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Alcohol causing health problems but still drinking

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    Alcohol causing health problems but still drinking

    Hi everyone I just came across this site tonight and I like the look off it Was just wondering does anyone who has had serious health problems with alcohol continue drinking afterwards?

    I ask because for the 3rd time I have just had pancratities and am only out of hosptial last thursday. I know this can be a life threatning condition yet after the previous 2 pancratites admissions to hosptial when i was 19 then 21 I always go back to alcohol after swearing to myself that is me going to stay off it or at least cut down. I normally do cut down but then several months later I am back binge drinking again. I've found keeping a diary of your consomption pretty good. However despite only getting out last week I am now thinking quite a bit about alcohol again I was going to drink tonight but decided to watch some football instead. Does anyone else have this problem drinking after serious health problems?

    Thanks for reading

    Alcohol causing health problems but still drinking

    :welcome: Celtic. One thing we know something about around here is alcohol problems!

    One of the signs of alcohol addiction is the insanity of wanting to drink despite the high liklihood of bad consequences.

    If you decide you don't want to drink any more, you can find some great support and understanding here for that endeavor.

    A good start might be to download and read the My Way Out Book - you can find it in the Health Store.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Alcohol causing health problems but still drinking

      :welcome: celtic2010,
      All I know about your condition is that it can be harmful to drink. My cousin had it 5 years ago and hasn't touched a drop since. She was never a 'problem' to start with so it was very easy for her.

      Perhaps try to go for at least 30 days without alcohol.

      Click on the link below to give you some ideas how to get started.

      Keep posting and let us how you're getting along.

      J x

      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Alcohol causing health problems but still drinking

        Hi doggygirl thanks for the reply and welcome. I will have a look at that what you suggested I always try and convince myself that I don't have an alcohol problem but looking back at my alcohol diary over the past while I have drunk HUGE amounts. Also I am not suprised by the 3rd bout of pancratities. I wouldn't drink everyday, It's more once or twice a week but the amounts are huge.


          Alcohol causing health problems but still drinking

          Hi jackie claire thanks for the link and welcome, I will have a look I just wish I could stop and not keep thinking about alcohol all the time hehe.


            Alcohol causing health problems but still drinking

            Stick around,celtic.

            You never know you might like it. Stranger things have happened
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Alcohol causing health problems but still drinking

              Hello youngster, You are far too you to be going down this path, you have a whole life ahead of you, don't lose it at such a young age you have the power to live. RM


                Alcohol causing health problems but still drinking

                Hi Celtic, and a big welcome to you!
                There are all sorts of things you can do to help with your cravings you know.
                Meds, supplements, change of habits etc.
                I know its not easy, but it sounds like you need to save your life here.
                The book and the toolbox will help you. Plus maybe take a look at this
                its a hard hitting documentary about alcoholics in the UK
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Alcohol causing health problems but still drinking

                  Yeah Jackie I will stick around I gotta head to bed now though as it's 11pm where I am. will be back tomorrow for a better read etc

                  Hello RM I know I am to young to be going down this path, I do have a thing called cystic fibrosis so have always thought I would die young enough anyway but the amount I drink is way to much. My CF is actually quite well managed and I've not had loads of trouble with it. It's more alcohol problems. I've saw the damage alcohol has done to some friends etc and it's not nice. Will chat with use all real soon


                    Alcohol causing health problems but still drinking

                    Hi starting over, Thanks for the welcome. I will have a look at the link you put on. thanks again


                      Alcohol causing health problems but still drinking

                      celtic2010;802250 wrote: Hi doggygirl thanks for the reply and welcome. I will have a look at that what you suggested I always try and convince myself that I don't have an alcohol problem but looking back at my alcohol diary over the past while I have drunk HUGE amounts. Also I am not suprised by the 3rd bout of pancratities. I wouldn't drink everyday, It's more once or twice a week but the amounts are huge.
                      Celtic, I don't think it's the frequency of drinking that indicates problems - it's more what happens after the first one. If you find that once you start you have difficulty stopping, then that's a problem. Also, if any amount of drinking contributes to your health issues, then any amount of drinking sounds like it's a problem.

                      The good news is that many of us here have quit drinking, and I hope that gives you hope that you can too!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Alcohol causing health problems but still drinking


                        Here are 3 stories for you about what can happen when someone continues to drink despite suffering health problems. Each subject below is a relative.

                        Subject #1- female, 45 years old, heavy drinker since age 16. The subject ignored her doctor's warning to quit drinking alcohol immediately, due to abnormal liver function tests indicating liver damage; she ignored the advice. Within 5 years she had developed cirrhosis of the liver, and while her liver function has improved some in the past 2 years, she is essentially bed-ridden and will neither live a normal lifespan nor live an enjoyable life. She seriously regrets her decision to keep drinking, I can assure you.

                        Subject #2- female, 38 years old, heavy drinker since age 19. The subject had an attack of acute pancreatitis, being hospitalized at age 35. She recovered. The subject kept drinking and had another attack at age 38, once again being hospitalized. After the second attack, blood tests revealed that her blood sugar levels were steadily above normal, and if she didn't quit drinking, she would develop Type 2 Diabetes. Fortunately, she did quit and now she's healthy, but she could've developed a serious, preventable disease by continuing to drink.

                        Subject #3- male, 69 years old, heavy drinker since age 25, Type 2 Diabetic. The subject ignored his doctor's advice to stop drinking alcohol, leading to numerous hospitalizations to stabilize his blood sugar, and eventually developing both a fatty liver and kidney damage. Sadly, the subject died at age 74 due to kidney failure. Although 74 might seem like a normal lifespan, bear in mind that the subject would have easily lived a normal lifespan by doing nothing more than quitting alcohol and watching his diet to control his diabetes. That's what his brother did, who died at the ripe old age of 90.


                          Alcohol causing health problems but still drinking

                          Hi Celtic and welcome,
                          You have find a good site here with lots of support and good advise here to.
                          This could be a small world, but there is a young lad at my group session that got the same problem and other thinks as well, he is in a coma (induced coma) so that his body can recovery...he did cut down on his drinking but really he should of STOP altogether, this can be very dangerous for him now they say one drink could kill him. I hope the hospital have given you somewhere to go after being discharged to get further help as well.....
                          wishing you all the best of luck...It can be done, just read lots of post and post away...
                          Let us know how you are doing this is a very caring site.
                          Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                          sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                          my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !

