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my friend down the street

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    my friend down the street

    He is not really my friend i have never met him ,but let me tell you the story anyway.a few days ago i was in chat and i needed to go to the store . it was very early in the morning.....on my way back there was a man that had fallen off his bike. i slowed down to see if he was ok only to find that he was looking for a bottle of jim beam he had dropped. now i dont mean a small bottle either.i thought wow its a little early! i came home and told this story to my friends in chat to find well they thought that because i was getting better so i could see the maddness of it all. soon after this i saw him again....this time walking bike, its quite a walk in florida even in the morning,you know its hot here! I feel this poor mans pain. he is maybe in his mid 40's still gets his hair cut, must have had a life can just tell by looking at him.i cry when i see im now just that i know what he is going through and dam what my neigbors must think of me.when im done with my book im gonna leave it at his door..poor soul is already soooo lost it just makes me sad. i can see this man with a famiy friends ,a job, all lost ,sigh!

    much love to you(and me)

    my friend down the street

    Hi Mojo,
    Your writing a book? Of your experiences? When will it be ready.
    Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


      my friend down the street

      sober this is a real man i see. he lives down the street from me. im sure we could all write a book if we wanted.

      much peace to you


        my friend down the street

        Mojo, I think what goingsober is asking (and I was wondering too) is if you are writing a book because you made the comment when im done with my book im gonna leave it at his door. Are you talking about a book you are writing, the MWO book, or something else?



          my friend down the street

          sorry with mwo out book. i really thought this was gonna be inspiring. quess not.


            my friend down the street

            Mojo, If you know where he lives I think it would be very nice of you to leave a book for him. It is so sad to see in other peoples what we choose to not see in ourselves, and when we realize we are not much different from them it is a real eye opener!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              my friend down the street

              Actually, it is inspiring - that could be us if we didn't have each other! We just thought you were an up and coming author and wanted to say "we knew you when". :H

              So many times, we look at someone's actions (drinking) and not think of the person underneath. How many times have we judged other people by their actions and not stood back and looked at the whole picture?

              Makes you think. . .


                my friend down the street


                I'm so glad you shared your story! We truely wish we could bring everyone along with us to this better place! But only when they are ready. That is the hardest thing for me to accept.

                Writing a book isn't a bad idea! Brainey!
                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                  my friend down the street


                  I totally know where you are coming from, one of my neighbours roots through the bottle bank first thing in the morning,Ihave tryed to speak to her but she gets abusive, what a wonderful world,I dont think



                    my friend down the street

                    i have left the book at his door.... i hope it helps!


                      my friend down the street

                      oh sad. maybe u should leave a book for her


                        my friend down the street

                        is there an update on your neighbour? I think I maybe can see me in this man's position in another ten, twenty years time. This is a very sad story.
                        Lol, Pinkmilk


                          my friend down the street

                          :wings: My hope is that I DO NOT SEE HIM IN THE MORNING on my way to work,which is his time to pick up his bottle. I'll tell when i get home!


                            my friend down the street

                            Honey its been 5 days. I have all the time in the world to wait. He has no idea who i am. It took me 6 weeks here to take my first abs day. I just hopes he make it till 830 instead of 800 any progress would make me happy really it would.:l .I cry for him every time i see him.:boohoo:

