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How to use the Ignore feature

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    How to use the Ignore feature

    I was a member here at MWO for quite awhile before I realized there is an "Ignore" feature. I thought it might be helpful to point this feature out in case some of you have not found it yet, and might find it useful.

    The "Ignore" feature allows you to add a user to your personal "Ignore" list. If a user makes a post, you will see that they posted, but the contents of that post will not be visible. If you find a particular poster annoying or just not helpful to your sobriety, here's how it works:

    At the upper left corner of a post, you can see the user name and avatar of the poster. If you click on the poster's user name, it opens up a screen with profile information about that user. On the profile screen, underneath the user name and avatar is a blue bar that has a couple of options. One is "add this user to your buddy list" and the other is "add this user to your ignore list." Click on the applicable option and that's it!

    This community has gotten large and everyone is not going to agree with everyone else or like everyone else or even respect everyone else. I learned a long time ago that for myself, there is no value to my sobriety in getting involved in drama or choosing sides. As the old saying goes "take what you need and leave the rest." That's what I try to do to keep my participation at MWO always a positive experience overall that helps keep me sober.

    I am notorious for writing very long posts that have been deemed "sandwich worthy." So now you know how to ignore them if you would rather not read them! And what's nice is that nobody knows but YOU who is on your ignore list. So you won't hurt my feelings.

    Have a rockin' sober day everyone! OK - I'm heading back out to conquer the world. :b&d:

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    How to use the Ignore feature

    Thanks DG,
    I cant help but think that this could apply to me as I did get caught up in some drama, and you are right, that's not why we are here. Thanks for the tip! I would never ignore your posts!


      How to use the Ignore feature

      Doggygirl;812133 wrote:

      The "Ignore" feature allows you to add a user to your personal "Ignore" list. If a user makes a post, you will see that they posted, but the contents of that post will not be visible. If you find a particular poster annoying or just not helpful to your sobriety, here's how it works:
      At the upper left corner of a post, you can see the user name and avatar of the poster. If you click on the poster's user name, it opens up a screen with profile information about that user. On the profile screen, underneath the user name and avatar is a blue bar that has a couple of options. One is "add this user to your buddy list" and the other is "add this user to your ignore list." Click on the applicable option and that's it!
      Hey DG. I tried it and it only gave me the "add to buddy list" option. Maybe the "ignore option" is only for senior members. Just a thought....

      Tried something else and it worked - you have to click on the member's name and then on where it says "View Public Profile". In that window you will find the "Ignore List"
      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        How to use the Ignore feature

        DG, I was going to start a thread along the same lines, so I'll just tack onto this one if I may .

        I wanted to say to the newbies - don't be provoked, don't get sidetracked, don't get sucked into the drama. Focus on your goals and your sobriety. This site could help you to change your life (I helped me to change mine). But I'm prepared to bet that arguing with people on the internet will not help you, and might even make some of you upset and make you think about drinking.

        Obviously there are people here with questionable motives - always have been, always will be, it's nothing new. So what? Focus on YOU and what YOU want and why YOU'RE here.
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          How to use the Ignore feature

          Stirly, thanks for the clarification on the instructions.

          Hoping, we learn and grow as part of our experience here.

          Marshy, excellent post. As always you are much better than I at making a long story short!

          This site was my life line in my early sobriety as well. Hopefully this food for thought will help us all stay focused on what's important, and on what is valuable here.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            How to use the Ignore feature

            Thanks for the reminder DG!

            Sadly, there is going to be at least one a$$hole wherever you go!
            Good to know you can block them out

            Keep the smile on my face!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              How to use the Ignore feature

              I would utilize this feature, but the damn member keeps changing names. Its worth a try anyway.


                How to use the Ignore feature

                One of the problems I found with this during my early days here was that I was so intrigued to find out what the person was posting that I'd ignored in the first place. The fact that I could see this person had made a post was even more infuriating because I was now even more desperate to see what they'd written.

                So my advice would be as Marshy says, don't get involved in the first place and just concentrate on what's important to you. Sometimes our egos can get the better of us and we feel the need to have an answer for everything. Just leave well alone and respond to the positive posts and you shouldn't find a need to put ANYBODY on ignore.

                My only reason for putting anyone on ignore these days would be for self preservation if I was constantly getting personal messages that I found threatening in some way.

                On the public forum though any kind of interaction we get involved in (whether that be good or bad) is what we face daily in our lives when we interact with people face to face. Life on life's terms? Isn't that what we're striving to achieve without picking up a drink? This is a good a place as any to start with that for those that are still not confident around other people like I wasn't when I first came here.

                Love and Light
                "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                  How to use the Ignore feature

                  Thanks for the info on the ignore setting. Great timing. Our higher power is speaking to us in a variety of ways. Seems like there a some egos out of control here and ignoring them will hopefully send them away.



                    How to use the Ignore feature

                    hippie37;812264 wrote: ... don't get involved in the first place and just concentrate on what's important to you.

                    And if you feel strongly about a situation, "take it outside" and address it via PM.

                    Just my 2cents worth ...


                      How to use the Ignore feature

                      Boy I'm really out of the loop. I'm not aware of any "drama"! Now I feel a bit left out :H

                      But I do want to say that your posts are some of the ones I actively seek out, Doggygirl. I've learned so much from you. So you'll never be someone I'd ignore!
                      "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                        How to use the Ignore feature

                        Not been on for a few days but have just done a little bit of reading. I thought this deserved a BUMP. Don't get drawn in, just hit ignore, much more satisfying.

                        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                          How to use the Ignore feature

                          I would just like to echo what everyone else has said about not getting caught up in the drama. Sometimes it is hard to ignore a particularly nasty post but in the long run it is the best thing to do for the site and the members of the site.


                            How to use the Ignore feature

                            I agree with all of you, but some people actually help me realize, "and i thought i had problems?"
                            tee hee

                            Doggy.....your posts mean so much to me......and are so supportive.....I really count on them
                            as I said in chat the other day
                            you are The Mommy of the group!!! (Lav, too!)
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem

