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Attitudes and Feelings

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    Attitudes and Feelings

    One of the fascinating things about feelings is that they come and go, like waves in the ocean of our consciousness. Happiness, anger, fear, love, thankfulness...they arise in response to some external or internal trigger and then subside. We feel angry, and then we don't. We are "in love" and then we aren't. We feel thankful and then it's over.

    As we grow, one of our spiritual tasks is to move beyond this purely emotional response to life and to cultivate positive emotions as "habits of the heart". what this means is that we learn to love even when we don't "feel" loving, be kind when we'd rather be surly and be grateful even when we don't "feel" like being thankful. In this way, we turn feelings, which come and go, into conscious attitudes that we act upon even if we don't "feel" like it.

    Our attitudes are our mental stances, the positions we hold vis-a-vis in life. In some ways our attitudes determine everything, because they are the glasses through which we see the world. Is the world a wonderful place or a hellhole? All of us know that the answer to that question depends on our attitude on any given day. Has the world changed? most likely our thinking about it has. When we consciously cultivate positive attitudes such as love, joy, and gratitude, we begin to "remake" the world. We literally live in a different place because our attitudes about it have changed.

    The particular beauty of an attitude of gratitude is that it instantly connects us to everything else. In an important way it is the recognition of the connection, the switch, between us and the rest of life and consciously recognizing it opens the flow: the more grateful we are, the more of an abundant sense of life we will experience.

    For that's the irony (even paradox) about the relationship between attitudes and feelings. The more you cultivate the attitude, even if you don't feel it, the more you experience the feeling! The more loving we are, the more love we feel. The more joy we radiate, the more comes back our way. The more thankful we are, the more we experience the richness of spirit that grateful feelings produce.

    I take no credit for this post. It was a response to a question I asked a friend of mine in fellowship in NJ. I think both he and I are very much on the same wavelength about a lot of things.

    Love and Light
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009

    Attitudes and Feelings

    WOW! How beautifully written! There is so much wisdom in everything you said! The world would be a wonderful paradise if we all had that attitude! Thank you so much for sharing this! It really stirred my spirit! Congratulations on your one year + sobriety! I hope we can all grow like you have and develop your beautiful attitude about life!
    I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
    but I'm sure not who I used to be!

    There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



      Attitudes and Feelings

      This is a great topic Phil, something Ive been thinking of a lot myself since I have started back with counselling again. Some of it fits in with the CBT that I am having, looking at thoughts and how they affect feelings. I am learning how to experience thoughts and not necessarily react in the way I would have in the past now. This is helping me with my attitude which in turn helps me with my depression.
      At last I feel I am growing.
      When they say our emotional development stops when we start drinking, they really arent kidding are they?
      Thanks for this post, it has helped me to clarify a few things for myself.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Attitudes and Feelings

        Thank you Phil for that great post, it is so true. When we are happy and positive around people they in turn feel better and respond in a positive way and on and on whereas if we moan a lot folks will either moan back or disappear!!
        Yeah the world doesn't change according to our moods therefore it's waiting out there to embrace the good times. We must accept however that s%^t does happen and sometimes needs to be dealt with but how we deal with it is the key ( glass half full half empty etc ).
        Thanks for reminding me to take the positive out of every situation I feel happier since I read your post so lovely Sunday ahead:thanks:
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Attitudes and Feelings

          Very nice post Phil and so true. Thanks for sharing it.
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            Attitudes and Feelings

            I know for me I have been a "negative" person on some levels. I like to think that alot of that had to do with the drinking and does not have to be part of my sober life. What I mean by negative is that I worried about things that would never happen, allowed other people determine my happiness or mood and usually saw the cup as half empty instead of half full. Not sure if I truly believe that I was clinically depressed but I do believe that alcohol contributed to all of the above.
            I do now go to bed happy to be AF. I am working on having a positive attitude towrds life in general. If you had asked me a year ago when I was going through a divorce, buying the house and stretching my finances, watching my husband of 21 years move out, and knowing my older son was leaving to go to college, if I could find some positive in any of it I would never have though it possible. But today I truly do think of the future with hope. I am happy with where my I am in my life and I try not to regret things in my past. The change in my attitude has definetely reflected in me. My friends, family and co-workers do see it. I know being AF is only a small part of my new attitude, but I also know if I was not AF I would not have been able to look at my life in a more positive light. Today, I am really glad that I went through all the difficult times in my life so that I could really appreciate the way things are today. It really would be a pleasure if everyone could go through life with a positive attitude. Certainly would make us all feel so much better.


              Attitudes and Feelings


              As always, your posts hit right on the nail.

              I know that working on my attitude is extremely important if I want to stay sober. Looking back on my life, I can say that I was an alcoholic before I ever drank.

              My attitudes were very negative. When I started drinking, those feelings would melt away. I could relax and be happy.

              But then my "friend" turned on me.

              If we work on changing our atttiudes to be positive, we can relax and be happy without the alcohol. We can learn to be happy sober.

              I think that is the hardest part of starting out in sobriety. That "jumping off" place. We don't know how to live without alcohol and we surely can't live with it.

              Thank you for sharing. :l

              AF April 9, 2016


                Attitudes and Feelings

                Cindi - Interesting statement about being an alcoholic before you ever drank - maybe that was me too. I never really thought about it in that way . . . .thanks for your insight.


                  Attitudes and Feelings

                  Phil, this is another terrific thread and post of yours! Your friend in NJ has some interesting insights and I appreciate you sharing them here with us.

                  Some of us were talking about "emotional sobriety" on a thread somewhere and also couple of us in chat at some point yesterday. It's a topic that we've also touched on from time to time in the Weekly AA thread, and I think it's a great topic. For me, allowing myself to just have whatever attitude going on at the moment that just flows right with my feelings, even when the attitude is inappropriate for an adult, is I was. Emotionally immature. I think I stopped growing emotionally the day I picked up my first drink at about 17 years old.

                  I think you hit the nail on the head Phil when you talked about taking on an appropriate attitude even when we don't feel like it. And that joy in that, is that our attitude really DOES influence our feelings if we "grow up" and do the right things.

                  Toward the end of your post the thought "what goes around comes around" crossed my mind. Another saying that can be seen as "trite?" I suppose. But I really think it's true. The more I smile and be nice to other people, the more happiness and contentment I feel. Regardless of what is going on around me.

                  I'm not crazy at all about TV preachers, but Joyce Meyer has some interesting presentations along the lines of "growing up" emotionally that flow parallel with this thread I think.

                  Just stopping drinking by itself did not bring on the happiness that I generally feel in my life today. That has been an "add on" to the journey. I couldn't have done it while drinking. But quitting drinking alone didn't get me there.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Attitudes and Feelings

                    Great post, Hippie! I enjoyed the input from others. I think the longer we live without alcohol the deeper we proble into our human condition! We simply must heal that inner condition if we are to have any hope of long term or even "forever" sobriety!

                    Yes, DG and I were discussing emotional sobriety.....a great chat! I am not a "Placid Person". By nature I am passionate and intense. This did not help me with my addiciton....for sure! My escape from everything was always to drink. Of course, drinking never made even one small thing any better. It was a brief escape, followed by acting out and yes, feeling like crap and filled with regret, depression and anxiety! No way to Live!

                    These days, I am still the same person, but what I have learned and continued to learn is to mange my nature! The "Serentity Prayer" is indeed the perfect Mantra for me! And Attitude is everything....the Serentity Prayer really speaks to that. I no longer expect a perfect work full of bliss.....yet, I enjoy Bliss at least at fleeting moments nearly every day! Never could this have happened without some long term sobriety behind me. I know that I will grow more and learn more as my journey with sober living continues and I am greatful! I am also greatful with others here who are on the same path and lend their insights on a regular basis!

                    Happy Sunday, All!
                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007


                      Attitudes and Feelings

                      Doggygirl, I love Joyce Meyers! She has incredible insight on feelings, attitudes and so much more. I'd encourage others to listen to her. She's on TV every morning or you can go to her website:
                      I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
                      but I'm sure not who I used to be!

                      There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



                        Attitudes and Feelings

                        sick of being sick;813854 wrote: Doggygirl, I love Joyce Meyers! She has incredible insight on feelings, attitudes and so much more. I'd encourage others to listen to her. She's on TV every morning or you can go to her website:
                        SOS, one of her scenarios that just had me rolling on the floor was her description of a woman's "pity party." Have you ever heard her go through that one? In the bathroom (because a BIG mirror is required - how else will we see the dramatic-mascara-running-down-the-face), best done when husband or other person is home to "be concerned" about the pity party going on in the bathroom....etc. She really hits the nail on the head sometimes!

                        I'm glad I host quite a few less pity parties in my own honor these days too!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Attitudes and Feelings

                          Marvelous topic, hippie! It makes me think of the fake it till you make it philosophy.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            Attitudes and Feelings

                            I've been in attendance over the past 5 weeks at a parenting course based on the Carolyn Webster - Stratton technique. This has given me real insight into my own behaviours and emotional development as a child.

                            I think if anything it has reaffirmed for me that this is where the 'problems' with my own emotional development started and not when I started drinking. I think the problems were already there and in effect lead to the drinking. I was already ill equipped to handle situations from a very early age due to the lack of confidence and self esteem that was caused first and foremost by the emotional side of things (and partly due to the interaction between other family members).

                            So for me it was probably not getting the attention I sought that lead to 'acting' out in ways that got it, which in turn became 'normal' behaviour and where I became emotionally stunted in my growth. Thus trying to cope with life as I got older was where the drink and drugs played their role. So it's only through addressing my old behaviour that I can lean new patterns and ways to deal with life that allows me to have a new and positive attitude towards life that is not so self seeking and destructive.

                            Love and Light
                            "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                            Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                              Attitudes and Feelings

                              Hippy, you are such a beautiful writer and an inspiration to me! I could totally relate to your last post. My emotional problems started long before my drinking and drugging, which probably lead to my abuse. I'm extrememly insecure because I learned at a very early age how to try to please others and gain their love and approval. I'm 48 years old now and I have no idea who I AM! According to my husband, I'm a f___up, not desirable or worthy of his attention. According to my family, I was a problem child and an addict even though they all are, too, they only see my past abuse and not their current problem. My illness and the attention I got from it made my parents, my sister and my brother miserable. My children are scarred from their childhoods. I relieve all the mistakes I have made over and over until a drink, a drug or anything to escape with was the only answer. Now for the first time, I have to learn how to deal with my life and my mistakes sober. I'm listening to my thoughts, more aware of what makes me want to get drunk and trying to learn from and do better. That is all I can do at the moment ... take one day at a time.
                              I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
                              but I'm sure not who I used to be!

                              There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.

                              "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME." Phil 4:13

