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Just out of interest 'Ages'

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    Just out of interest 'Ages'

    Please God let's NOT have ANOTHER segregated thread for the "29ers!"

    How old then would you say your are in relation to your emotional intelligence? That's a bit of a harder one to gauge if you really give it some thought, because you'll really have to look at your behaviour and how you act/react.

    I feel like I'm about 22 with mine. I have that feeling of adventure back, like I'm not quite sure what's happening in my life, but don't really care at times. I'm still a bit naive in my recovery and I feel like I'm learning skills all over again. I also feel a bit cocksure of myself like I'm untouchable at times, like I did when I was that age. I still react to situations in a way that can be presumed immature. And I still like to think I'm charismatic and still 'got it' like a silly teenager.

    So YEAH! 22 BABY!!! Gerron on that 'brand new brains' I dare ya!!lol
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


      Just out of interest 'Ages'

      Emotional intelligence?

      I have no idea.

      Since I left my rural childhood, when I was an Immortal, with a capital 'I'
      Since the days when I could sense the first day of spring, by the scent of the Hawthorns.
      I do a lot walking and a lot has happened since then but every year, when I get the first 'waft'


        Just out of interest 'Ages'

        I turned 49 last week and this is my birthday present to myself.I was only a social drinker until about 2.5 years ago when alot of issues arose.....crappy job, bounced paychecks, husband lost job, house in foreclosure, blah, blah, blah.....
        I could see myself venturing down a treachorous path and knew I needed to do something about it
        Plus, I despise hangovers!!!
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Just out of interest 'Ages'

          [[[ Please God let's NOT have ANOTHER segregated thread for the 29ers! ]]]

          If we revive it as the Cougar Thread, you would be eligible to participate, since you are 22. :thumbsup:bigwink::youwish::blinkylove: HEE-HEE-HEE!!!
          ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

          AUGUST 9, 2009


            Just out of interest 'Ages'

            epic thread Flip.
            I am 37, been drinking heavy for over 20yrs.
            but now that has stoped thanks to an iron resolve, some meds, and these fine people!

            go cougars! ... are they a sporting team?
            AF since 10/26/2009

            It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


              Just out of interest 'Ages'

              bump he he he he
              Don't Let The Bastards Grind You Down - Eat Them Alive

              1 - 2 - 3


                Just out of interest 'Ages'

                dancelot;807360 wrote: [[[ Please God let's NOT have ANOTHER segregated thread for the 29ers! ]]]

                If we revive it as the Cougar Thread
                , you would be eligible to participate, since you are 22. :thumbsup:bigwink::youwish::blinkylove: HEE-HEE-HEE!!!
                NOW we're talkin'!!! Count me in! :H

                Hi Flip top. How are you doing today?

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Just out of interest 'Ages'

                  Doggygirl;807574 wrote: NOW we're talkin'!!! Count me in! :H

                  Hi Flip top. How are you doing today?

                  Im ok Doggy how are you? A little tense as cutting down on the smokes to.
                  Don't Let The Bastards Grind You Down - Eat Them Alive

                  1 - 2 - 3


                    Just out of interest 'Ages'

                    I'm glad to be free of both Nic AND Al. Just keep an eye on your pace - don't try to do so much good that you totally relapse on all fronts. Lots of folks around here have quit both AL and Nic though, so it's possible and if we can do it, so can you.

                    Hang in there!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Just out of interest 'Ages'


                      I'm 46, been drinking for 30 years, probably heavily for about 10, off and on. Really am still clinging to the idea that I can learn to moderate, or drink occasionally, but keep breaking my self-imposed guidelines. I'm hopeful though. I have a 6-year old daughter and I think part of the problem is adjusting to stay at home motherhood. And I feel guilty because this is what I have always wanted and I don't want to screw it up!


                        Just out of interest 'Ages'

                        Someone else, it sounds like you have been trying to control you drinking but that it hasn't been working. Is that right?

                        Can you list all the reasons you want to still drink? In what way does it benefit you has a person / wife / mother / friend / etc.? What positives are there for you about drinking that outweigh the negative consequences you have experienced?

                        (caution: I am attempting to apply logic to something that defies logic - I know that! )

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Just out of interest 'Ages'

                          Reasons (excuses?)

                          Yes, that's kind of the situation.

                          Reasons? I guess I like the feeling it gives me at first - relaxation, euphoria, it seems to make mundane things more enjoyable - but then when I want to keep that feeling going, that's when I end up drinking too much.

                          Another reason is that there are times that I can control it, so I want to believe that I can all the time. But that possibility is not looking so likely lately. If I can just get myself to resist in the afternoons I feel like I will be ok..

                          Another reason is that I just feel weird about going totally AF and keep resisting the idea. I like going out with my husband and having a couple of drinks. However at the last work event I just had a couple of sips of wine, nobody tried to give me any more or mentioned it. I noticed several people weren't drinking at all and nobody said anything about it. It was good to not be drinking a lot - although I didn't feel as sociable and left early. I tend to be shy. One reason I didn't drink much is I was in guilty hangover mode, again.

                          Another reason is I like the taste of a good beer or glass of wine, or port, etc. But I guess I could find other things that taste good.

                          I'm encouraged by other people who have learned to moderate. Mostly the times I have messed up big time, I didn't take any supps, kind of got tired of the whole thing and felt rebellious. But that's a mistake.

                          I know a lot of my depression is caused by alcohol. When I wake up after having no alcohol the day before I feel so happy and good about myself. So why do I continue to do this to myself??

                          If I could just make it work to drink only occasionally and control it. I've been trying for about 3 years to moderate. It probably sounds crazy to want to continue to try to make it work. Maybe I could set a deadline for myself (again). End of this month. If I binge one more time, it's over.

