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Tigers thoughts.

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    Tigers thoughts.

    None of my business, is my opinion. He is a great golfer, what he does behind closed doors is for him and his family to forgive or not forgive. How did his sex life become anyones business, sans maybe his sponsers who paid for his clean "image"? I say leave the man alone and let him and his wife deal with this.

    Just my 2cents...
    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


      Tigers thoughts.


      Huge difference between 'cheating'and possibly making a mistake or not sure about it..if goin through a hard time in your relationship etc...janey mac, I think we can all forgive something like that, i hope..i have been there..but to consistently do it whilst still married and enjoying all the benefits on a singular personal/career level and all the trappings that it has to bring, I find it hard to believe that he is a genuinely nice person..not that he has to be nice to be who he is or enjoy the trappings but hard to believe when he trys to claims to be so. But there we go..have never met him..will probably never meet him and he will be a much lesser person for never having spent time with me

      There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


        Tigers thoughts.

        Funny Girl;808778 wrote: Sex addiction definition - A condition invented when a man caught cheating is actually caught . . . .
        LOL!!! Funny Girl, you are living up to your username by posting this- definitely put a smile on my face

        On a more serious note, your comment encapsulates perfectly the absurdity of the concept of "sex addiction." At various points in my life I could just as easily have been diagnosed with so-called "sex addiction", when in reality all that was happening to me was that I had a high libido and was fortunate enough to have ample opportunities to exercise it! But being that I was unattached and not cheating on anyone, of course I didn't face any moral disapprobation.

        I'm sure some will claim that any behaviour/substance that can interfere with one's life can be construed as "addictive". Normal sexual behaviour (construed broadly to include people of any sexual orientation/most sexual interests) is a perfect counterexample to this kind of thinking. It is highly unlikely that people who lead highly active sex lives behave antisocially, get into car accidents, steal, lie, screw up their jobs, destroy their health (unless they engage in careless sex), etc. Find me one alcohol/drug addict who hasn't suffered at least one of these negative consequences?

        In Tiger's case, the only negative consequence is that he cheated on his very beautiful wife and got caught, period.


          Tigers thoughts.

          Agreed Jim Beam - and his wife is beautiful - what's up with him???? At least she had the guts to walk away . . . .


            Tigers thoughts.

            its just a cynical publicitystunt to win back his sponsors, i mean what has it got to do with us? he should apologize to the people he hurt, in private.
            by the way there was no emotion that i saw in the televised apology, very clinical.
            just my two cents worth
            life is simple its just not easy


              Tigers thoughts.

              I can't even begin to imagine having the money/fame/position/power of someone such as Tiger Woods and having people of the opposite sex constantly coming onto you. I think it would take someone of extremely strong moral character to be able to resist such temptation. I can't even resist a gin and tonic so who am I to judge.


                Tigers thoughts.

                I agree Cuckoo

                cuckoosnest83;808833 wrote: I can't even resist a gin and tonic so who am I to judge.
                Too true Cuckoo! I also agree with your point about having gorgeous women throwing their bodies at you constantly. I imagine that would be hard for anyone. No excuses for him, but I can see your point, and I am a woman!


                  Tigers thoughts.

                  JimBeam911;808662 wrote: While I agree with the concept of forgiveness, with respect to Tiger Woods's extra-marital liasons, something else comes to mind- who gives a F--K!!??

                  This isn't directed at you IAD, as you are not to blame for the sensationalist media coverage of Tiger Woods. That said, I have found myself disgusted even more than usual with the media for devoting so much time to it, particularly the US media. With all the legitimate problems and crises going on in the world, the fact that this story even made marginal headlines makes me weep for the future of the human race.
                  Hey Jim & IAD...
                  :H:H:H...I wondered the same thing...Who cares?..I dont recall a press conference for where and what my ex-did with his privates-LMFAO:H


                    Tigers thoughts.

                    Why is there no outrage over the women who happily participated, knowing he was famous, rich AND married?


                      Tigers thoughts.

                      tawnyfrog;808855 wrote: Why is there no outrage over the women who happily participated, knowing he was famous, rich AND married?
                      Good point, Tawny!!
                      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                        Tigers thoughts.

                        Tawny and Stirly.........Saw a news report yesterday that one of his mistress's had gotten a lawyer...and demanded an apology from Tiger. ( The young lady happened to be a porn star.....and lives in California....were pallamony suits run amuck !) She was claiming that she ended her career to be with him......I see money signs everywhere..Ha! Why would you need a lawyer for an apology.....Tiger apologies then he's hooked.....Big Pallomony suit for Tiger. IAD
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss


                          Tigers thoughts.

                          Oh my, yes I saw the press conference the red haired gal held yesterday. Anyhow, we have not heard the end of Tiger's escapades. They are going to be coming out of the woodwork now.

                          I think this whole sex addiction thing is a crock too.

                          Wish I had a little more libido myself these days. I guess that happens with age, children, etc. I think alcohol was really connected with sex for me dancing. That's a whole other story.
                          AF Since April 20, 2008
                          4 Years!!!


                            Tigers thoughts.

                            IAD;809180 wrote: Tawny and Stirly.........Saw a news report yesterday that one of his mistress's had gotten a lawyer...and demanded an apology from Tiger. ( The young lady happened to be a porn star.....and lives in California....were pallamony suits run amuck !) She was claiming that she ended her career to be with him......I see money signs everywhere..Ha! Why would you need a lawyer for an apology.....Tiger apologies then he's hooked.....Big Pallomony suit for Tiger. IAD
                            Well, first of all, as they say - it takes two to tango. I hold every woman who has ever had an affair with a married man (don't tell us they didn't know it in this case :no: - he's Tiger friggin' Woods) equally responsible for the affair. Also, they have a saying here that apparently parents tell their careful where you put your signature and where you put your "man"-ature!:xmouth: Just saying. The more "ladies" you have, the more chances there are that somebody's gonna blow the whistle and things are gonna :bomb: in your face. And in this case...BIG time...
                            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                              Tigers thoughts.

                              I think the most important thing he said (media sensationalism aside) is that he apologized to his wife, but the REAL apology is in the behavior change that he needs to show her over time. That is a lesson for all of us here too I think. I know I made all kinds of apologies over stuff I did when drinking, but they were empty because I just kept repeating the behavior over and over. The only way my apologies today have meaning is for me to continue to live a different way and demonstrate changed behavior over time.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.


                                Tigers thoughts.

                       Doggy........! IAD
                                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                                Dr. Seuss

