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Feb - Getting MAD at the Monster Inside! REAL MAD!!!

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    Feb - Getting MAD at the Monster Inside! REAL MAD!!!

    Its that time gain... For another monthly "GET MAD AT THE MONSTER INSIDE RANT!!!" DON'T HOLD BACK - IT's YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO LET IT OUT. GET REAL MAD!!!!!!!!!!!

    Some people believe there are influences in our minds. And one of them is the thirsty "Monster". The Monster is evil, he tries to persuade you that AL is actually OK for you. But he lies, causing us to slip back into devastation. He is a very clever one. Even if you were AL free for many months / years he could say " have been so very good. You really deserve a nice drink - after all you proved yourself - you can take or leave it. So, why not just have "one" nice cold glass of beer/wine and relax". Another Lie! If you take that drink - it is a return to devastation cycle. He tries to trip you up when you least expect it. He says: "Look, I am so thirsty and I need AL now! Just get me one, And I promise I will leave you alone!" Another Lie! He can be very demanding at times. Ultimately our answers back to the monster's Lies are the KEY. And it some cases, It is more than useful to actually get MAD at him! REAL MAD!!! Tell him how you feel about him - how his lies ruined your life and stole precious time and happiness from you over the years. Tell him how weak he really is - and how strong you are now - to put him back in his place with WORDS. Tell him exactly how hes going to get weaker and die.

    OK, lets GO...Tell him how you really feel about him and his dirty tricks and lies. Let it go... Its important that you DON'T HOLD BACK - really give him a piece of you mind. Put him in his place - It will give you POWER and make you feel so much better....

    I will start:

    Monster, you have taken from me my happiness for many years, and I am so f*cking pissed. You slimly piece of sh*t no good rotten b*stard.. You no longer control me - I am not your slave. I don't listen to your sick lies any more - You are getting weaker and sicker - as I get stronger. Crawl away and under the rock which you came from and live the worms and maggots. You f*cking good for nothing slime-ball liar!

    Ahhh..that made me feel better...

    OK, guys and gals, your turn. CRANK IT UP HARD, DON'T HOLD BACK - Tell this MONSTER INSIDE where to go!!!
