Instead of being a sign of sickness, the drinking dream might be a sign of health. It could be a way that our higher power is healing us at a deeper level. The emergence of this type of material into consciousness during sleep could be signaling a clearing of patterns of behaviour in the unconscious, to which we could not have access in our waking state.
When I am having a dream like this, sometimes I wake up, still in the dream state and remember that I am in recovery. Then it becomes a nightmare and I experience tremendous anguish and remorse just as if I had actually relapsed. Might it not be that this experience is a gift from our higher power, through the unconscious, allowing me to have firsthand experience of what it used to be like? If I can have this experience in the non-ordinary state of a dream, I might not have to experience it in my waking life. In this sense the dream is a healing gift."
Love and Light