:h:h oh ant TIT!! thanks, WILL get through this................positive fluctuates w/ negative so often, am sure it is normal, will see psychiatrist tomorrow, start counseling this week or early next, waiting to hear from the counselor......................xoxo
good news today at least from neurologist, I am fine in the brain..............just don't feel it yet, he said it will take a few months, talk about patience.???!!need to start working on that too...................$$$ and all have me extremely stressed, eating peanut butter sandwiches, and whatever anyone takes me to lunch/breakfast for.................feel like a bum!!:upset: