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Army Thread, Sunday, 14th February

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    Army Thread, Sunday, 14th February

    tiptronic_ct;806024 wrote: Life is tough when you have to figure out how the dishwasher detergent works...
    Or you complain about having to take the slaves home!
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


      Army Thread, Sunday, 14th February

      rubywillow;806019 wrote: Sorry for the delay, folks, but little Tigs has been in communication with me. Travel is slow. He is now making his way by pack mule.
      :no: Ruby, where'd you send him - to the high mountains? :shocked:He's too little to ride on mules! There's hot :sun: and all. Does he have:specs:? Poor Tigger - he'll cry :helpme: and no one will hear him...Poor little Tigger
      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        Army Thread, Sunday, 14th February

        rubywillow;806029 wrote: Or you complain about having to take the slaves home!
        woop! woop!! touche'
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Army Thread, Sunday, 14th February

          tiptronic_ct;806022 wrote: What would Mrs. T say about you propositioning me???
          Then again, we could just keep quiet... but how to explain the orange stripes when the cub is born?
          :blushing: Oh, Tippers. How sweet.:bigwink: We could just worry about the stripe problem if and when it gets here...:blinkylove:
          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


            Army Thread, Sunday, 14th February

            I have a rampant case of the epizoodies. Just can't shake this crap! Oh, PLEASE!, spring hurry and come.
            Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
            awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


              Army Thread, Sunday, 14th February

              rubywillow;806029 wrote: Or you complain about having to take the slaves home!

              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Army Thread, Sunday, 14th February

                stirly-girly;806033 wrote: :blushing: Oh, Tippers. How sweet.:bigwink: We could just worry about the stripe problem if and when it gets here...:blinkylove:
                With any luck, it'll be born bald, so we won't have to worry about the stripes, at least for a while...
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Army Thread, Sunday, 14th February

                  Oy. bugger lugs,

                  Woz your gurlfriend gonna say when she sees you making new cubs?
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread, Sunday, 14th February

                    Hello, JC

                    I'm just spreading the lurve...
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread, Sunday, 14th February

                      tiptronic_ct;806040 wrote: With any luck, it'll be born bald, so we won't have to worry about the stripes, at least for a while...
                      Well Tippers, the truth be known, I was born the oogliest little girlie ever - practically bald, sticky-out ears, crooked smile!! I had it all!!:H:H:H So looks like we got a fair shot...
                      P.S. Luckily I didn't stay that way...
                      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                        Army Thread, Sunday, 14th February

                        Wassa bugger lugs???
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Army Thread, Sunday, 14th February

                          stirly-girly;806047 wrote:
                          P.S. Luckily I didn't stay that way...
                          Lucky you... I did stay that way...
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            Army Thread, Sunday, 14th February

                            JackieClaire;806043 wrote: Oy. bugger lugs,

                            Woz your gurlfriend gonna say when she sees you making new cubs?
                            Hey JC. Was wonderin' wot you were up to all day- it being Valentine's and all... :heartsnflowers:
                            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                              Army Thread, Sunday, 14th February

                              tiptronic_ct;806048 wrote: Wassa bugger lugs???
                              a term of address,usually affectionate (do not look at the other definitions pliz)
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread, Sunday, 14th February

                                tiptronic_ct;806048 wrote: Wassa bugger lugs???
                                Tippers, take my word for it - whatever you do - DO NOT GOOGLE "bugger lugs":blushing:
                                For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                                AF since 10/10/2015:yay:

