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We are ALL somebody's Hero

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    We are ALL somebody's Hero

    To: ALL
    From: OneYearAndBeyond
    Greetings everyone! I just wanted to tell you about the wonderful evening I had last night....
    I was out with some friends & was introduced to a couple of new people.... both of them had over 10 years of sobriety!!!
    It was the most enjoyable evening...we talked for hours about how our recoveries have enriched our lives beyond our wildest dreams.... I am in such awe of their accomplishments... they inspired me to new heights!!!

    To: OneYearAndBeyond
    From: SeveralMonthsUnderMyBelt
    Thank you so much for posting this! I never thought I would make it this far, and I must admit, there are some days that I still struggle.... but, when I read stories like yours, it makes me realize that there are still so many rewards for me to yet experience..... thank you for making my day!

    To: SeveralMonthsUnderMy Belt
    From: OneWeekToday
    Wow! How great it must feel to be AF for so many months! Last week I just felt it in my heart that I couldn't go on drinking like I have been... it's gotten to the point where I can see it's ruining everything that is good in my life. It's been a tough week, especially the weekend...but I did it! Tomorrow begins week 2...I feel so good about this, I keep telling myself that if I can do 1 week...I can do two! Wish me luck guys!

    From: 24Hours39Minutes7Seconds
    I can only imagine what it must feel like to be quit for a week.... you sound so positive about about quitting.... I want to feel like that too. I drank my last drink yesterday.... I feel scared, but I feel empowered too.... does that make any sense??? I can't wait to reach my one week of sobriety.... I've never made it that long before. I would be honored if you could be here that day.... not only will it be a day to celebrate 1 week of sobriety for me, but it will be a day to celebrate're the one that inspired me to do this. Thank you!

    To: 24Hours39Minutes7Seconds
    From: MyJourneyBeginsNow
    This is my first post.... I've been reading for several weeks all of the members stories, but I've never had the nerve to post.
    There was something about your story that resonated my own... I read it over & over.... tears rolling down my face....I've been crying for the past 2 hours, it feels good to cry...I haven't allowed myself to do that in years. What you said is so true, I never thought of it that way, maybe looking at it from that perspective is what I need to do.
    BTW, just over an hour ago, I poured the last of my wine down the drain....I really don't know if I can do this, but I'm going to give it a try....
    you are my hero.

    Taking another sip, the reader leans back in their chair, mulling over what they just read. Setting the drink down, they lean forward... and bookmark the page.
    AF 6 years
    NF 7 years

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step

    We are ALL somebody's Hero

    Lovely post Fallen..
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      We are ALL somebody's Hero

      Fallen Angel

      Your post made me take a look at some of my 1st ever:-

      Hi Just wanted to tell you all that you are really my inspiriation!!!
      When I hear how good you are all feeing it encourages me to get there.
      Im a two bottle a night girl
      The thought of being 14 days AF sounds utterly wonderful.....

      Hi Stirly-girly
      I so agree with your comments, I cant believe how much better i feel knowing that you are all here and understand what im going through.
      I could never have these conversations with my friends as Id be too ashamed to tell them how bad it has become. Part of the despair was the lonliness and this site is just a Godsend!
      Wishing you the greatest of luck....

      Excellent Irish!
      I joke with my friends that my song is Robbie Williams "GOD MAKE ME PURE.. BUT NOT YET"
      but i think im now ready for some of that purity.

      I finally admitted to myself I needed to quit and by accident found this site last weekend while suffering from a horrendous hangover.

      Now im determined to do it and being able to post these threads admitting all this has been the best therapy in the world!!

      Thanks for always being here for us Newbies,
      i dont post much yet but will do soon and its nice to know your here...

      Bring on day 3, im full of detemination, hope and courage and hope we are all feeling strong.Merry Christmas
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        We are ALL somebody's Hero

        That is such a great post and so important for all of us to read and reflect on. Every step gets us further from the bottle. I used to think I could not stay sober for any length of time but I have proven to myself that I am stronger than I thought I was. I hope that that will give newbies the courage and strength they need to make it through today. Thanks for sharing this post.


          We are ALL somebody's Hero

          Very nice post Fallen!
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

