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Sugar Anyone???.....

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    Sugar Anyone???.....

    I don't know why (this didn't happen the time I quit before my recent slip up) but I cannot get enough sugar. Cookies, Ice Cream, Candy, Cupcakes, Brownies. I ate a 1/2 pint of Ben & Jerry's last night all by myself. I've had to double the gym time!

    I guess it's going to have to be like alcohol...I can't have it in my house! So, before I head to the gym I think I'm going to toss the junk food and stop at this lovely Farmers Market they have near my home every Saturday and get lots of fruit and vegetables. Funny b/c when I was drinking I still ate pretty healthy. Now isn't that a contradiction!

    Day 12 and I LOVE being A/F! Have a Great Weekend everyone!
    Work like you don't need money,
    Love like you've never been hurt,
    And dance like no one's watching.
    ~author unknown

    One reason I don't drink is that I want to know when I'm having a good time.
    ~Nancy Astor

    Sugar Anyone???.....

    I am SO glad to hear from you!! Hey why don't you join the sugar-free lent thread. A few of us are feeling like that too. There is snack size candy bars in the house where I am and I'm honing my x-ray vision techniques with it. Grrrr
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Sugar Anyone???.....

      Hi Cindi and congrats on Day 12!! I too believe there is a strong link between what alcohol does in the body (aside from the "drunk" part of it) and what sugar does in the body. For me, sugar is much like AL. I can't have just one drink, and I can't have just one cookie either.

      I'm not sure if you have read the MWO book - it recommends to avoid sugar in there I think. (it's been awhile since I read it!). Also, there are a couple of books by Julia Ross that you might find interesting - one is The Diet Cure and one is The Mood Cure. She talks about amino acid deficiencies (and other nutritional deficiencies) and diet (sugar being a big problem food) and how they impact everything from weight to mood to alcoholism.

      Anyway...I found early on that I am WAY better off without sugar. Recently I started letting little bits in and that quickly exploded into major cravings and binges, etc. Not good. So I am sugar free for lent too!! (today is Day 4 Sugar Free!) I hope you join us!

      Congrats again on your progress.

      PS - What kind of dog is that? Needless to say I love dogs!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Sugar Anyone???.....

        The Big one is a Bull Mastiff. That's my Sister's dog shes holding his leash. I'm the one in the middle. Can you believe in that picture he is only 6 months! That was in early October. He's even bigger now!

        The one Bobby is holding is a miniature daschund. Not sure if you can see her well since the picture is small. We were at a Dog Walk here in Florida to benefit the ASPCA. There must have been like 300 Dogs there. It was a riot!
        Work like you don't need money,
        Love like you've never been hurt,
        And dance like no one's watching.
        ~author unknown

        One reason I don't drink is that I want to know when I'm having a good time.
        ~Nancy Astor


          Sugar Anyone???.....

          Oh I didn't even see the little one! :H Sounds like a fun event. I lived in FL a long time ago and adopted a greyhound who came off of the track in Tampa. He was such an awesome dog! (RIP Nick) I *met* Nick at a big event where the ASPCA was "showing off" their greyhounds and encouraging adoption. I think I had to fill out more paperwork than if I had been adopting a human LOL! That huge dog events does sound like a riot!

          Our neighbors have a long hair dachshund. He has no idea how little he is. He runs up and down the fence line barking fiercly at our German Shepherds. :H

          Have a great day!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Sugar Anyone???.....

            Yes, sugar is just so connected to alcohol for me. I am a sugar junkie. If I have some, I want more more more.
            AF Since April 20, 2008
            4 Years!!!

