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    I just found out my soon to be 10 year old daughter has been exchanging ``love emails`` with her little ``boyfriend`` . They`re in fourth grade for God`s sake!! OMG I need a, no, not to worry, I won`t, just needed to vent!


    Oh man, Bunny. That's a tough one for a mom. My sister has found similar with my niece. Now, to be fair, both my sister and I had little boyfriends at that helped to remind her of that. Even if you didn't, I'm sure you had friends who did. It is kind of a normal part of that age, I think. Prepubescence and whatnot. Hang in there, you're doing great!



      My brother was engaged to be married at the age of six!

      I expect she does it because others do or she's seen it in a magazine or on television. Keep it light so that she doesn't try to hide things from you, most of the time they are just trying to find out who they are relative to other people.

      Good luck!
      I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.



        both of mine

        Both boys did that at that age, one is gay now!!?? Go figure, they are just finding out about themselves, now anything further would have me worried.............thanks :thanks::thanks: btw bunny and everyone for all your support, I am finally feeling a little more normal, tired, but at the 10 1/2 hour of a 12 hour night shift, thank GOD for this site, and thank GOD for all you!!!

        love and hugs,:l:h

        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



          I know, you guys are right, when I told my husband, his reaction was " don`t you think you`re taking this a bit too seriously?". I guess my first reaction was "when did she grow up?" makes me wonder if I wasn`t "there" enough to see it... I also wonder if I would have cared as much when I was not sober? food for thought....

          Cowgirl, so happy to see you are back! I never had the chance to chat with you since I`m new on MWO but I have been following your story and thank god you are OK. This place is a life line, we must not forget that..:l

