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Tigers thoughts.

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    Tigers thoughts.

    Actually sex addiction is real. Its as psychologically real as food addiction or any other sensual pleasure addiction. THere are tons of men who have basically left their wives mentally and even physically (but still in the same house) to be with some online hooker or to have "computer sex". Guys addicted to the woman in the porn site who won't put him down and is there "just for him" at least in his imagination. Before computers it was magazines. I say this because I know people who've gotten hooked on this stuff. It ruins marriages and parenthood and its dangerous. WHile we are at it - those who are physically promiscuous with actual partners are certainly dangerous - STDs and AIDs is nothing to fool around with and can be as lethal as DUI.

    So according to the news Ive heard Tiger went to therapy - maybe even a 12 step type group. One of the things in 12 step groups is to apologize publicly to those you've hurt. Could this be what he was doing? Just sayin.


      Tigers thoughts.

      Quit, like I said, he owes only an apolgy to his wife. I can't even imagine finding out my husband had been with me and that many women. THAT is the horrible possible consequence of his transgressions, that he has exposed his unsuspecting wife to everything every one of his partners might be carrying. It has something to do with the public embarrassment, but not as much as the personal betrayal. This lack of judgement, and respect, would be hard for me to overlook. I wish them both well; hopefully he, and his wife, will be able to understand what caused this, and deal with it. It is not for me to judge or forgive.
      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


        Tigers thoughts.

        I think that sex addiction might be something that we need to look into......In this world of syber sex and porn.....who knows ? Their is a 12 step program that Sex-aholics go through ! I read through the hometown paper and see meetings for this problem being published ! So it's for real.....I hope it works for people. IAD
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          Tigers thoughts.

          JimBeam911;808662 wrote: While I agree with the concept of forgiveness, with respect to Tiger Woods's extra-marital liasons, something else comes to mind- who gives a F--K!!??
          I agree 100%. People cheat constantly, and Tiger is just as human as we are, who cares! Give the guy a break!

          I have become more forgiving since my drinking got worse. I like to hope that I am forgiven for my I like to cut people some slack......

          It's unfortunate that everyone kept him on such a pedestal, that when he fell, as humans do, they forget.....he needs privacy.
          AF July 6 2014


            Tigers thoughts.

            You're right, I. And so are those who say "Who Cares" about Tiger. I don't care what happens with him, but it IS an example, probably, of another addicition. And that addicition causes heartbreak for men and women!
            Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
            awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


              Tigers thoughts.

              I find this whole thing with Tiger fascinating and tragic actually (and not from a watching a car wreck perspective). I have to's this guy who demonstrated an incredible gift at such an early age; a child prodigy really. Yet, there was this whole aspect of himself that never really developed, in fact, it was stunted and pathological.
              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                Tigers thoughts.

                QuitinTime;809272 wrote: Actually sex addiction is real. Its as psychologically real as food addiction or any other sensual pleasure addiction. THere are tons of men who have basically left their wives mentally and even physically (but still in the same house) to be with some online hooker or to have "computer sex".
                I don't see how this qualifies as an "addiction". It may be hard on someone's wife in this case, but lack of sexual interest in one's partner is pretty common. In the case you describe, this is all that seems to have happened. In fact, even where a couple still have a solid relationship (emotionally and physically) it is absurd to suppose that each party lacks sexual interest in other people, whether they act upon it or not. I can't help but think that all this talk about "sex addiction" has been intertwined with social expectations of monogamy, as well as latent puritanical attitudes toward sex.

                "Sex addiction", as several have mentioned, seems to be nothing more than an excuse people import as self-defence for their marital follies. Moreover, unlike the insatiable urge for alcohol and drugs that develops after repeated, heavy usage, having a high libido is something that often occurs naturally. Once again, this is where sexual moralizing comes into play and frowns upon people who enjoy having an active sex life with multiple partners. Infidelity is one thing, but the rampant sex that sometimes accompanies it should not be confused with an unnatural, addictive behaviour. This is just puritanical moralizing.


                  Tigers thoughts.

                  JImBeam, IMHO you are mistaken. There are many types of addictions and just because you can't comprehend an addiction of a sexual nature as being nothing more than marital infidelity, I think you belittle those people who wrestle with this as a true issue.


                    Tigers thoughts.

                    cuckoosnest83;809382 wrote: JImBeam, IMHO you are mistaken. There are many types of addictions and just because you can't comprehend an addiction of a sexual nature as being nothing more than marital infidelity, I think you belittle those people who wrestle with this as a true issue.
                    This is an inaccurate reconstruction of what I've written. When I claimed that I don't see how this qualifies as an addiction, I was not asserting that I don't comprehend how someone might consider sex an addiction. Rather, I was claiming that I do not think sex meets a reasonable conception of addictive behaviour. Sexual attraction and orgasm are naturally occurring phenomena. Not surprisingly, though, some people will have a greater propensity to pursue sexual satisfaction than others.

                    In terms of belittling others, my criticism was clearly directed at public moralizers, not at anyone who claims to be addicted to sex. In fact, I was actually defending people said to have a sexual addiction, on the grounds that they are usually only identified as such when they breach the trust of their marriages. To be consistent, advocates of sex addiction should claim that single people who enjoy a significant sex life, especially where much energy and attention is paid in the pursuit of it, as sex addicts. At present, it is fair to say that this doesn't happen.

                    In short, just because someone might consider something an addiction, it doesn't follow that it actually is one. By analogy, many people consider heavy alcohol consumption to be symptomatic of a disease, but this is insufficient to demonstrate that it actually is.


                      Tigers thoughts.

                      JimBeam, my apologies for misconstruing your words.


                        Tigers thoughts.

                        Is it really cheating? And how cultural is this, vs human?

                        I thought it pretty basic that any male in our culture "cheats" according to how rich and famous they are. Look at Clinton, Edwards and Sanford. Famous women make a big show that they expected otherwise; Hillary, Elizabeth and Jenny, but good gosh, don't they read the same newspapers? What are they thinking?

                        In Japan, for instance, sexual fidelity is separate from loyalty to a marriage. It's pretty typical that a wife says "don't stay out too late" for a husband who phoning from a "pleasure bar". But then, in Japan, the basis for family and marriage is generally economic and social, and not "love".

                        Why do women gain such high expectations, when men appear to get a "Free Card" to go outside of them? I think that's the real issue with Tiger, that he expresses regret for something that almost everyone expects him to do.


                          Tigers thoughts.

                          The World Health Organization produces the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), which is used globally and is not limited to mental disorders. The most recent version of that document, ICD-10, includes "Excessive sexual drive" as a diagnosis (code F52.7), subdividing it into satyriasis (for males) and nymphomania (for females). Since there is as usual the disagreement whether or not its an "addiction" then lets just go with this: If you can't stop doing it no matter how much it tears up your life and you need treatment in order to stop of some sort - then in my book it qualifies as an addiction. There are entire countries of people who consider drinking a bottle of wine a day just ok and normal. Here, we'd consider it alcoholism, wouldn't we?

                          I don't want to get into a contest about Tiger - I just thought because he went to treatment - it seemed to me that they probably did the 12 step thing and he took it public - like some of the other people in the same boat have. I didn't watch it nor would I. My point is more that addictions aren't black and white - there is a lot of grey that comes into play - with overuse of everything is there not?

                          PS its just my opinion - what the hell do I know?


                            Tigers thoughts.

                            I didnt need or want an apology. He needs to work on this with his family, GOD, and himself. If he were a football one would care less. It is acceptable behavior for some and not for others. I think he is very sick. If I were his wife...he'd be hunting for his penis in bushes cause I wouldve cut it off and thrown it out the window. BUT,I dont know him, his behavior has absolutely nothing to do with my life. Good luck to him and his wife...
                            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear

