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OK WHOS READY TO get your asses in gear!!!!!

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    OK WHOS READY TO get your asses in gear!!!!!

    cowgal come home .. we are here
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      OK WHOS READY TO get your asses in gear!!!!!

      This is not about me!

      I thought you only get paranoid when your drinking was i WRONG!

      MY friend is in a walk chair she is coming home from hospital today, so i will get to see her 2morrow. Im praying that she will beable to walk again. The young lad in my group session i mention last week that is only 24yrs he has pancreatitis, he cut right down on his drinking to 2cans or three cans a night but really he should of STOP altogether. HE is still in hospital in a coma (induced coma) im praying that he makes a full recovery.

      Yes PLEASE come home cowgal you are very much missed.:l
      Formerly known as Teardrop:l
      sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
      my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


        OK WHOS READY TO get your asses in gear!!!!!

        copy an paste!?

        I , as usual started an asses in gear for I didn't see this....................could someone tell me how to copy and past? I will try in the meantime...............

        Thought I saw this earlier, if there is one started forgive me as I am still not all here, coming back from the dead is a little rough! Hope everyone is ok....

        Lots&lots of love, care, and hugs...... Oh and thanks!!

        Mary Anne
        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          OK WHOS READY TO get your asses in gear!!!!!

          here is y post from today, duh!!!??

          Where is everyone??? I hope more chime in soon!! lots of love to you all, this is good exercise, it is so difficult just to type anymore!! cannot wait to see the horses this weekend, won't ride as my balance is still not the best,feeling really inadequate, but need to be patient w/ myself as everyone keeps least the first (supposedly hardest step is done)....................leaving...............tho I am hear doing laundry, as I have no facilities and he agreed that I could do this until I get some, whenever that may be..................

          lots of love, having a window chip repaired from a rock hitting it this am going to check if the person is here, if not, will check back asap before laundry is done..............

          Mary Anne w. LOTS AND LOTS of LOVE:h:l:h
          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


            OK WHOS READY TO get your asses in gear!!!!!

            just read everone,

            lots of newbies, forgive me w/ names, lucky I know mine at the moment, just learned I have to have my whole windshield replaced now, the crack grew and takes up 1/2 my windshield, m SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pissed about that as I have 101 million things to do on life's terms sucks at times, hopefully my laundry is done soon, so I can get my errands done and catch a quick nap before working all night...............

            love you guys, thanks for always being here, you have no clue what that means to me, all the #s are appreciated, just late calls that is all, wish you were all our west, would be easier on you, just let me know when you get tired, will appreciate any conversation to kill the time....................:thanks:

            xoxoxoxo Mary Anne:l:h:l
            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              OK WHOS READY TO get your asses in gear!!!!!

              awesome to have you back cowgal and was great talking with ya and please feel free to call anytime .. well im biulting a small baot and its coming out good so far .. i couldnt fine a plan to work with so im just letting the wood tell me what it whats to be and how it want to look .. doing thing rg style wetting the wood to bend it and holding and letting it dry in place .. amazing what you can do with a comealong .. but will post pic's as soon as i can .. well hope everyone is getting their ass in gear for friday .. stay strong and keep shifting in the right direction
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                OK WHOS READY TO get your asses in gear!!!!!


                Building a boat! That is a huge undertaking! It was grat to talk to u tonight too T, talked to ruby & bestlife& TIT, now what?!?! I dislike from now til 5, nothing doing!!! Will sleep like a rock tomorrow cuz of the windshield incident though, no worries there, and WILL take my welbutrin & no bac to take,,,,,,,,,

                I just want everyone to know it works if taken correctly, don't know if I was fed more than intended to take?! I was pretty low in a bottomless abyss tho and do not remember anything from a bad discussion w/ lawyer, started drinkinkg, this 110 lb body can't take much al or meds, it is truly a miracle, thanks to Carla and har talking about my horses holding my hand that brought me back according to my mom & sis, I moved one hand after they declared me dead, dr. said it was a reflex, then I moved the other one, then opened eyes, and kept asking for spaghetti to eat, what a miracle, and a slight nightmare after that for a while, just to have a new start, really need help putting things together this weekend, thanks to aa friends, they moved almost all my furniture AND donated $$ to me!!! I cannot beleive it, feel undeserving for sure!!!

                Glad to see you all, still fuzzy, catch and T, few others I recognize, this is more difficult than actually talking tho..

                Mary Anne
                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  OK WHOS READY TO get your asses in gear!!!!!

                  Mary ann good to see you posting and alive you have lots of good friends here that care love and support you..:l

                  Me im concentrating on me for once getting me better, it good that i go to my group session seeing real poeple in flesh and blood again and to open up a bit again is the hardest think for me to do the second time round, and to let of a bit of steam of where people undertand when they see your expression on your face ( it like they know, i have got some anger i suppose once that anger comes out i think the healing progress will begin) This will be my third week going to AA i finding it hard to talk, always have done even from a little child! my heart beats sooo fast, i wish i could control my heart beat and my nervers, in time i know that will come.

                  Everyone have a safe weekend L:hve to u all.x
                  Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                  sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                  my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                    OK WHOS READY TO get your asses in gear!!!!!

                    good morning catch and cowgal and everyone.. well im here at my ex's house this morning have some meeting in town .. hoping for work and it will come around .. but for now anyone knows how i can get this glue off my fingers .. when it dry's in turn blackand very hard to get off .. but oh well such is life and im having fun playing boat builder .. well any way have a great and safe friday everyone .. stay strong and keep thinking positive and shifting in the right direction ...
                    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                      OK WHOS READY TO get your asses in gear!!!!!


                      Good for u going to aa, u don't have to say a word, just listen, then we have what we call "the meeting after the meeting", go out for dinner, just a soda or coffee, then that is where the real friendships start, heck, I would not be moved in yet if it wasn't for those guys/guys!

                      Me, I am frustrated, cannot get my Internetset up, they send u a kit, an expect u to put it together?!?! I am not good at that or vcrs etc.. Need yo talk toy son or a guy/gal from aa who knows that crap, or I will never get online!!!! This is costing mr $50/mo too!!! They should have someone here to do it for me, right?!?!

                      Off to work, could use calls/ emails etc to keep me outvof trouble, am extremely tired already & not even there yet?!!
                      Lots of love, MA:h:l
                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        OK WHOS READY TO get your asses in gear!!!!!

                        Hi Cowgal
                        I know how you feel re technology... im hopeless! Im paying way to much for my internet but if I switch to another company I risk being without it for weeks so I just keep paying it. Need to fall in love with a geek next time to keep me right! I still cant program my video recorder either....

                        Hope you manage to stay awake at work.

                        Sending you lots of love :l
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          OK WHOS READY TO get your asses in gear!!!!!

                          my tech showed me how to get on here!

                          I can save my phone batteries, and get on here for awhile......................If my son cannot figure it out Tanya's husband is going to come over and fix it for me........... I just feel so crippled w/out my pc, I pay all my bills and credit cards etc on line.............this sux~!!:l

                          Hope all is well, drank some coffee, listening to some tunes, life is good, wait til 3-5 or so, that is when if any of u live out west could call, pm me and I will give u my #...................talking helps to keep me awake and pass the boredome..............a dear friend is taking me to breakfast and giving me a pic of his grey horse named Blue, that will be my project for next week, and I just found out a gal I used to ride w/ is meeting me there, we will talk since she has been divorced and just shared w/ me that she is having a prob w/ al.......................We call Joe our guardian angel, he just called each of us out of the blue, and we are both not feeling that well........................ran into Connie on my old road yesterday when taking my car to have the windsheild fixed, we talked breifly and hugged, but that was it til tonight.................just had a long teary good do have someone close w/ same issues...............:l

                          Hope you got the glue off T!! That is hard to do, don't know the answer.........

                          Lots of love to all,

                          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                            OK WHOS READY TO get your asses in gear!!!!!

                            ok this is what i have done so far built the sides ..wetting and bending the wood for the angles and havent decided on a v hull and a flat hull .. either way it will float or sink or be a great looking planter
                            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                              OK WHOS READY TO get your asses in gear!!!!!


                              It was nice talking to u too, phone charger at home, so saving battery, actually on a real pc that I have aboput 20 min on, then have to log off, then can back on in 10 min, really cool, beats the hell out of the iphone, tho I am not complaining........................hoping phone stays charged in case I need it , but have charger in car, so just another 7 hours to go, who knows, have fun w/ that boat!!


                              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                                OK WHOS READY TO get your asses in gear!!!!!


                                T, that boat is awesome looking so far, what talent!!

                                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

