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    Hi everyone,

    I found "No Way Out" this morning...waking with a hangover...and wondering why did I
    have to have the 2nd and 3rd glass...angry with myself...trying to picture a social evening
    with me...not drinking...and doing just fine on my own. I am relieved to finally open up..
    I feel like I have found a friend...several really. I haven't talked about this to anyone else
    except my boyfriend. He was in AA several years a go..and stopped drinking for 10 yrs.
    He never get's over the top...he handles himself..but knows he is playing with fire.
    I made a pledge this am to not drink during this week....wait till weekend...1st. step.
    I would love any advice...I want to be healthy again...and not shy away from pictures of
    a tired face...a sad face.

    Thank you,



    one of the main reasons i am not drinking aymore is i am sick of being sick. i drank almost everyday, so i had a hangover most days...i just got tired of feeling shitty.

    are you taking supplements or read the book? they are helpful.

    keep coming here and reaching out!



      Welcome Maryb - stick around, this is a great place to be
      It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.



        maryb;803090 wrote: Hi everyone,

        I found "No Way Out" this morning...waking with a hangover...and wondering why did I
        have to have the 2nd and 3rd glass...angry with myself...trying to picture a social evening
        with me...not drinking...and doing just fine on my own. I am relieved to finally open up..
        I feel like I have found a friend...several really. I haven't talked about this to anyone else
        except my boyfriend. He was in AA several years a go..and stopped drinking for 10 yrs.
        He never get's over the top...he handles himself..but knows he is playing with fire.
        I made a pledge this am to not drink during this week....wait till weekend...1st. step.
        I would love any advice...I want to be healthy again...and not shy away from pictures of
        a tired face...a sad face.

        Thank you,

        You HAVE taken a big step-- admitting it and reaching out.

        I recommend you also check out the Just Starting Out forum, the Holistic Healing forum and the Medications forum (even if you are not interested in meds, there is a lot of good discussion going on there) here on MWO.

        I feel (and this is just my perception) that this forum (General Discussion) is the major general support forum. Supporting each other, helping each other in times of need, congratulating each other for our success, and sharing laughs and pains and nonsense sometimes.

        The other forums are more focussed on specific different areas of recovery.

        You might want to begin with the Just Starting Out forum.

        Good luck and please keep checking in.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

