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Contemplating Sober

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    Contemplating Sober

    I contemplated this a couple of years ago, but it still speaks.


    so?ber –adjective
    1. not intoxicated or drunk.
    2. habitually temperate, esp. in the use of liquor.
    3. quiet or sedate in demeanor, as persons.
    4. marked by seriousness, gravity, solemnity, etc., as of demeanor, speech, etc.: a sober occasion.
    5. subdued in tone, as color; not gay or showy, as clothes.
    6. free from excess, extravagance, or exaggeration: sober facts.
    7. showing self-control: sober restraint. (I like this one)
    8. sane or rational: a sober solution to the problem.
    9. to make or become sober: (often fol. by up).

    The notion of LIVING SOBER - what actually does it look like? What might it be for me? Do you want Sober? Is sober really as a Judge? Perhaps, this is my uncovered new goal, as it does not seem to reqire complete and permanent abstinence, just restraint. I don't think I am fooling myself, or avoiding a need for being AF, at times. Maybe its, simply, not getting drunk that matters.

    I am beginning another AF stint again, after the the last one transformed
    into moderation. I did use some restraint and self control, being able to stop and retire 'sober'. But I want to experience that improved self awareness that comes with consciously (and completely) avoiding - for awhile - to do it again and see where it goes.

    So, I am again contemplating the definition of sober. I think 'Sober" may be a realistic goal because when I did a 40 day AF stint, and a 100 day stint, I got caught up in the counting - the insessant counting and self-induced failure if I didn't keep adding days. Yuk, that's misery to define your self as 'failing'. What is the measuring stick? For me, I need a different concept, not simply AF or Mod. Maybe its 'Sober living'.

    Many here will say, don't kid yourself, its gotta be total AF - and I know that is true for many. Isn't that always the dilema for us - AF or can we mod? That miserable internal & external debate. My current thinking is that defining sober and living a sober life may be the most realistic goal for me. It won't be easy because if & when I do have a drink, I will have to stop, or I fail. So, for now, when I look at the future, it will be AF a lot, and stopping when not AF. Conquering the stopping, that's the challenge.

    Rather long thought train.


    Contemplating Sober

    I have a question? Is there a difference between " a problem drinker" and "alcoholism" ? My girlfriend says your an alcoholic. I really consider myself a problem drinker. Doing okay for now, these thoughts are consuming me though.


      Contemplating Sober

      7. showing self-control: sober restraint. (I like this one)
      Conquering the stopping, that's the challenge.
      Isn't this why we are all here?

      I sense a desire on your part to get the benefits you have experienced from your AF stretches without necessarily being AF. (wouldn't that be considered successfully moderating the way we typically see things around here?)

      I'm just wonderful what's really new for you in the thought train. I only challenge you on this because of my own difficulties accepting my own reality back when.

      All the best to you as you work this out for yourself!!!!

      One of my AA friends who has been AF for 34 years says "I don't have a drinking problem, I have a stopping problem." :H

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Contemplating Sober

        Of course. And it gets to be the same conversation, doesn't it?

        Just throwing things out for substantive chewing.


          Contemplating Sober

          flowerpower;802058 wrote: I have a question? Is there a difference between " a problem drinker" and "alcoholism" ? My girlfriend says your an alcoholic. I really consider myself a problem drinker. Doing okay for now, these thoughts are consuming me though.
          I personally don't get caught up in the terminology my own head or with anyone else. It's more important what you DO about the problem than what you choose to call it.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Contemplating Sober

            hiddengoal;802061 wrote: Of course. And it gets to be the same conversation, doesn't it?

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Contemplating Sober

              I get that party mentality thing going on sometimes, no good, got in some trouble and thats how I got here. This place is great and has really helped me a lot. I read frequently. but I am using that drink counter and trying the mod. I know I can do that. its my partner who says all or nothing which really kills me. her dad was an alcoholic. I can't lie and say oh I haven't had a beer in such and such a time, as it just would end us in disaster if she found out. I certainly don't want to be sneaking around either. A few years back she stopped drinking. Before that we used to go out all the time and she got afraid for herself. I complied with her fear and request not to have anything in the fridge. I just thinks its unreasonable to tell someone else they can't have one more, just because they don't or can't . I think as I write, perhaps I'm trying to make excuses. confused about the whole thing. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it to kind of thing


                Contemplating Sober

                eeeks your making lots of sense. right


                  Contemplating Sober

                  hiddengoal;802055 wrote: I contemplated this a couple of years ago, but it still speaks.


                  so?ber ?adjective
                  1. not intoxicated or drunk.
                  2. habitually temperate, esp. in the use of liquor.
                  3. quiet or sedate in demeanor, as persons.
                  4. marked by seriousness, gravity, solemnity, etc., as of demeanor, speech, etc.: a sober occasion.
                  5. subdued in tone, as color; not gay or showy, as clothes.
                  6. free from excess, extravagance, or exaggeration: sober facts.
                  7. showing self-control: sober restraint. (I like this one)
                  8. sane or rational: a sober solution to the problem.
                  9. to make or become sober: (often fol. by up).

                  The notion of LIVING SOBER - what actually does it look like? What might it be for me? Do you want Sober? Is sober really as a Judge? Perhaps, this
                  is my uncovered new goal, as it does not seem to reqire complete and permanent abstinence, just restraint. I don't think I am fooling myself, or avoiding a need for being AF, at times. Maybe its, simply, not getting drunk that matters.

                  I am beginning another AF stint again, after the the last one transformed
                  into moderation. I did use some restraint and self control, being able to stop and retire 'sober'. But I want to experience that improved self awareness that comes with consciously (and completely) avoiding - for awhile - to do it again and see where it goes.

                  So, I am again contemplating the definition of sober. I think 'Sober" may be a realistic goal because when I did a 40 day AF stint, and a 100 day stint, I got caught up in the counting - the insessant counting and self-induced failure if I didn't keep adding days. Yuk, that's misery to define your self as 'failing'. What is the measuring stick? For me, I need a different concept, not simply AF or Mod. Maybe its 'Sober living'.

                  Many here will say, don't kid yourself, its gotta be total AF - and I know that is true for many. Isn't that always the dilema for us - AF or can we mod? That miserable internal & external debate. My current thinking is that defining sober and living a sober life may be the most realistic goal for me. It won't be easy because if & when I do have a drink, I will have to stop, or I fail. So, for now, when I look at the future, it will be AF a lot, and stopping when not AF. Conquering the stopping, that's the challenge.

                  Rather long thought train.

                  Wow now that is something to mull over....I guess when there are certain situations we are put in or we put ourselves in when drinking the alcohol is going to happen, that is a good mind set to go by-well said


                    Contemplating Sober

                    kimikk;802075 wrote: Wow now that is something to mull over....I guess when there are certain situations we are put in or we put ourselves in when drinking the alcohol is going to happen, that is a good mind set to go by-well said
                    Keep in mind that for many of us, drinking the alcohol will NEVER be OK. One drink, and I'm off to the races. That is true for many of us. "Drinking the alcohol is just going to happen" is not something I can afford to allow in my own life. It's not going to "just happen."

                    Please don't think I'm harrassing HG! I love HG and am just challenging her.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Contemplating Sober

                      See? the debate can't help it

                      Love it!



                        Contemplating Sober

                        Hi Hidden,

                        Thanks for the thought-provoking thread. As I see it, sober is a concept, just as AF and mods are concepts. We use these concepts to convey things to one another and organize our thinking about particular topics, objects, etc., but it isn't really as clean as we would like it to be. We all define particular concepts differently based on our own experience and there is always room for interpretation. It sounds like you are trying to find a way to interpret this for yourself that allows you to celebrate your successes rather than having a view of "perfect sobriety" where you consistently have to start all over (i.e., you fail). Of course, alcohol can have a devastating effect on our lives or we wouldn't be here and I can see the problem with becoming complacent or making excuses, but "failure" is also a concept we define. Fighting constant failure would be devastating to me. I personally work better from a place of celebrating my successes. Perhaps that will change as I continue to find my way out. No way to know more than I know right now.

                        Perhaps your post particularly resonated with me because I find I have a hard time defining where I'm at based on Abs or Mods because I begin to think of these concepts as others might define them. After 3+ months AF, I planned for and chose to have drinks one night this week. (Incidentally, it wasn't great ~ my favorite drink in a former life tasted like rubbing alcohol to me). I never intended to be AF forever, but after experiencing life AF I find it is much better than my drinking life was. I do not know where this journey is taking me, I just know that regular frequent alcohol use is not going to work for me. I cannot use alcohol to cope with life and I feel much better mentally and physically without it. I will continue to stick with a monthly abstinence thread because I feel that that supports my recovery and will tolerate the ambiguity of my new life feeling grateful and supported.

                        Best wishes to all!


                          Contemplating Sober

                          Wow, Lodestar - You thoughts are expressed well. You summarize big topics in a concise way. And even better, I agree with you on the last bit about not knowing where its taking you but knowing 'regular' and 'frequent' won't work. That to me is "sober".

                          Onward, Hidden


                            Contemplating Sober

                   my world, Sober means Alcohol Free. Because much like DG, I know that I cannot control alcohol and I have completely surrendered to that fact. Had I been able to control alcohol I would never have needed to find this place. I also love having a clear head and waking up each day feeling good without regrets.

                            I do understand the modding thoughts, particularly in the early months of sobriety. At that point, it was hard for me to imagine actually wanting to live without alcohol, much less being able to live without alcohol, but these days I cannot imagine living any other way!
                            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                            AF 12/6/2007


                              Contemplating Sober

                              flowerpower;802058 wrote: I have a question? Is there a difference between " a problem drinker" and "alcoholism" ? My girlfriend says your an alcoholic. I really consider myself a problem drinker. Doing okay for now, these thoughts are consuming me though.
                              I was what I'd call a 'problem drinker' for many years (14+). Last year I became a full-blown alcoholic. I think that one will inevitably eventually lead to the other unless you deal with it, the only question is how long it takes.

                              Others may not make that distinction between the two, and I completely respect that That's just the way I perceive things myself, through my experiences.
                              I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies

