See the b*&^ers are now telling us that calories from wine aren't as harmful as food calories............bah just as I've given up!!!
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calories and booze
calories and booze
Double whammy for me
I had the double or more than double whammy-- I had been in great shape for 37 years--iron will-- got pregnant and went wild-- party in my mouth every day-- gained 80 lbs with one baby, got post partum and THEN started drinking to "fall asleep" or relax (and self medicate)-- now still need to lose 40 more (lost 40) and realize what aproblem the drinking was in so many aspects-- not just the endless cycle of the hits to self esteem with the bad appearance but the total loss of any kind of control over my own life. I am just hoping that the weight will fall off (I have a sprained ankle right now so can not walk probably for another week) at least at first if I can stay alcohol free.
calories and booze
I remained the same weight from about 20 - 45, regaining my weight within months of having my babies, so why am I now 10 kg overweight (sorry can't quickly convert to pounds - about double). i was brought up short the other day, when someone on a TV programme said that if you drink a bottle of wine it's like eating a king sized block of chocolate all to yourself. This is something I would never dream of doing, and yet I can drink a bottle of wine to myself easily, and then eat carbs to offset the effects
calories and booze
stirly-girly;794394 wrote:
Hi Ladies. I read this thread, which I think most of us can relate to, since most of us gain weight from drinking and especially as we get over 40 :headbanger: I and it got me thinking of something I had seen lately and so I decided to make up a chart of caloric values according to what I?d read on the web. Note that with the consumption of 3500 calories more than you burn, you gain one pound of body weight. 7700 calories more than you burn means one kilogram for those of you using metric measures.
These are approximate average caloric values. There may be a slight difference between white and red wine as well as say between gin and whisky.
White or red wine, (12% alcohol content) 1 oz. - 20 cal.
White or red wine, per bottle - 770 cc or 26 oz. - 520 cal.
White or red wine, per bottle ? 1 litre - 680 cal.
Beer, regular, 12 oz. can (UK or USA) - 145 cal.
Beer, light, 12 oz. can (UK or USA) - 96 cal.
Whiskey, Gin, Vodka, etc. (80 proof -40% alcohol content) 1 oz. - 65 cal.
So, if you drink a 770 cc bottle of wine a day, you will consume 520 calories a day. In other words, about 4.6 pounds or 2.1 kilos per month.
A litre bottle of wine will give you 680 calories per day ? about 6 pounds or 2.7 kilos per month.
If you drink regular beer ? 6 cans a day ? 864 calories per day which means 7.6 pounds or 3.5 kilos per month.
If you drink light beer ? 6 cans a day ? 576 calories per day which means just over 5 pounds or 2.4 kilos per month.
Five, 1-1/2 oz. glasses of whiskey, vodka, etc. without the mixer such as tonic or OJ, equals 490 calories per day, which means 4.2 pounds or 1.9 kilos per month.
So, if you add up all those calories from alcohol plus the junk food we tend to eat as we drink?.ladies, that is a lot of calories. Not that it isn?t for men as well, it?s just that it is a well known fact that women gain weight easier than men and have a harder time burning up those extra calories. And it is the general opinion that men are able to carry a few extra pounds and get away with it while us women are immediately labeled as being ?heavy?.
So. if you?re trying to find a good reason for cutting back on your alcohol intake?print this out and post it where you can read it. Might just be the incentive you need. Certainly, when we try on a pair of jeans that no longer fit us, :sigh: it will give us something to think about anyway.
Much love,
StirlyFor every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
calories and booze
I managed to mostly keep my weight the same as I'd exercise and eat right on my sober days. Occasionally I did put on the odd couple of stone if I went through a heavy drinking stage as I 'eat' when I drink - bit like comfort eating, but I'd lose it once I gained control over the drinking again . Once or twice I lost weight dramatically say 10 lbs in 10 days when I was drinking Vodka in such quantities I was sick most of the time and so sloshed I'd forget to eat. Last year I just threw the towel in drank continuously for almost 6 weeks and ate takeaways every night - sometimes 2 in one night. That whacked on a lot of weight and this time as I was no longer working out, I also lost a lot of muscle so result was a much softer me. One thing I did notice was that my periods returned properly (they can be a bit on and off even at 'normal' weight as I'm naturally quite athletic).
Anyway I'm now looking forward to loosing a few dress sizes and getting fit again although I still have my old injuries!!!Inspite of the rest I've had.
Regards kcals I though the kcal count was around 700kcals for a bottle of wine as 1 125ml glass has between 90 and 130 kcals depending upon strength and there are 6 such measures in a 750ml bottle.
calories and booze
Ukblonde;841168 wrote:
Regards kcals I though the kcal count was around 700kcals for a bottle of wine as 1 125ml glass has between 90 and 130 kcals depending upon strength and there are 6 such measures in a 750ml bottle.
Anyway, there are a lot of empty calories consumed with AL and whatever we eat while we drink having no control over either...For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
calories and booze
I haven't lost any weight the times I quit drinking. Hard to believe when you eliminate your Alcohol calorie intake. I kept my skinny figure until 52 years old, then put on 60# in one year! Lost it again, then 6 years later in this marriage, put on 45#. I'm now losing weight, taking care of my health, and AF. Will be work to get it off but hate looking like this! It happened both times with lack of self esteem in marriages with cheating husbands. Says something about me!!
calories and booze
I weigh 20 lbs less than I did when I quit drinking 2 years ago. It is from a combination of eliminating the calories of drinking 2 plus bottles of wine per night; having more energy now that I don't drink, exercising more, and eating in a much more responsible and healthy way. I have to be very careful with sugar and it is best when I don't go near it at all. It is like alcohol for me. If I have a little, I want more.AF Since April 20, 2008
4 Years!!! :lilheart:
calories and booze
Hi MOMof3: so glad you said something about the sugar. Eversince I went AF in march, even tho I initially lost 7 lbs, the sugar/carb cravings have been off the charts and I'm slowing gaining the weight back. I think the sugar intake coupled with the horrible sleep patterns, have contributed to my bluer than usual moods these days and I'm now looking into how to control the sugar cravings. I'm on all the supplements but due to go off them next month as you're only supposed to take them for 6 weeks and I will be past that. I'll stay on the All One and the L-glut as well as the B complex. Lots of research ahead. I've ordered "Seven Weeks to Sobriety" from my library system and just waiting for it to come in from another non local library. It's supposed to have a great eating plan in it to get your body back in balance. For now all I want to do is eat eat eat!!New Birthday: May 8, 2010
"Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe
KO the Beast!!
calories and booze
Keep up the great work! I did the 7 weeks to Sobriety when I was AF for about 4 months. I bought all of the supplements, took them, etc for 7 weeks. I believed it really helped reset me. It's good that you are keeping up with the L-Glut. The sugar cravings for me were intense at the beginning but they do get better. Now, they come and go so I stay away from sugar, even in ingredients such as yogurt, salad dressings, etc. I use liquid stevia as a sugar substitute.AF Since April 20, 2008
4 Years!!! :lilheart:
calories and booze
thanks M3-how do you stay away from yogurt? It's such a staple in my life and the only dressing I like is ranch!! :upset: Someone else said to cut out the caffeine but I can't do that, not yet. I only have a cup of tea in the morning and a Diet Coke at lunch but i'm trying to switch over seltzer. Sigh. Bad enough giving up AL.....New Birthday: May 8, 2010
"Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe
KO the Beast!!
calories and booze
Yup, Yogurt is a staple for me to. I buy Greek Yogurt (Fage or Oiko brans). There are no added sugars. I put a few drops of stevia or a little bit of honey in it with fruit.
There are some ranch dressings out there that don't have a ton of sugar (1 - 3 grams).
Can't give up the coffee either. Never the coffee.AF Since April 20, 2008
4 Years!!! :lilheart:
calories and booze
Oh, I do like the greek yogurt-expensive but I like it. I'm thrilled to report my Bolthouse Farms Ranch Dressing only has 2 grams of sugar in it!! Yippee!! So tonite I do my research on low sugar eating and tomorrow nite I'll shop for it. How many grams of sugar a day do you try to stay below?New Birthday: May 8, 2010
"Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe
KO the Beast!!