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A poem from Mario I dug up

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    A poem from Mario I dug up

    04-09-2009, 11:48 AM
    Senior Member Join Date: Feb 2009
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    I drank for


    I drank for happiness & became un happy.
    I drank for joy & became miserable.
    I drank for sociabitity & became argumentative.
    I drank for friendship & made enemies.
    I drank for sleep & woke up tired.
    I drank for strength & felt weak.
    I drank for relaxation & got the shakes.
    I drank for courage & became afraid.
    I drank for confidence & became doubtful.
    I drank to make conversation easier & slurred my speech.
    I drank to feel heavenly & ended up feeling like hell.


    Mario, hope you don't mind that I copied it. I just love it, and I did give you the credit
    Miss October :blinkylove:

    A poem from Mario I dug up

    Miss O,
    Thanks so much for posting the poem. It says so.o.o. much in such few words. Mario, if I had tried a hundred years, I couldn't have come up with something so concise, something so much to the point. Now I understand even better how you have conquered your demons. Because you understand it all so well... May each and every one of us trying to find our way, discover somewhere deep inside of us, the wisdom that you have already found. And Mario, please, please, keep sharing your thoughts and awareness with us. Whether Newbies or Oldbies, we all need to hear such insight...... be strong,
    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


      A poem from Mario I dug up

      Well done Miss Oct..........I too will add one line to this poem: "I drank to forget.......Forget what !?! Don't know, forgot......." IAD
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        A poem from Mario I dug up

        Thanks, Thanks and Thanks again for reposting this gem from Mario!

        IAD, good one!

        Mario, what can I say, new are defo one of MY heros!!

