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Existental Anxiety?

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    Existental Anxiety?

    I realize this probably isnt a great concern for many people here but maybe someone can relate; I finally narrowed it down for the reason I drink. Existential anxiety is sort of an abstract but pervasive fear for one's actual being. Starts in early childhood. Abuse, neglect, and emotional deprivation, and then sets up in later life for betrayal. Had lots of good. Alcohol numbs out the fear for a bit and is a great relief. Essentially you feel you cant trust anyone. I dont know if this is the same as GAD. Hoping Baclofen will help.
    The universe seems indifferent to our well-being. Its everyone to him/herself. At least thats been my experience. This is maybe a philosophical problem, I dont know. Anybody relate to this??? What has been your response to this view of life.?? Im glad to have a dialogue off line with anybody.

    azuldog..................I trust my dogs!!!!

    Existental Anxiety?

    Hi Azuldog,
    I guess that's a dog of a certain color blue? I don't know that I suffer from EA, but it sounds like it's possible. I have done self improvement/ philosophy courses for years, they seem to help improve my point of view over time. Haven't stopped my AL use, but i am still alive & on bac hoping for recovery. You might want ot look at TUT's Adventurers Club::Welcome, pretty much about how the Universe is actually supporting you/us.There's a fair amount of free stuff and a forum, & the book Infinite Possibilities is now on the NY best sellers list. All in plain english with humor... BTW, I'd prolly trust your dogs too!

    Be Well,

    "I fought against the bottle, but I had to do it drunk."
    Leonard Cohen


      Existental Anxiety?

      Azuldog -

      It seems this is a very common problem in alcoholics. It's also why many find it difficult staying sober once they've been AF for a period of time. It's why 12 step programs emphasize the spiritual aspect. It doesn't matter what the particulars of that are - that's a very individual thing.

      Also, I'm not trying to push religion on anyone - but I do find getting in touch the spiritual side helpful in maintaining my sobriety. Remember "God" is "Dog" spelled backwards! Start there maybe - what is it your dogs have that makes them special? To me, animals do give something, and I get something. We don't communicate on the level we do with humans. Yes, they understand some of our words, and we understand some of their verbalizing, but I think we both have to go to another level where different types of beings can communicate. To me this is kind of a spiritual level. So even if you're not "religious" maybe tap into this?

      I too felt very isolated, and always have. Lately, I'm realizing that in taking responsibility for myself, my sobriety, and my own happiness means reaching out a little bit (it's only going to be a little bit, that's all my comfort zone can take sometimes!). Just like in getting sober, where it is baby steps - one day, one hour, one minute at a time - I'm learning to apply the same principles - and it's OK to do as small of steps as I need to. It's still forward progress. I am also committed to staying sober, and if that means changing some patterns and attitudes, and letting go of old ones, so be it.

      Trust Dog, alright? Take care, much love - Dance :h
      ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

      AUGUST 9, 2009


        Existental Anxiety?


        Interesting thread- perhaps Camus or Sartre have written something about existential angst and alcohol consumption. From what I've read, Sartre certainly was no stranger to the bottle.

        At the risk of sounding bleak, I agree that life is intrinsically meaningless. The universe is wholly indifferent to our individual existence. The main difference in my case is that this doesn't cause me any great anxiety. Rather, I find it makes life exciting and challenging, and encourages me to utilize all opportunities to do something in this life, the only one I will ever have.

        I enjoy discussing this stuff, so feel free to send me a PM if you ever feel like delving into these complexities in depth.


          Existental Anxiety?

          if you feel there is no reason, then there is no reason, and i can see how that is depressing.

          i'm an athiest and find comfort in the fact that i am doing things in life not for a reward in heaven, but because i want to. that gives my life meaning, to me.


            Existental Anxiety?

            Hi Azuldog,

            Yep, Trust Dog! I have them too, you know exactly where you are with them.

            My view is that it is a spiritual problem rather than a philosophical one, philosophy is more of a mental pursuit than an intuitive pursuit in my perception. Einstein apparently said “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” I observe this to be true.

            I don't believe that the Universe is indifferent to our existence, it is more the other way around. I think it is difficult to trust people because they are not always truthful, I don't mean that they necessarily lie although of course that happens but they are disconnected from themselves and so present a false self to the world and we sense that. Dogs and other animals don't do that and their love is unconditional, this unconditional love is the essence of creation.

            We are all connected to the whole and thereby to each other, every level of being is a part of us in some way or another, but the vast majority of people are unaware of this and do not act in accordance with this.

            Everything has a meaning within it and each experience is a part of our journey, nothing is pre-determined and childhood experiences however challenging do not have to set up the rest of your life, there is always a learning within it, this may sound somewhat harsh, having had a challenging childhood myself I know how debilitating the coping mechanisms and feelings can be.

            Place your trust in yourself and Dog!

            It may sound as though I am poles apart from JimBeam but I agree with his sentiment "Rather, I find it makes life exciting and challenging, and encourages me to utilize all opportunities to do something in this life, the only one I will ever have.", except that I would qualify the last phrase with "in the now".

            You might find these books interesting, Power Vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behaviour: David R Hawkins: Books, and The Drama of Being a Child : The Search for the True Self: Alice Miller: Books, each author has a web-site David Hawkins publishing | Dr Hawkins Publication | Enlightenment spiritual seminar | Dr Hawkins self-awareness | Sedona enlightened teacher | Map of Consciousness and Alice Miller - Child Abuse and Mistreatment respectively.
            I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


              Existental Anxiety?

              The skeptic & the agnostic say its impossible for us to find the answer to life,Many have tried & failed.But many more have put aside intellectual pride and have said to themselves, who am i to say there is no God ? who am i there is no purpose in life,The atheist makes a declaration, The world originated in a cipher and aimlessly rushes nowhere, others live for the moment and do not even think why they are here or were are they going,They might as well be clams on the bottom of the ocean,protected by there hardshells and indifference,In my journey to sobriety i started to see & feel a higher power,cant really explain it to well, just i know for me its there.And it has certainly helped me in this fight of fights :thanks:

              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                Existental Anxiety?

                azuldog;811149 wrote: Existential anxiety is sort of an abstract but pervasive fear for one's actual being. Starts in early childhood. Abuse, neglect, and emotional deprivation, and then sets up in later life for betrayal. Had lots of good. Alcohol numbs out the fear for a bit and is a great relief. Essentially you feel you cant trust anyone. I dont know if this is the same as GAD. Hoping Baclofen will help.
                Hi azuldog,

                Thanks for starting this interesting thread!

                There are some thought-provoking posts here.

                I always view Kierkegaard as the father of Existentialism and he had a lot to say about existential angst. You mention abuse, neglect and emotional deprivation. Each of these is addressed in detail by Schema Therapy. I fully relate to your statement "Had lots of good". A good deal of the therapy that I've received has not been helpful. But, if you are not familiar with schema therapy, please check it out. It has helped me. A good starting point is the following book:

                Reinventing Your Life: How to Break Free from Negative Life Patterns: Jeffrey E. Young, Klosko: Books

                I also have a problem with trust, which stems from a traumatic childhood.

                I have GAD (and OCD). For more information about GAD, please check out:

                Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) | Health | Patient UK

                I am also hoping that baclofen will help in dealing with these anxiety disorders.

                "Love's the only engine of survival"

                Leonard Cohen


                  Existental Anxiety?

                  My view is that it is a spiritual problem rather than a philosophical one, philosophy is more of a mental pursuit than an intuitive pursuit in my perception. Einstein apparently said “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” I observe this to be true.
                  Ditto! Nice post Gold.

                  Love and Light
                  "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                  Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                    Existental Anxiety?


                    azuldog;811149 wrote: I realize this probably isnt a great concern for many people here but maybe someone can relate; I finally narrowed it down for the reason I drink. Existential anxiety is sort of an abstract but pervasive fear for one's actual being. Starts in early childhood. Abuse, neglect, and emotional deprivation, and then sets up in later life for betrayal. Had lots of good. Alcohol numbs out the fear for a bit and is a great relief. Essentially you feel you cant trust anyone. I dont know if this is the same as GAD. Hoping Baclofen will help.
                    The universe seems indifferent to our well-being. Its everyone to him/herself. At least thats been my experience. This is maybe a philosophical problem, I dont know. Anybody relate to this??? What has been your response to this view of life.?? Im glad to have a dialogue off line with anybody.

                    azuldog..................I trust my dogs!!!!
                    hi AZ,i beleive many can relate to what you have to say,many people have tried to be gods,lets face it,when people start jumping off building,stabbing there family memebers and all the other things we do when we drink,to escape,is it not insanity tht we keep doing it,the inner person you talk of was not ment to consume drugs or alchohol,im not educated altho i no many are here,but you dont have to be to not abuse, and tht has nothing to do with your intellect,the wonderful thing about being a human being is,we or i no i have a choice,example my father wooped my a s s when i was 6,for saying what was on my mind,they were going out to get loaded,which many did in those days,the 60 s ,i got thrashed ,and used it for 40 years as an xcuse,to drink,lets be honest,its an xcuse,the beings tht we talk of or in my case,are gone,were still running my life,your in a great spot,like many of us the resourses are out there for us,we just have to want to lern to use them gyco goodluck:thanks:

