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Army Thread 9th Feb 2010

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    Army Thread 9th Feb 2010

    Good morning Trooperoooooooos....:l

    bloody sleep fairy is well playing games, going AWOL on us all...1

    best we send her to the barracks...!!

    are you about Tiggs???? I hope not mate, hope you are snuggled up in bed purring away sleeping..
    not good for your nut sleep deprevation..

    Army Thread 9th Feb 2010

    hello Jan and all to come
    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


      Army Thread 9th Feb 2010

      HI zepps,
      why are your dogs called dishes..???


        Army Thread 9th Feb 2010

        Short for Dish Lickers
        It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


          Army Thread 9th Feb 2010

          Hello Ladies! Just sneaking a look in before heading off to the office!

          I hope you and everyone else who stops in today will have a superb day and try to make as many people smile as you can......there are few things better than to see someone smile back at you!
          'Tis with our judgements as our watches, none go just alike, yet each believes his own - Alexander Pope


            Army Thread 9th Feb 2010

            Grim;803350 wrote: Hello Ladies!
            "Ladies" ohhhhh Grimmers I feel so swish, thank you

            Have a great day
            It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


              Army Thread 9th Feb 2010

              Zeppie2;803348 wrote: Short for Dish Lickers
              :H:HLove it....!!! very funny..!!!!!:H:H

              did you make it up ??


                Army Thread 9th Feb 2010

                No Jan - it's a derrogatory term the horse racing people call our greyhounds But it is also a common term for a dog over here, that or a "pot licker". And if you saw my dogs feed bowls - they are licked so clean that you hardly have to wash them
                It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                  Army Thread 9th Feb 2010

                  sorry Grims...'morning are you up to anything fun today ???


                    Army Thread 9th Feb 2010

                    Zeppie2;803354 wrote: No Jan - it's a derrogatory term the horse racing people call our greyhounds But it is also a common term for a dog over here, that or a "pot licker". And if you saw my dogs feed bowls - they are licked so clean that you hardly have to wash them

                    it's very apt name Benji is like that, she was abandoned I found her wandering the streets starving hungry, but with such a long waggy tail and so happy and bouncy.

                    she still can't shake off her street days and it's very dangerous to leave anything out..!! she can jump very
                    and she licks her bowl soooo clean I wonder if I gave her, her dinner..!!


                      Army Thread 9th Feb 2010

                      Good morning LJ, Zeppie, Grim and all the Army.
                      Starts I hope your feeling better and Tigger I hope you got some sleep. Hope Mario is having a wonderful time and that everyone has a great day.


                        Army Thread 9th Feb 2010

                        Morning,LJ,Zeppie,Grim,Opal and all those yet to come.

                        Black Bess checks her dish at least a 100 times a day just in case she may have missed something.

                        May the gods of sleep have visited upon you,Tips.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread 9th Feb 2010

                          Good morning all,
                          Still puffing like a train this morning but feeling better each day thanks Opes.
                          Hope all is well with you too?
                          JC hows you feeling now?
                          LJ how did Sunday go with Ollie?
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Army Thread 9th Feb 2010

                            Morning starts,

                            Fine and dandy, thanks. Started my regime of cutting down on coffee. Only 2 mugs yesterday in the morning (:yay: me)

                            Do you have an inhaler,starts?
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread 9th Feb 2010

                              good morning all just thot id say hi have a wonderful day,

