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Dragging myself back

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    Dragging myself back

    Ok. It has been a while. I first joined MWO about this time last year and did really well on the program.
    Around June I decided to take a break to see how I well I could do on my own. Did really well until the end of June when I had to go get my mom from Florida and become her caretaker.

    She has been diagnosed with dementia and although I am not back to drinking at my highest level, my doc warned me that I am now drinking out of depression. Now I am transitioning from being a full-time employee and full-time mom to a full-time caregiver and full-time mom.

    It is so easy to reach for a drink knowing that you don't have to go to work even thought the days as a caregiver/mom are so much harder.

    Anyway, I am going to slowly ease myself back into this. I am not sure if I will start back on the topa or not. It wiped me out so much.


    Dragging myself back


    I'm relatively new, but I have seen people mention you and wonder how you are doing. So here you are! Welcome back! From what people have said, you werer missed.



      Dragging myself back

      Hey Nina! Welcome back:welcome: ! Good to see ya again. I remember you from before, it's been a long time. :l ...

      Sounds like you've got your hands full. My Mom took care of her Dad when he became unable to care for himself. Not an easy thing to do. But such a loving thing...:h
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        Dragging myself back

        Hi Nina,
        You sure have your hands full. I was in what I call the sandwich generation for many years. Kids at home and taking care of mom. It is a hard time in life but when it comes to the end ,and it will, just know that you have done all you could have done even if you have to get some help with mom.
        Take care of yourself and get out and do some things for yourself. Even if it's a walk or a movie or toenails done.

        I won't say I'm glad you're back because that means you're still having to deal with drinking but since you are we are glad to see you!
        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          Dragging myself back

          Hi, Nina.

          It's wonderful to hear from you but I'm sorry about the circumstances. You're dealing with a lot. Stress and depression are terrible drinking triggers.

          You may already be aware of this, but in the past several months, physicians have begun prescribing Vivitrol (once monthly injectable naltrexone) and it's working quite well for many patients. There are a number of articles about it on the new blog, linked above.

          Just wanted to let you know if you opt to include meds in your revamped program but were concerned about Topamax. It might be something to consider along with the rest of the program.

          Take care, warm wishes, and please keep in touch.

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            Dragging myself back

            feel for you

            Nina, I feel for you, know that taking care of parents can be a difficult chore, hope you do well, try to keep posting and let us know if there is anything we can do............. just Sat night, my hubby had a heart attack ,was at the hospital all night, feel like a caretaker now, he seems fine, but had to hold down the household the whole weekend, which went ok, I will be ok, drinking a little too much , but have time to get it together

            I'll pray for you, and wish you good thoughts:l


              Dragging myself back

              Hi Nina.
              Sorry to hear that you are having a rough go at it, but glad to "see" you are not spiralling too far away...
              Hey, I wanted to give a little input about the 2nd try of topa. I am on my 2nd try, and for some reason, it's going better this time. The first time, I had worse side effects. Worse tingling, worse fatigue, worse GI problems (still unsure if related???), just worse titration altogether. I was able to go up to 150mg in 6 wks with no problems, really. Now, at 150, I certainly did notice a smackola with the craving reduction AND some dopa both. And I have some things I need to focus on over the next couple weeks, so I'm staying at 150, but will probably start titrating up again after that.
              The first time, I took my sweet time getting past 50mg... then to 75 mg forever, then 100 forever... this over several months... just to drink over it top of it all and still experience side effects.
              Don't know if this is an individual thing (certainly may be), but I wanted to give you my experience.
              Best to you! Let us know how things go, OK?
              You were one of the very first people to encourage me when I found this site back in Feb, and I'll never forget that. I'm sorry it got rough for a while. Hey, bygones, OK? Nobody's perfect.
              Good luck, Nina.


                Dragging myself back

                welcome back. sounds like things are tough for you.... and i'm thinking of you heaps.
                missed you around the traps.


                  Dragging myself back

                  :l Nina! Welcome back home. I missed you a lot! Sorry to hear of all the stress you are enduring, but so proud of you for choosing to come back and take care of YOU! You are SO worthy! Big hugs to you!! Gina

