Gratz Spam!!!
No announcement yet.
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
Spam;810185 wrote: PASSED!!
"Oztrayans all let us ring Joice
For she is young and free"
Evening all.
Ronnie, thinking of you mate. Just quietly your husband sounds like a tool
What's on the menu tonight peeps?? I'm making ceviche - fresh, healthy, light & no cooking involved (well, the fish cooks in lime juice)
TF "My Brother Jack" - have heard of it, will see if the library has a copy when I finish the current tome - it's massive.
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
Angel - I've been having a run on this. It's pretty addictive: Chang's Fine Asian Foods :: Recipes
I add a continental cucumber and chili flakes. Yummo. No cooking, great for summer nights and crunchy as.
Good, productive day had here. MissB, ... how's your world today?
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
Yum ... if I can bring myself to eat the cabbage. Have a glut of lettuce in the garden and will use that instead.
Spam - congratulations!!! (even thought the idea of a citizenship "test" is completely against my principles!!)
And Ronnie ...... how dignified you are being. Be proud of yourself (even if you secretly fantasise about Bridge's pruning saw!)
ok here Tawny ... a bit reflective. Doing some "homework" for the counsellor. Actuallly she is more "therapist" than "counsellor" and I'm finding it much more useful. Main challenge is the idea of needing some sort of spiritual/reflective time in my life ........ when am I supposed to fit this in???!!! :H And coming from a very crazy and chaotic Irish Catholic tradition I have some in-built resistance!! (I laugh now, even as very little kids, us Irish Catholics kids were so jealous of the Italian Catholics .... who had much better food and whose parents were very glam; and the Polish Catholics ... who had fabulous dancing and festivals and whose families always seemed to really like being together!!)
The littlest kitten is hanging on in there .... 128gms vs 186 - 212gms for the rest of them. Am giving her one-on-one time with Mum for a couple of hours every day .... she is now gaining some weight but only a little at a time. But she is a bit of a fighter and I dont think she is going to give up just yet!! and am naming them tonight ...... now that I can distinguish them from each other!!Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
Official naming ceremony over. We have (in order of weight - lowest first):
Miss Adelaide
Ms Atlanta
Tobermory (although keep calling this one toblerone for some reason!!)
Madame Cholet
All cats asleep and I am about to join them. Not literally.Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
Evening all,
Congratulation's Spam! That's brilliant, and welcome!
Bridget, Mr. 'other 9%' here.........shameless, shameless 'hussy of the overflow'
Strength to all your kitten's Missios!
Best wishes Coach Ronnie, hang in there......;-)
Beaut pic Hornos, and thanks for all the recipe idea's folk's.
Sweet dream's and....................
That is all.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
Right now that I have tucked you all in I think I will have a lie down on the sofa
Not sure now if hubbie is having an affair as I threatened him and asked him to tell me the truth and he is still saying that he is not....but hey....time will tell and if I find out that he has lied to me...well god help HIM cause he will need it.
He has now left the house so hopefully I can start getting myself and my house in some sort of order, We both told are eldest son (9 yrs) tonight and he seems totally fine about it, I am going to tell the other two (7 yrs & 5yrs) tomorrow after school, as we have nothing on tomorrow night.
Right thats enough from me (for now anyway) and thanks sooo much for all your support and know I keep going on about it but I do truely mean it....your just the best people. xxxxxx:dancin:enguin:
starting over
The Next day Thread, February, 2010.
Arrggghhh ... ugly nights sleep last night. The tossing and turning kind. Decided to come into work really early (6:30!!) and get something that needs to be done out of the way. Have done that and now feel like going back home to bed!
Spam - we foster kittens for the SPCA. Look after them until they are about 800gms, at which point they get de-sexed and adopted out. It is immensely fun apart from anything else ...... although with big litters like this one, you can start to get a bit sick of cat poop towards the end!!
Ronnie - hugs
'spose you guys are all tightly tucked up. HAve a good day when you get here!Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe