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still scared of withdrawals

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    still scared of withdrawals

    well, this is getting ridiculous, i know. and i know that most of you won't understand, because yes, it is an irrational fear. I have these. It's part of my ocd and anxiety disorder. and i'm so mad that it has crept into my life like this.

    I am still scared to go AF because of withdrawals. I'm not afraid(although not looking forward to it)of the smaller things like headaches and sleeplessness, but I am terrified of the shakes and seizures that "could" happen.

    I need more reassurance before I try an AF day. So, here is my story for those of you who haven't heard this all before.

    I'm 44, female about 110 pounds for the past probably 5 years, i have had a drink pretty much every night. sometimes one, usually two, weekends, 3 or occassionally 4. i am very precise with pouring, so these are standard drinks(5 oz wine, 12 oz beer). last october, i came here and got the courage to taper down and go af. I did. I went AF for 4 days in a row, then had minimal weekend drinks, then did 4 days af again. then i went back to drinking pretty much every day with only ONE AF day per week. I thought I was past the scare of withdrawals, but then, december came. I had only 1 AF day in December, then I was drinking everyday again. usually 2-3 a night.
    so, now i'm mad because I'm scared of the withdrawals again, and have to taper down again to avoid the fear. I just want to go AF for a few days and this irrational fear is making me put it off.
    So, here's the scoop, maybe you can tell me (again)that I won't have any serious withdrawals....

    I have been tracking my drinks since I began tapering
    2 jan 11
    2 jan 12
    2 jan 13
    2 jan 14
    2 jan 15
    2 jan 16
    4 jan 17
    2 jan 18
    2 jan 19
    1.5 jan 20
    1.5 jan 21
    2 jan 22
    3 jan 23

    now, since i had 3 last night, i'm scared to go down to ONE let alone go AF. i have been having headaches for the past couple of days and i don't know if it's stress or alcohol withdrawal! i'm so scared that it's alcohol withdrawal and that "means" that i would have more serious withdrawals if I go cold turkey! should i taper for the next few days? i'm just not sure if you drink 4, then 3, then 2, then 1 like 4 days in a row if that is a long enough taper. how long should one taper, i guess is my question

    i know, i know, most of you will say, well, you have to take the leap. just do it and deal with the seizure if it happens. or, you might say, please, you are just using the "seizure" scare to keep drinking. I'm really not. I'm really scared. I need advice from MWO because I know that you can help me. It helped me before in October.

    wow. well, if you've gotten this far in my long ass post, thanks! lol

    still scared of withdrawals

    Anxiety is a terrible thing to deal with. It has always led me to have "worst case scenario" thinking.
    I have never tapered but I have quit cold turkey after drinking daily for months on end. Let me also add that I was drinking way more than 4 drinks per day. I have quit several times and have never had a seizure or anything major happen.
    Quitting did cause me some anxiety for the first week or so but I can't tell you how much better I feel after not drinking for a month.
    Exercise-even a walk-really helps reduce my anxiety. I also take a lot of vitamins and supplements. Herbal teas and detoxing baths made me feel better as well. I don't know where you are located but Super Supplements has some nice bath salts with cleansing herbs.
    I know you are really scared-I was too. Now it seems kind of strange to me that I was so scared of withdrawals-I should've really been freaked out by what the alcohol was doing to me.
    Good luck on your journey-you can do this!
    Jackie M


      still scared of withdrawals

      Letgo, personally, I wouldn't worry. Go back down to one drink and then quit. Jackie M gave good advice. Are you informed about eating well, hydration, supps, anti-anxiety ideas, etc?
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        still scared of withdrawals

        jackie(that was my wonderful mother's name thanks for sharing.
        i wish i didn't have the anxiety about quitting. it's hard to explain to people, so i'm so glad you "got it".
        i think that i should have not allowed myself 3 drinks last night! i need to stick to 2 for a week straight, then 1.5, then 1. but you know, the weekend and my hubby's bday got in the way! ugh. i am going to start back to my 2 tonight, and for this whole week, then i'm down to 1.5 for all of next week, then, 1, then NONE. just wish it wouldn't take so long.

        thanks green for your encouragement too. i do exercise and drink alot of water. need to try to eat better.

        thanks y'all. forgive me if you hear me asking for reassurance again and again til i get thru this


          still scared of withdrawals

          When I quit I was drinking about 20 ounces of vodka a day. It wasn't pretty for a few days. I felt like hell. but no seizures. Honestly if you are truly worried about seizures I would bet the farm you aren't going to have any.You simply aren't drinking that much to have them. I'm sure you are drinking enough for it to affect your life but I don't think you need to taper or anything like that. Drink A LOT of water and eat well.


            still scared of withdrawals

            My friend, I would never go cold turkey myself, taper down if you can.

            Brain damage, seizures? Not worth the risk.

            I have GAD and slight OCD myself but it isn't those I offer advice from, it's from having been through three inpatient detoxes myself, and hearing what they said.

            Taper, but never go go cold turkey.

            All the best my friend

            I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


              still scared of withdrawals

              I'm not sure how much more tapering you can do, Letgo.

              You are at or close to the recommended amount a day for a woman.

              Why don't you try going a day without drinking? Just one.

              I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

              AF April 9, 2016


                still scared of withdrawals

                eight days a week;795713 wrote: My friend, I would never go cold turkey myself, taper down if you can.

                Brain damage, seizures? Not worth the risk.

                I have GAD and slight OCD myself but it isn't those I offer advice from, it's from having been through three inpatient detoxes myself, and hearing what they said.

                Taper, but never go go cold turkey.

                All the best my friend

                How much were you drinking? I think as posted 4 at the most would not lead to brain damage nor need tapering.


                  still scared of withdrawals

                  letgo, you really will be alright. I was terrified of withdrawals too. But to ease your anxiety, tapering sounds good. Be religious about eating well, exercise, lots of water and supps. Do you feel comfortable shortening it a bit though? Say 3 or 4 days at each level? If you do as you say, that's still 3 weeks of every day drinking. Just a thought.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    still scared of withdrawals

                    i don't usually drink more than 4. occassionally, maybe 3 times in the past year, i have had 5 and ugh, regretted that the next day. 4 is tops for me. i'm usually a tad hungover if i have 4. 3 is more my norm.


                      still scared of withdrawals

                      letgo, you are doing great!

                      This is not medical advice, but if you can stick to your plan (and assuming you are telling the truth about your consumption), I believe you will have NO problem.

                      From what I know as a result of extensive personal research and extensive personal experience, seizures only occur if you are a heavy drinker (like I was) and you go cold turkey.

                      I'm not a medical person, but, based on your drinking record, I would bet a million dollars that you will not have a seizure, even if you went cold turkey. In fact, there are a lot of alcoholics who would consider your drinking pattern to be "moderating".

                      But as greenie says, good nutrition (plus lots of supps) is key.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        still scared of withdrawals

                        i really am telling the truth.

                        no point coming here for advice if i'm lying

                        thanks to all of you. it makes me feel so much better.


                          still scared of withdrawals

                          I think you'll be fine. Stick with your plan. It's a beautiful thing to not be controlled by AL.


                            still scared of withdrawals

                            letgolaughing;795722 wrote: i really am telling the truth.

                            no point coming here for advice if i'm lying

                            thanks to all of you. it makes me feel so much better.
                            Well then, if you you want to, just go cold turkey.

                            On the other hand, if you are certain you can keep to your schedule, I think you will have no problem detoxing that way. Tapering down is actually the best way for the body -- it's just that most real alcoholics can't do it.

                            I've only ever managed to do the tapering down by engaging my husband to be the one who doles out the daily dose.

                            If you can manage to follow your plan by yourself, I truly believe you will suffer very little from withdrawal.

                            Good luck (and I don't think you'll need much "luck" if you follow your own plan)!
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                              still scared of withdrawals

                              beatle;795724 wrote: Well then, if you you want to, just go cold turkey.

                              On the other hand, if you are certain you can keep to your schedule, I think you will have no problem detoxing that way. Tapering down is actually the best way for the body -- it's just that most real alcoholics can't do it.

                              I've only ever managed to do the tapering down by engaging my husband to be the one who doles out the daily dose.

                              If you can manage to follow your plan by yourself, I truly believe you will suffer very little from withdrawal.

                              Good luck (and I don't think you'll need much "luck" if you follow your own plan)!
                              Been there done does that suck!

