The "Ignore" feature allows you to add a user to your personal "Ignore" list. If a user makes a post, you will see that they posted, but the contents of that post will not be visible. If you find a particular poster annoying or just not helpful to your sobriety, here's how it works:
At the upper left corner of a post, you can see the user name and avatar of the poster. If you click on the poster's user name, it opens up a screen with profile information about that user. On the profile screen, underneath the user name and avatar is a blue bar that has a couple of options. One is "add this user to your buddy list" and the other is "add this user to your ignore list." Click on the applicable option and that's it!
This community has gotten large and everyone is not going to agree with everyone else or like everyone else or even respect everyone else. I learned a long time ago that for myself, there is no value to my sobriety in getting involved in drama or choosing sides. As the old saying goes "take what you need and leave the rest." That's what I try to do to keep my participation at MWO always a positive experience overall that helps keep me sober.
I am notorious for writing very long posts that have been deemed "sandwich worthy."

Have a rockin' sober day everyone! OK - I'm heading back out to conquer the world. :b&d: