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Supplements for energy or other ideas? Xtexan? CV1?

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    Supplements for energy or other ideas? Xtexan? CV1?

    Good morning all -

    I seem to be going through a real low energy period right now. Does anyone have any ideas regarding supplements or other things that help raise your energy level? I don't exercise like I should - I've heard that helps but it's hard to carve out time for it and when I get home from work I'm too tired - Any ideas would be very appreciated! Thanks and have a good Tuesday!
    Trish In Omaha

    Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
    Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
    Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
    : Humility.

    "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood

    Supplements for energy or other ideas? Xtexan? CV1?

    Hi Trish:

    I have a major customer in today at work, so I won't be able to peruse and post much today.

    Anyway, low energy slumps are difficult to ramp out of.

    Remember, supplements are really not food in themselves, but only supplements to food.

    Think of food as the fuel, and the supplements as the spark plugs to ignite the fuel, to use a car engine analogy.

    Remember, first and foremost, to get good high quality carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into your system first. Many, many books out there on nutrition, and they all have common advice. Most say to eat more food that is not processed so much. Myself, I try to get as much stuff in the produce section as I can when shopping. You would be surprised at what a well balanced meal of fruits, vegetables, 100% whole grain breads or rice, plus a little meat protein will do. Chinese buffet restaurants serve a lot of these things in this manner, so you can pick what you want. Remember, balance is the key to all this. So much for the fuel.

    In the past, I used the All One powder myself, in a glass of vegetable juice, and it took a little bit, but the energy boost was significant. The main vitamins for energizing ones system, especially a drinker, are the B group. A good quality B vitamin can have astounding results. I think the program advocates a B50 type pill, and I personally use a B100 a few times a week these days.

    Low energy, and fatigue are also caused I have found, by accumulation of waste in the body that it is struggling to eliminate. Alcohol tends to cause this to happen as well. Hangovers, are your bodies way of telling you that you just poisened yourself with toxic chemicals. I use a fiber supplement in addition to higher fiber foods. Lots of water, and lots of fiber. Fiber supplements are very common, such as psyllium husk powders, like metamucil.

    Those are just a few things. One other thing, when starting to exercise, so many folks overdo it to start, and try to do it all in just one or two sessions. No good. Won't work. When I started, I just took a quick 15 minute walk up and down the street at a fairly quick pace. Thats it to start. Exercise done in the right amount, at the right time, will give one energy you did not know you had. Too much, will tire you out, and burn you out. Thats why most people quit programs they just began. Too much, too soon. Later on, as one progresses, I found that I could make time the healthier I got. Its slow going, but I had patience, and the experience of past programs that failed, because I got too ambitious.

    That's about all I have for now. Just for starters. Hope you can get jump started!



      Supplements for energy or other ideas? Xtexan? CV1?

      ok im not xtexan or cv. but i do know that when im tired if i take a tablespoon of honey it perks me right up! hey man, my motto " keep it simple stupid" the easier you make it the more likely you are to do it.hope this helps you! :H


        Supplements for energy or other ideas? Xtexan? CV1?

        sydney here... That is some of the best sound advice I have heard. You know I know most of it all. Have heard it all 100 times, but you put it in a very concise easy to understand and readable format. Thank You for taking the time out of your very busy day to help us. That speaks volumes to me about your character. : - ) The exercise advice you posted .......... a light bulb just went on for me. I have always tried and "Burned OUt" shortly thereafter. Reason Being, is because when I do something, there is no middle ground. I have to do it all the way, or what is the point. It is the greatest assett I have, but at times is my greatest weakness. I realized after reading your post that to succeed, I will have to do exactly what you have said. Start slowly, and be patient!!! My expectations are always set so high for myself , that if I am not running a mile in a week or two I feel somehow inadequate , and I give up. But you have lived it, you have done it , and I trust what you are saying. Thank You. You know how sometimes you read something and it is like WOW, an epiphany. Well my friend, that happened for me today.


        :h Syd


          Supplements for energy or other ideas? Xtexan? CV1?


          Everything Xyten said is great. One thing that helps me get energy is a powder called Green Vibrance that has all kinds of vitamins and some herbs in it. It perks me up. I get it a Mrs Green's but I'm sure other healh food stores have it.

          Good luck!



            Supplements for energy or other ideas? Xtexan? CV1?


            Honey will perk you up for the short term. It's sugar! With a trace of vitamins in it. But i am for "whatever works" for each individual.

            all the best,



              Supplements for energy or other ideas? Xtexan? CV1?

              I've been doing lots of reading and experimenting. A protein snack should pick you up in the way coffee does, not as high but longer lasting.
              I've found that Rejuvelac gives me energy and I can go a morning with a run on half a pint, whereas eating a piece of toast and doing the same knackers me out. Check out Sproutman or Ann Wigmore for a receipe (if not I'll be back tomorrow with one)
              I used to think that running had to be done every couple of days but recently I've started running once a week with a friend and we are amazed by the progress. It seems to have the advantage of enough time to recover between runs. Twice a week would probably be better.
              I also remember ten years ago my partner getting me out running after work when I was tired out and even though I ran half asleep with my eyes shut I felt better later.
              Rest is essential, try not to do too much.
              Good night
              Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                Supplements for energy or other ideas? Xtexan? CV1?


                I like that word epiphany. You know I rushed through that post, just flying from the heart and mind.

                My favorite word in the English language is....transcendance.


                You hit something that is so important!! REST! It takes a quiet mind, and a still body to recover from any traumatic stress. Emotional, mental, or physical.

                I have slowly learned to listen to my bodies signals during this last run of sobriety. I have found that a sober mind, and AF body, is much better at listening and feeling what these old bones of mine have to tell me.

                My current program, I may rest only a day between workouts. Looking at my calendar for the past nine months, there are gaps of two weeks, and one gap of three weeks. There are workouts clustered together in clumps. Looking at it gives me insight, as I record my workout stats in a little book just for that purpose.

                I too, have noticed that the gains are made in those gaps. Reading much material on athletic web sites, I find that over training is a killer. If in doubt....STOP. It can cripple a professional athlete for months.

                In my continuing recovery, its so important to be flexible with myself, and not regimented. I MUST listen to the things my emotions, and body are telling me. This is not so easy. Some days, like today, I only feel like doing some light stretches. I have an inner ear infection right now, and my balance is screwed up. So going out running or bicycling would be just plain dumb for me. Laying on the floor, doing stretches is the ticket for today. Stretching is so important, and so underrated in its effect on the physical body in relieving stress.

                I hope to write another essay for holistic on just the topic of stretching the muscle groups alone. It deserves every bit of importance as any other element of a physical development program.

                So glad you brought up the rest element. Thats where the real healing and building are.



                  Supplements for energy or other ideas? Xtexan? CV1?

                  i just have to say it.. all the bees cannot be wrong.grrrrr!


                    Supplements for energy or other ideas? Xtexan? CV1?

                    Yes but a bee during the honey season only lives a couple of weeks, the lucky ones who are born late get to over winter and rest, if they are female that is, all the males are chucked out. Give me rest any day
                    Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                      Supplements for energy or other ideas? Xtexan? CV1?

                      Thanks for all your replies!

                      Thanks so much for all the great replies. There are some really good suggestions here which I intend to try. I did notice one thing X - Monday - which was an especially low day - I didn't have a proper lunch - we had snack stuff at work that day and I never really ate lunch just a bunch of "junk". Yesterday I had breakfast and lunch and had a much better day in terms of energy level. I had also slacked off on my supplements which I intend to go back on today. Thanks again guys! As always, y'all are the best! Have a good day.
                      Trish In Omaha

                      Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
                      Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
                      Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
                      : Humility.

                      "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood

