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does your family kind of suck too?

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    does your family kind of suck too?

    my dad decided (for the tenth time) that he has a drinking problem, right around the same time i did (for the second time). this was about one month ago. he agreed with me that he should try some meds and maybe this program, and or aa. he did all of this but immediately decided he didn't actually have a problem. it's harvest season here in wine country and that happens to coincide with the anniversary of my mothers death and that's a bad combo for my father. anyway, my 30th birthday is today and you know what my dad gave me? a case of fucking wine.

    does your family kind of suck too?

    Happy Birthday,

    We just picked our grapes and the wine is busy fermenting in the cellar, this year there is also a big container of juice in the fridge to drink now.That is progress!

    Go get it on your own, you'll get help here. Don't hang back cause your Dads not ready

    Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


      does your family kind of suck too?


      first of all, Happy, happy 30th!! That is a big one. You should enjoy it. 30 is a major turning point, and a wonderful time to take stock of your life and make some positive changes!!

      What your dad did must have hurt big time!! I know. I too have parents that, while well meaniing, can do really stupid and thoughtless things like that. I am absolutely sure his "gift" came out of his own denial, and was not purposeful to hurt you , but it was as insensitive and as thoughless as a could be. A boken foot would have been kinder.

      Just remember that what he did is a reflection of where he is right now, which is sad for him, but you are further along the road to getter sober, so be proud of that, and keep going!! If you think you can keep your hands off it (I for one could not), you could put the wine in the garage or basement and have housewarming gifts for people for like the next year. Otherwise, you could donate it quickly to a school auction? church or temple? Your place of business? Worst case, throw it out...hey-you didn't pay for it!

      Don't let your anger/sadness convince you to drink it!! (that would be my stupid temptation). Stay here, where lots of people care and support you. Just think how much wiser at 30 you are than your dad is at his age!!!!

      Have a wonderful birthday!!! Do something great for yourself. Give yourself a treat. My suggestion....A day at a spa...If you can possibly re-coup the money on the wine...that is what I suggest....(you may not want to do what I did tho on my 30th...I conceived my son...although he is really cute!!)

      Big Hugs....Wish I could be 30 again
      formerly known as bak310


        does your family kind of suck too?

        Amazing wisdom!

        Happy Birthday Freckles!

        Amazing wisdom from bak310...I totally agree. Don't give in to your anger/temptation with the wine. Do something positive with it, just don't drink it. Congratulations on being on the verge of making such meaningful changes as you embark on your 3rd decade. On my 30th birthday I was 8 months pregnant with my son, going through a divorce, and feeling very sorry for myself. Things are light years better now.

        Have a wonderful day and treat yourself like a queen!



          does your family kind of suck too?

          Hi Freckles

          Put the case of wine on e-Bay - and then put the proceeds towards this program.

          Then, if you have the courage to, tell him what you've done for yourself. Whether he 'gets it' or not isn't the issue (but I hope he does get it and thinks about it) - it's the fact that you've turned a negative into a positive.

          I hope you have a happy day despite this.

          I'm not a flip flop - I'm a Jandal!:undercover:


            does your family kind of suck too?

            Happy Birthday

            Hiya Freckles, Happy birthday, it was my 30th this year aswell....I was still drinking then...but my parents knew i had a problem....but it didnt stop them getting drunk with me....I cant remember any of it...its like it never happened....i woke up thinking 30 now....but im still a drunk....dont make the same mistake Macks:l
            I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
            One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


              does your family kind of suck too?

              HAPPY BIRTHDAY

              I heard some thing about a guy that had a red paper clip and traded and traded and ended up with a house. Anyway i dont know how the story went exactly but what fun that would be to play with your unfortunate gift.Then when your done send you dad a thank you card for the gift you ended up with. Happy happy bithday darling hope the rest of it is good.

              ps. Us girls in our 30's have a secret lol!:H


                does your family kind of suck too?

                thanks everyone, i'm sure you have all experienced something like this. it's always been this way with my dad. i'm not mad exactly, it's more of a throw my hands up in the air and say 'what the hell'. thats one of my strongest triggers. apathy sucks. i already shared a bottle with my husband and two of our good friends. who would have thought FOUR people can share a bottle of wine? anyway thanks for responding to my rant...and mojo whats the secret? i'm in the club now, it's ok to tell me.:happyheart: :happyheart:


                  does your family kind of suck too?

                  Happy 30th Freckles!!!! I turn 30 in January so we are just about the same age !
                  Love Jen
                  Over 4 months AF :h

