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Get your asses in gear(I need to!) for Feb!!!!

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    Get your asses in gear(I need to!) for Feb!!!!

    Thought I saw this earlier, if there is one started forgive me as I am still not all here, coming back from the dead is a little rough! Hope everyone is ok....

    Lots&lots of love, care, and hugs...... Oh and thanks!!:thanks:

    Mary Anne:h:l
    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

    Get your asses in gear(I need to!) for Feb!!!!

    Glad to see you back!!!!

    AF July 6 2014


      Get your asses in gear(I need to!) for Feb!!!!

      is thi trhead still going on?

      Where is everyone??? I hope more chime in soon!! lots of love to you all, this is good exercise, it is so difficult just to type anymore!! cannot wait to see the horses this weekend, won't ride as my balance is still not the best,feeling really inadequate, but need to be patient w/ myself as everyone keeps least the first (supposedly hardest step is done)....................leaving...............tho I am hear doing laundry, as I have no facilities and he agreed that I could do this until I get some, whenever that may be..................

      lots of love, having a window chip repaired from a rock hitting it this am going to check if the person is here, if not, will check back asap before laundry is done..............

      Mary Anne w. LOTS AND LOTS of LOVE:l:h:l
      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

