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anyone sick of trying

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    anyone sick of trying

    I hate to say this...but im soo sick of trying right now.. Im just putting this in the light because Im so sick of fighting. Am I meant to be doomed for the rest of my life?

    anyone sick of trying

    Be of good courage~

    You may not be doomed if you find help beyond our own reasonings esp if they are twisted by alcohol.
    I understand. There are many here that understand and can offer hope.

    Be hopefull and read the posts here.
    Find what assist you on a personal and dignified level.

    Youare unique.
    Your needs are sacred.

    " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


      anyone sick of trying

      No, MM - you are not doomed. You can do this - find your own way out. Read everything and ask for help. Find your way. Be kind to yourself and keep talking to us about it.... TWO


        anyone sick of trying

        MM, we are only doomed when AL wins. You are tired, and that's normal when we're struggling. This isn't easy, but I have seen SO much, especially recently, to reinforce the need, the necessity, to win this battle. You are not alone, though I know you feel that way. Go back to the 'baby step' mindset; don't overwhelm your mind with forever and ever, but just today, and congratulate yourself for every success. Come back here often, and ask for reinforcement, like you did today. It helps to have someone hold your hand, to know there are people pulling for you.
        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


          anyone sick of trying

          Hi MM, I know it seems so hard sometimes, whenever I've felt like I mightn't win I remind myself that as long as I'm still in the fight I haven't lost. And although I'm not always perfect (I know- shocking!!) I'm a hell of a lot better than that frightened lady who stumbled across this website all those years back.
          Don't give up - I have faith in you.



            anyone sick of trying

            Never EVER give up trying MM.
            Keep on posting and reading -- you have loads of support here -- use it:-)
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              anyone sick of trying

              Montana Mommy;802902 wrote: I hate to say this...but im soo sick of trying right now.. Im just putting this in the light because Im so sick of fighting. Am I meant to be doomed for the rest of my life?
              interesting thread,comment ,no one said this is easy,even with do i say failure if there is such a thing,we get sickcess,or[success].are we doomed if we stop trying i beleive so,all be the 1st to say,somtimes it was good to get loaded,but as you get older it is not the same,even with our sick minds,lets face it we no,someone once told me,go up the ward in the hospital where the old are laying around,youll find out many are there for the same reasons as us trying stop drinking,there minds are gone,hope it helps MOM,its the 1st drink tht kills us gyco


                anyone sick of trying

                You're not on your own.
                Stay strong. You know you're doing the right thing.
                Keep on keeping on!


                  anyone sick of trying

                  Hi Montana Mommy,

                  What's worse: I'm sick of trying....or.....I'm sick & tired of being sick & tired.

                  I would rather be sick of trying......don't give up the good fight. I'm not :l

                  Miss O.
                  Miss October :blinkylove:


                    anyone sick of trying

                    Montana Mommy!

                    OMG. That is EXACTLY how I felt yesterday. I hadn't felt it yet until last evening. Same words.

                    I almost said to the AL BEAST "Okay I give in, I'm menatlly exhausted trying to fight you off every friggin day. I'll give you tonight." But then I did my daily routine of eating, blocking my mind, staying busy, drinking my AF drink, L-Glute...... I made it through.

                    I feel the same way. It's a real endurance event for the mind and I'm fatiguing.

                    How many days AF are you? I am AF8 and I wasn't expecting the mind to be worn out. Let's keep each other strong through this. I don't want to break my AF run here.

                    Check in. Hang in there! It's tiring but SO WORTH IT. I guess don't look at the big picture The rest of your life. Just look at today.


                      anyone sick of trying

                      Good point Miss October. could be worse then just tired. Thanks

