Geez. Miss B ... I'd be tearing my hair out by now. Fantastic that you're not having the inclination to drink. Imagine dealing with all that stuff in a hung-over state ... shudder.
No announcement yet.
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
tawnyfrog;799808 wrote: :H :H :H :H Like ... How did THAT happen???
sorry, sometimes think my mind has a logic of its own ........Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
Peeky Boo folks,
Missy B...I hear ya and I hope I 'trip over' the right bloke one day......actually think I might belong in the proper country....see how I go there.
Mr's it all going ?.....I often think about you in this journey. It's hard in the short term...that's for sure....but I reckon sometimes even harder in the long term.....anyway, we've had this discussion......
How was yer day folks ?If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
Rejoined life 20/5/19
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
Evening all,
Well, sighted my first white tail for a long time the other day in the backyard. Didn't think i had the little bugger's around here. Anyway, i was faced with the choice, but collected the little fella, and put down the end of me yard, probably to be bitten at a later date, as i'm alway's barefoot in and around the house, but, it was an act of faith. I simply said to him....'Bro, don't feck with me, and i wont feck with you, ok? ok. (otherwise, your family get's it! was the implication)
Hang in there Missi!
Bridgos, All is very grand here thank's. Work is exceedingly busy, but i'm loving it, and have the opportunity to make a little difference to a life, everyday, so it's right up my alley.
Making a fair bit of music too, and more is firmly on the agenda. Powering along at about 15 mths af, with no intention of drinking for a long time yet, if ever. I never say never, for my own reason's, but al is not an option i feel attracted to at present. I'm achieving so much, and kicking arse so much in my own life, and having too much of a great time to bother myself with any thoughts of drinking again. It really doesn't interest me right now, and of course, i know within, that i'd seriously run the risk of undoing all the great stuff i've got going in the last year or so.
So............. Lot's and lot's to do yet, and loving, and appreciating the journey! I am a very grateful fella.
You seem to be powering along well Jonesy? How are thing's? Enjoying yourself? How's your attitude? What's your attitude?
A safe sober evening to all...........
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
Ello G!
Sorry, have been awaiting my 'moment' glad to read yous are all well as ever
I'm.. puttering along.. not modding.. not quite splat but somewhere inbetween. Figuring how to remake the rules here. Main thing is I'm XTREMELY BUSY and FAT.
Unhappy about all that but otherwise life is sweet!
Never forget that.
Wishing the best to everyone for a great day tomorrow!!!
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
Morning gang,
Crappiest sleep for a while; the temp didn't seem to drop at all so I thrashed around all night looking for the coldest pillow on which to place my fever'd brow.
I shall return when I have something interesting to say. I may be some little time ...
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
In that case Hornos, speak to you around 2020.......:H (emoticon thingy might just save my ass)
Good to hear from you Fick's!
Be well, and be hyappy friend's! Oh, the weather the weather.............
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
Aussie N - congrats on the new job. I reckon shift work would really stuff me nurses, you're so bloody giving. Huge admiration for you lot.
Sky - you made it to 30 days?? Woo-friggin-hoo girl.
Cinders - so good to see you dropping hearing from you!! (I'm lazy, I rarely venture outside this halowed room now- time of the essence & all)
Zenny - likewise lovey - always good to see ya.
Bridgey - (almost called you Bridey!! Ha!) no no no man is worth games 'n shit, straight up is the way to go I reckon.
Ficks - you had some man in the shower?? Is he a new lurver??
And youse others...G-spot, Hawny, Ronster, Regious et all...have a great one.
PS Haven't had a chance to read everything so I apologies, profusely, if I've missed summat big in someone's life. I shall do me homework this eve.
PPS Reminds me - little Cakes starts 'big school' today. Off to take obligatory photos...poor boy, 12 yrs of school ahead of him...
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
Morning Hipsters.
Well Mr G.....
Have been battling with myself for days now.
Back to the same old juvenile foot stamping thing....wanna drink....wanna drink.....wanna drink (grow up shit head)
So last night I had a couple of Vodkas with my mate and her hubby. These people I call my 'Last Bastion' because I no longer have a drinking relationship with anyone else in my life.
I ROOLLY like these two, but it will have to be addressed.
That was my first booze for bloody ages, but that's fine, I'm not prepared to be beholden to numbers (as in day counts)
But then I came home and thought....hmmmm.....2 Vodkas won''t even get me off for a start, and in fact only piqued my interest for more (duh) and is not getting me where I want to go with my health goals.
That's a very long winded way of saying.......that I think I'm starting to actually BELIEVE my own publicity..........
Ficks must come to the light side.
This low carb Atkins thing is doing wonders, and helping immensely with the grog cravings. Except for yesterday. :H
Hope one and all are powering along.
Yer right stuffing around with menfolk for this little black duck either.If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
Rejoined life 20/5/19
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
Morning all
Angle I hope you little one enjoy's big school today
Bridget....Well done for sticking to only 2 drinks (I think) im not sure if you were trying to go A/F or modding but well done anyway. are you doing? are you going to join me in going uptp 60 days A/F? will have to try and get a little nap in during the day....if your not to busy....
Mr G......well what can I say.....your a top bloke
And a big hello to Fickle and miss behaving and anyone else that I have forgot to mention
I am trying to type fast as I have to take my boys to school.
Well yet another day of housework but then hopefully my house will be sparkling, I do love a clean house.
Hope you all have a wonderful day:dancin:enguin:
starting over
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
End of the work day and I'm killing some time before swim squad ..... if I go home first I will not get there!!
Ronnie - we all love a sparkling clean house, just that not all of us are disciplined enough to make it happen! Sounds like you have lots of energy.
Angel - hope your little boy had a great day at school!
Bridge ..... what you said about 1 or 2 just piquing your interest is what happens to me. After about a week or so I get into the swing of things, and start to have periods of time when I' not thinking about it. But even just one on any day brings it right to the front of my head again.
And Tawney ............. I think everything you say is interesting (where is the sucky-upy emoticon??!! :H)
hello everyone else as well ..... wont list you all in case I miss someone out!
I have to say, I tried the low-carb thing and just about went insane ... hungry all the time!!! I have completely cut out wheat though (have no allergeis or anything like that, but I've heard a few people swear by in terms of changing moods. I'm a little sceptical, but we'll see) and mainly getting carbs from rice, quinoa and corn.
And we have Mum all sorted again for the trip! Has been a mission and a half to organise, but once I drop her off at the nursing home where she is going to stay I'm going to enjoy a couple of weeks of not being the primary caregiver!!
have a lovely evening all ...... hope it is as pleasant at it is hereNever give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
Hiya MissB - you are now my bff.
Mr G isn't too big to put across my knee. He's going to get such a whompin'! Just wait till his father gets home ...
Just been reading the papers. Apparently a 33y-o mother gave her 5y-o son four or five shots of homemade grappa. The kid was taken to hospital and it was discovered that he had a BAC of .09. And I quote:
"Kylie Eastwood told police she "just wanted to have a drink with her son because he likes his alcohol", the Latrobe Valley Magistrates' Court at Morwell was told."
What the hell can you say to that?