I feel that after deciding a week ago to make an extra huge effort to address my drinking (yet again

I was going into London last Tuesday and was reading a newspaper on the train and saw an advert from a Dutch company called Tactus looking for people to participate in clinical trials in the UK to reduce or quit drinking. Apparently, their course is already very successful in Holland and it is just starting up in the UK
I'm told that this is a 16 week online course with a personal councellor and usually costs over ?2K (its all anonymous - participants give feedback on how and if it helps but they never use your name or details). Anyway, long and short of it is I emailed and asked to take part and got confirmation yesterday that I have a place. I've just signed up this morning - had to answer lots of questions online and apparently a councellor will get in touch with my (via the website) in a couple of days.
I'm really excited! I'm not sure if they still have places available or if anyone else wants to apply. The email address is: info@lookatyourdrinking.com and the advert was in the London Metro on Tuesday 23rd Feb. The lookatyourdrinking.com website looks a bit bare - but I assume that this is because it is brand new.
I intend to carry on hanging around here - you are all so inspirational and the help I get from you all, just by reading and empathising with you all is incredible (we're all here in the same boat!) - but the opportunity to get four months of one-to-one help fills me with optimism for the future and is something that I could never have afforded otherwise. Wish me luck!!!