tippers any chance you arent a peck fecker foot massage slave who has a stiffy seeing a man suited up ready to ride a wave
No announcement yet.
Evening all
well my first day went well, I did'nt do much but you never do on your first day, the people are really nice and it looks like I might have some more work from it, which is amazing........
So far my week has been really good......a hell of alot better than last week....I dont want to go there again!!!!!!
Bridget.....your a wonderful woment, thankyou for your lovely words and to you Reggie and of course to everyone here that helped me a great deal to get threw last week, I could not of done it without all of you lovely people....your the best.... Its a shame that we cant all meet up and be in a room all at the same time....god could you imaging that.....lol.......what fun we would have......
Well id better go now as it is my bed time
starting over
hi all, been afk myself.
condolences miss b.
hey reggie, took awhile but i got google to work for me and 'ορισμένες φύλο' is something to do with plectrums aint it?
hey bridge, if your aiming for that area, use a kin geri, rocks their socks off...
TF, hows the tanks comming? some fellas fing a grl with the know how of tools to be intimidating, their whimps IMHO...you rock.
7weeks til due date for asplet#2.AF since 10/26/2009
It will be five years sober 10/26/2014
Morning all youse antichinuses,
Aspy - The outlet fittings are in place and NOT leaking (yay!) and today I'll use a hole saw to cut a 98mm dia. hole near the top to cater for overflow, whack on a bit of silicone to the back of the flange and 4 self-tapping screws should secure same.
You must be getting very excited about baby Asplet.
It sure was nice to see the blokes having a bit of a gas-bag last night. Now all youse single blokes, please mark the Tight Tucker's words: Get yourselves a nice white shirt. All us women of the female persuasion seem to approve of this item of apparel. You will score.
Back later.
yer TF, very exicited...knackerd, the little lady is in horendouds pain, baby is engaged and spine to spine, so daddy has been cooking cleaning workin/overtime midnight nappys/milk bottles, wheat packs shopping washing medicating whole household(place full of junkies, campral vitamines all round,iron&folate tabs panadol nurefen sm32)... how do you mummys do it for 30 yrs???
only been a week of her feet... lol...thank dog for work, need a rest...
watch the vid girls, one of the best 'put him in his place' tools in your arsenal...
All-Karate.com - Groin kick (kin geri)AF since 10/26/2009
It will be five years sober 10/26/2014
Morning Hawney, Aspy, and all the beautiful people to grace us with their maaaarvellous presence.
Ok. As a single bloke, i have been given the mail. A nice white shirt it is then! What's more, i might even have an occassion soon, where i can try it out.......;-)
That's great news Coach!
A woman who knows her way around a tool is indeed priceless.
Hi bet's, and Ruby!
Hope Asplet 2 and mum are doing well, sounds like the proud dad is!
Well, Men's shed was brief last night boy's, but a nice change, and a pleasure. Alway's special to see the Marika's of course, but it was a rare moment of peace and quiet that i will treasure for a long time.
A beautiful sleep had, bit of a lay in, and a day with deliberately nowhere to be, at any specific time. Nowhere is also a nice place to visit, but, from past experience, i wouldn't want to live there!
Drizzly here, and some nice rain overnight, maybe a sunny w/kend. 'Ave a good weekend!
:welcome: :goodjob: :new:
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Hey Aspy how sweet is this ...gutsy Marika ( poets day for me Yippeeeeee)
Tove Tagell of Darwin ignores deadly snake to bake a cake | Herald Sun
Wow. What a woman. Don't think I'd be that calm.
So ... my eternal optimist report: After my post this morning, it started to rain. And then it started to p*ss down. Fantastic! Find brolly to check that all plumbing to new tanks is working. Brolly is useless up ladder so race to shed to get Driza. Driza's been hanging on back of door forever. Go to put it on and find four little bats snuggled up in the folds. Cute. Can't disturb them. Gently put Driza back on hook and race to kitchen, grab garbag, cut head and arm holes to create a stylish rain coat and back out into it. All's working beautifully, just a little prop required here and there and the sound of water pouring into the virgin tanks is bliss. Utter bliss.
Point of the story? Whilst permanently engaged in a state of pissedness, I wouldn't have bought more tanks. "Why bother - it's never going to rain again ..." Whilst preoccupied with minimising a hangover, I wouldn't have pushed myself to install the tanks yesterday. "Nah - I'll do it tomorrow - can't be bothered getting the extension lead", etc. etc. etc.
Once you stop behaving like an idiot and pull your finger out and become aware of what's got to be done, you achieve the most amazing things. It's a kind of magic. Look for the good. It will be there.
tawnyfrog;816431 wrote: Wow. What a woman. Don't think I'd be that calm.
So ... my eternal optimist report: After my post this morning, it started to rain. And then it started to p*ss down. Fantastic! Find brolly to check that all plumbing to new tanks is working. Brolly is useless up ladder so race to shed to get Driza. Driza's been hanging on back of door forever. Go to put it on and find four little bats snuggled up in the folds. Cute. Can't disturb them. Gently put Drizas back on hook and race to kitchen, grab garbag, cut head and arm holes and back out into it. All's working beautifully, just a little prop required here and there and the sound of water pouring into the virgin tanks is bliss. Utter bliss.
Point of the story? Whilst permanently engaged in a state of pissedness, I wouldn't have bought more tanks. "Why bother - it's never going to rain again ..." Whilst preoccupied with minimising a hangover, I wouldn't have pushed myself to install the tanks yesterday. "Nah - I'll do it tomorrow - can't be bothered getting the extension lead", etc. etc. etc.
Once you stop behaving like an idiot and pull your finger out and become aware of what's got to be done, you achieve the most amazing things. It's a kind of magic. Look for the good. It will be there.
I must say being a drunk x2 every wrong action you make while drinking... has the ability to turn the simplest things into a major life crisis for example- going to a restraunt and forgetting your credit card..... and the miss directed outrage at a innocent waiter....subjected to the rant of a intoxicated dick head ...... the paraniod drunk accusing anyone of stealing your card only to find it in your pocket after you washed ya jeans
to again accuse others of theft ...... your new perscription glasses after riding ya bike up to the local bottle o to get more trouble ......waking up to accuse some one else of stealing again
The list is endless thank whatever god for the human ability to have the ability to change
Booze = trouble
- going to a restraunt and forgetting your credit card..... and the miss directed outrage at a innocent waiter....subjected to the rant of a intoxicated dick head ...... the paraniod drunk accusing anyone of stealing your card only to find it in your pocket after you washed ya jeans
So, Jr Cakes (3yrs old) was at a new daycare yesterday.
I went to pick him up, the manager (a large lady) was sitting at her desk...as we walked passed her desk Jr Cakes points at her & says in the sweetest voice "That lady is very fat"....oh the humanity...we were both ridiculously embarrassed...
be back later for frothies.