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My dear friends

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    My dear friends

    I just got new big contract. Unfortunately once i learned about it I started drinking. I have been drinking for some time now and I have to sober up by monday. As soon as i stop I am going through very violent withdrawals. Hospital is not an option for me as I have been there so many times they would not admit me again.
    I know nobody can help me but me, but I just want to say it. I am so stupid. This contract is going to change my life as there is lots of money involved and i was looking forward to it for at least a year.

    Thanks for listening. I am not able to stop drinking by myself.

    All the best,

    We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.

    My dear friends

    hey Nettie, haven't seen you in a while, sorry to hear of your situation. Honestly I don't know how a hospital can refuse you because you've been in so many times. you have a potentially life threatening medical condition to treat and they should not be able to refuse to treat you. I'd be persistent and get some proper treatment ASAP. please let us know how you fare.
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      My dear friends

      No hospital is not going to help you.... no matter how many times you show up. So. Time for you to quit drinking and do whatever it is that you need to do. We have an illness, love.

      Anyway... Don't even ask me about hospitals..... You are more than welcome in any hospital!!! I work in one. I am almost an RN now. I am currently an LPN and we NEVER refuse anyone NO MATTER WHAT!


        My dear friends

        I can't even tell you how much I have seen in the Emergency Room and how many times some of these guys have come over and over again. IT is truly heart breaking but they deserve the same care as anyone else and get it. xoxo


          My dear friends

          Hello Nettie! I am sorry to hear that you are battling at the moment.

          As AFM correctly says, the illness needs to be treated and a great place would be taper back on intake. I know I am stating the very obvious on this but try to embrace all the positives that the new contract will bring along and use that as a firm goal. Maybe a couple of affirmations and a vivid visualization of you in a happy space working at your goal!

          Holding thumbs sending positive vibes in your direction!
          'Tis with our judgements as our watches, none go just alike, yet each believes his own - Alexander Pope


            My dear friends

            Hi Determinator and AFM

            I just had 5 beers very quick. Feel much better now. I know it is easy to say not to drink There is not an option for me. I really need to sober up by monday. My parents are worried sick. They call me every day. They want me to go back to Europe as they say over there treatment is better.

            I am not saying anything new here, but please do not drink!
            I am not able to stop by myself. I know it. Just tell me something nice.

            We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


              My dear friends

              Netty well done you seem to be a very intelligent guy do you attribute your achievements to your consumption of alcohol or hard work..???


                My dear friends

                She is a girl.. I hope the best for you, Nettie!


                  My dear friends

                  This contract is going to change my life

                  Nettie, if you think money, relationships, change of scenery or external things are going to change your life, you're in for a very rude awakening. Remember the old saying: "Money can't buy you happiness" This is never more apt for the alcoholic. We continually try to fix ourselves with external things and through materialistic 'wants' rather than turning inwards for that happiness by first and foremost addressing our pain.

                  Whether you choose to see this as an illness or not, one thing you can be sure of, alcoholism (untreated) ALWAYS, ALWAYS gets worse. I do see it as a mental illness because the substances are not the problem.....I am the problem. I couldn't go about fixing that either with the same mindset that created all the problems in the first place. All those negative beliefs I had ingrained in me could not be shifted by the same mind that was creating them. For me I had to look outside myself to get inside myself (if that makes any sense to you!!)

                  I cannot do this alone in isolation (and we ARE isolated, even in our own minds). I need the help and support of other recovering addicts who have found their way out through whatever way has worked for them. For me that was through a 12 step philosophy and the fellowships. It's become my new 'tribe' today that gives me that feeling of connection and a sense of belonging so I can live my life as a decent human being free from that obsessiveness to want to use substances.

                  You're predicament is all too familiar with my own downward spiral. I just couldn't see a way out. It's make or break my friend and you have to start looking at trying something new. If nothing changes then nothing changes. Change the things you need to do in order to get well. This is your life on the line here Nettie. What lengths are you willing to go to? Are you gonna stick in the same mindset and expect it all to change for you? Allow yourself to be open minded and do WHATEVER IT TAKES.

                  WHATEVER IT TAKESGod bless you my friend
                  Love and Light
                  "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                  Clean and sober 25th January 2009

