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I Drank...Again.

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    I Drank...Again.

    I've been gone for a couple of days... I fell off the proverbial wagon in such a bad way this past Friday... Blackout bad. Terrible Saturday recouperating. My [I]prosthetic[I] boyfriend came over at an ungodly hour with 2beers in hand this morning. I chose to drink one. When he left, I threw the other one out. Weirdly, I dont blame myself for anything- I am right back on this horse! It will be a continous battle, but I know I can do it. In such a short while,10 af free days continual and 5 days in the last week . I just had to put that out there- I am not angry at myself and realize that I cant put myself in sticky social situations or deal with sticky people ( damn that includes my prosthetic boyfriend) ...But i am back and this site keeps me focused! Thank you!

    I Drank...Again.


    please don't beat yourself up over this mommy...........I have screwed my program up so many times in the past, get through today drink plenty of water, go to a dr. or hosp if u need to................I care and hope u are me if u need............lots of love,

    Mary Anne:l:h
    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      I Drank...Again.

      MD, sorry about the bad weekend, but sometimes we just have to re-experience Hell to remember how hot it is! You've got the past memory of how good that AF time can be, and it sounds like you're getting your plan together to get there again. Its only when we make up our mind WHAT we want, WHAT is important, and HOW we choose to live our lives that we make the final decision to be AF. Hang in there, keep posting and keep reading here as much as you can.
      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


        I Drank...Again.

        Nice to see you back MD! keep focusing on the 15 AF days you did and not on the fact that you had a slip. We must feel proud of our accomplishments because that is what will keep us strong and motivated. I know you`re dealing with a lot of stuff and having a boyfriend who drinks well.... that`s a double whammy! My hat`s off to you girl, I think you`re doing great!!:l


          I Drank...Again.

          Thank you Cowgirl and Ruby....I started to think of this Al thing as a fight I mean I invision it as a person in the ring with me Its round 3!


            I Drank...Again.

            stay strong

            just hang in there, all we can do right now....................lots of love and support:h :h............xoxoxo MA:l :l
            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              I Drank...Again.

              It sounds like you recognized some important lessons in this choice to drink. That is so important! I too had to make drastic changes to my social habits and people I chose (or not) to be around in order to get free.

              You have to want to be AF more than you want to drink, and be willing to go to any length you have to to get to the AF place. Part of that is figuring out what works and what doesn't.

              Now you know what doesn't work. You CAN do this!!! Hang tough!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                I Drank...Again.

                hang in there mommy and get back on that wagon
                It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                  I Drank...Again.

                  Ding, Ding round 3... Glad you got back in the ring fighting and not gave up.
                  Well done.
                  I finally got it!
                  "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                    I Drank...Again.


                    MommyDearest72;803286 wrote: I've been gone for a couple of days... I fell off the proverbial wagon in such a bad way this past Friday... Blackout bad. Terrible Saturday recouperating. My [I]prosthetic[I] boyfriend came over at an ungodly hour with 2beers in hand this morning. I chose to drink one. When he left, I threw the other one out. Weirdly, I dont blame myself for anything- I am right back on this horse! It will be a continous battle, but I know I can do it. In such a short while,10 af free days continual and 5 days in the last week . I just had to put that out there- I am not angry at myself and realize that I cant put myself in sticky social situations or deal with sticky people ( damn that includes my prosthetic boyfriend) ...But i am back and this site keeps me focused! Thank you!
                    hi M.D.and all who came to her aid,i to have done that but a few times in ten years M.D.,even after being in the hospital a couple of times,we can have all the knowledge we need,and still we flounder,its realising the problem and you seem to have made tht conclusion,pat yourself on the back for that,took me ten years to realize it,just have to keep from having the 1st one,drink tht is,and you will succed,good luck to you my dear,gyco


                      I Drank...Again.

                      Thanks for your honest post. The last time I drank was on a Friday and my Saturday was also hell, trying to feel better. It is so not worth it. I am hopeful that you are right back to being AF and wishing you strength and hope.


                        I Drank...Again.


                        It doesn't matter how many battles you win or lose, it matters that you win the war.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          I Drank...Again.

                          Thanks Everyone!!! I need to hear everything you're saying...I went to work today!!! I love teaching!!! Today I had first graders, I adore their honesty and compassion. I miss my kids at that age. I put some new curtains up as a "reward"! I came to the conclusion today that I musnt think of not drinking as a punishment, like something I cant have- out of reach. Shiiiiit...I DONT WANT IT-(LOL)!


                            I Drank...Again.

                            MD, the greatest "reward" you can give yourself is sobriety! For us problem drinkers, AF is the route to FREEDOM and POSSIBLITIES and OPTIONS in life. "A" drink is just a one way ticket back to self imposed jail with all it's limitations.

                            Good for you on a GREAT day filled with things to be grateful for in your AF life.

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              I Drank...Again.

                              This site continues to amaze me with its encouragement and support. I am pursuing my Ph.D. in Psychology and the mind is amazing. I believe we can overcome and having a support tool like MWO helps us keep moving forward. I joined this site because I felt I needed to cut back on drinking Alcohol and since I started on MWO I have cut back substantially. I am trying not to drink at all but I have had a couple glass of wine last weekend and one tonight, which I am not proud of because I would rather try to run my life not have my cravings run it. It goes for dieting too.

                              MWO and all of you are my accountability. Thank you. I will keep trying to be AF longer and longer each time until the desire is gone.

