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The return of the haircut

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    The return of the haircut

    Hello everyone.
    I don't know if anyone can remember but I last came on here just short of a year ago.
    It's had some ups and downs. But as an drinking year it's been one of my best ever.
    I had hoped to be alcohol free, but I wasn't...but there you go.

    I'm up to day thirty-one but I'm afraid to say I feel like absolute crap.
    I'm so tired I really don't know what to do.

    Could anyone please help with any diet tips or vitamins and minerals that can help.
    I'm taking ginseng at the moment and some magnesium water (don't ask)
    Keep on keeping on!

    The return of the haircut

    hi haircut i remember you,you could check out the fitness thread as there is great tips there for healthy living,hope you are achieving your goals and start to drop back here again.good luck

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      The return of the haircut

      Hi Haircut. Have you read the My Way Out book and program? There are specific diet, exercise and nutritional supplement recommendations right here! The program also includes Hypnosis CD's which I used at first and found helpful, in addition to the supplements (which I bought here and used according to the program), diet and exercise recommendations. A prescription drug Topomax is also suggested - that's the one part of the program I opted not to do so can't speak for that.

      Anyway, the book is only about $12 I think and you can download it and start reading right away.

      All the best to you!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        The return of the haircut

        Welcome back, Haircut! And contratulations on your first 31 days!

        That is amazing! I am approx. 22 mos. AF. I can remember thinking that it took alot longer to feel better, than I thought it should have taken. GRRR! I had abused my body for decades, so it is no wonder. It helps if you journal, daily. It is hard to remember exactly how you felt on day one. Your progress can be elusive when you are comparing how you feel today to yesterday. It can be helpful to go back and read your earlier entries. You will be amazed at what you forget. I would read and say, "Wow, I forgot about that! That symptom / discomfort is gone! Amazing!"

        I agree with checking out the fitness thread, great stuff there. But I would also suggest that you take a good multi-vitamin, extra vitamin D, omega 3 fish oil, & lots of water. Nothing new here. I did extra hot baths with epsome salts to help with the sweats and toxins. Plenty of rest, even if I couldn't sleep. I really pampered myself. Watch your diet. We can sometimes be plagued with cravings of other kinds, like sweets, carbs. Indulge yourself, but not too much. Good Luck! Sounds like you are off to a great start! Hugs!
        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


          The return of the haircut

          Hi Haircut...I remember you. Glad you came back...sorry about your crap year though.
          I love the All One powder (can only find it here but I think someone's got a cheaper source??) for energy & feel good.



            The return of the haircut

            Hi there FA. Good to see you back!
            Yes, I swear by the all one. I get it from Vitacost its much cheaper.
            Heres a link
            Buy Discount Vitamins, Supplements, Low Carb and More at
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              The return of the haircut

              Hiya FH, and good to see you!
              Can i ask you, what are you eating, and do you exercise, even walking, regularly? If so, how often and what do you do exactly. What are you eating exactly, say, in the last 7 day's, and when, and are you drinking water regularly, when, and how much?

              Best wishes, and plenty of water, and fresh fruit and vegetables.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                The return of the haircut

                I take the all one too. And I can tell a difference when I take it. Starty, that IS a good price. I'm interested in your answer to Guitarista, fantasy. Water intake makes a huge difference.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  The return of the haircut

                  Hi All
                  Hi Fantasy yes i also remember you here in the past. Welcome Back. It is good to hear that you had a good year.
                  One of the last posts I remember you writing was about going to a sporting match[soccer??] with your buddies and not sure about yourself in the situation. I was hoping you would have given us a follow up. Did it work or not??? the reason I bring it up is because this situation comes up all the time for people at the start of their sobriety. Should i go to concert football game party . I know it is different for everybody but if you see a few people waiting just a month and fail as opposed to some people waiting 2 months and having a better chance at success. It will help all in their decision making.
                  Well its great to see you back and committed to living a sober life. It removes so many problems from our lives.

                  Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                  AF 5-16-08
                  Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                  AF 5-16-08


                    The return of the haircut

                    Thanks everyone.

                    I'm eating well, loads of fresh fruit and veg, brown rice, fish, lean meat, chicken all good stuff. Very little junk and almost no chocolate...which in the past I've eaten loads of when coming off booze.
                    I'm having sugar in coffee, which is probably about as bad as it gets at the moment.

                    I'm drinking filtered water from a Britax and some fizzy stuff with added magnesium. About two or three litres a day.

                    Not a great deal of exercise...I'm just to tired out.

                    I think this is all good stuff, I'm trying hard to get things right this time.

                    Got to go, sorry!
                    I'll be back soon.
                    Keep on keeping on!


                      The return of the haircut

                      Caysea - that weekend went badly. The one with the football. The result was great, but...
                      I managed to pull myself together after a few days...which is something in it's self.

                      But, this weekend managed my first test. We had a some friends over and I didn't drink. I made some excuses and no-one said anything about it again.
                      It's funny but as I was sitting in the bath thinking about the evening ahead, I realised that with half an hour to go I'd have usually been half cut. As it was I'd made dinner whilst my wife was getting on her glade rags.

                      Does anyone have any actual diet plans. I'm desperate to try and stir up a bit of energy.
                      The only thing I can think of is liver!


                      Keep on keeping on!


                        The return of the haircut

                        Oh yeah, and I'm on day 36
                        Keep on keeping on!


                          The return of the haircut

                          Great stuff FH! Your diet sounds superb. I remember being tired for no apparent reason the first few months of af 'ness. I was also very busy, but i think part of the tiredness might be our body repairing itself? Hope you get your energy back real soon, and i'm sure you will. Getting our life back, really is worth fighting for. Hang in there friend, and don't forget yer 'Toolbox'......;-)


                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            The return of the haircut

                            This is just silly, I slept for almost twelve hours last night...and I'm knackered!
                            Keep on keeping on!

