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    Hey Miss B - how's the councelling going??



      reggie;821380 wrote: Miss B scasa malakas you bewdiful.:l... CAKES you want souvalki
      Your souvlaki?? Always!!


        THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

        Evening all - thought I best report in lest you think I met with a dastardly demise. The fence is up! (more details tomorrow) Interestingly, I ambled across to talk to the strapping lads while they were having mornos. Hoping to engage in witty repartee, my attempts were met with mono-syllabic replies from the taller one with the excellent legs whilst the shorter one with the good strong back kept eating bananas. Four of them. Shoulda stayed in my hidey-hole and just perved quietly.

        Tonight I'm zorsted, knackered, stuffed AND plesantly buggered. Life is good!

        Off to the cot - promise to respond to all your goings-on tomorrow. Be well, my piss-head mates. *** add winking thingy to indicate I'm making a little joke here ***

        Sh*t Reggie - is Otto still up that ladder? In the nuddy? Did ya get pics? Nighters.


          THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

          quite amazing! Has been a bit interrupted for the last couple of weeks, but good in terms of getting me thinking about how I started down this path of drinking and what function it has played in my life ........

          souvlaki sounds good Reg!
          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

          Harriet Beecher Stowe


            THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

            It's official..8.16 is not too early for Bedforshire...soon


              THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

              Miss Behaving;821385 wrote: quite amazing! Has been a bit interrupted for the last couple of weeks, but good in terms of getting me thinking about how I started down this path of drinking and what function it has played in my life ........

              souvlaki sounds good Reg!
              Ooo that sounds interesting...I rang a place today that has councellors...think it would do me good & I need an extra kick up the bum.


                THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                Forgot to say ... I think the marathon running is a brilliant idea for the potential meet-up. As long as you all hold hands while you're running and stop every 100m for a group hug.
                I'll be the one waiting for you at Doyle's, fanging on some fine seafood.


                  THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                  there are some things that have been useful to me in terms of tools. I've been in counselling before and not found it that great, but this woman is fab. There are 2 things that I have found really helpful: one was to commit to not drinking during the therapy process and the other to not label myself an alcoholic.
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                    Sounds good MissB...glad it's helping.
                    I'll be with the frog, sucking down a mineral water & some seafood atDoyles.

                    Bonne Sluffen all.


                      THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                      have a good sleep angel. I'm just about to have a cuppa myself and then off to bed. Today was the first day that i have felt really cold ....... autumn around the corner methinks.
                      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                      Harriet Beecher Stowe


                        THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                        Whats your stars ...I only usually trust Athena "star woman" but stumbled across this one I like .....

                        THE WEEK AHEAD - YOUR ASTROLOGICAL HEADS-UP - Gemini

                        Saturday March 13 - Moon in Aquarius

                        Moon Meditation: "I listen to my inner tuition (intuition)…!"

                        The Moon in Aquarius goes over dreamy Neptune today - a sure sign that the time is right for forgetting about the stresses and strains of the working week and for taking time out to BE. Be what? Just be. That means not vegging in front of the telly, not having a few chardies to loosen you up, not staying indoors and doing housework. It means getting outside, getting some fresh air, doing some yoga or meditation. Gardening. Walking by the water. Doing something which makes you feel good to be alive. Then listen to what your inner voice is telling you.
                        Sunday March 14 - Moon into Pisces

                        Moon Meditation: "Use your Sunday well!…"

                        Sunday looks fairly cruise-y as the Moon moves through dreamy Pisces and makes a harmonious link to Pluto and then meet Mercury. Sundays are of course marvellous for lying around in recovery mode after the week that was but the skies today are excellent for catching up with friends, doing some deep thinking, talking to someone about your feelings, or for anything connected to dreams, yoga, music and meditation. Also a great day to while away in the movie theatre - but make sure it's not a violent movie!
                        Monday March 15 - Moon in Pisces

                        Moon Meditation: "Suddenly I just blurted it out!"

                        One of the most exciting links of the year takes place today as Mercury, the planet of the mind, meets Uranus, the planet of all things wild and unusual. If you have a bit of a brainwave today, thank the Stars. If you're having a discussion with someone and you come out with all kinds of amazingly inventive arguments, thanks the Stars again! Conversations will flow, brains will be moving quickly, it's all GO! Watch out if you're doing something a bit physically risky! There's a chance of sudden upsets!

                        Tuesday March 16 - Moon into Aries

                        Moon Meditation: "Try to cool down!…"

                        The Moon goes Void of Course for most of the day today which is probably a good thing after yesterday. If you said more than you should have or just basically shot from the lip in the past day or so, use the calmer vibe today to slow things down and to think about your best bet in terms of what to do next. It's not a great day to start anything for the first time - it's said what's started when the Moon is VOC " bears no fruit". However, if there's something you want to do once and move on from, schedule it for between 10am and 4.30pm today!

                        Wednesday March 17 - Moon in Aries

                        Moon Meditation: "Ouch! Yes! Oooh! Wow!…"

                        Ouch! Yes! Oooh! And Wow! are just a few of the outbursts you can expect to hear today as another of the most " exciting" links of the year takes place - this time, it's the Sun on Uranus. It happens once a year and in theory offers a very good chance to reverse something you did earlier and now regret. According to people who follow the stock market and the Stars, reversals are also expected in stocks and shares. It's certainly a day to be spontaneous and flexible.

                        Thursday March 18 - Moon in Aries

                        Moon Meditation: "Start me up! Slow me down!…"

                        It's a curious astro-fact that Aries is the speediest sign of the zodiac but it has the planet which puts the brakes on strongly affecting it right now. This means that every time a planet moves into Aries, it effectively acts a bit like a car revving its wheels in the sand, at least for the first few days. That's happening for communications planet Mercury right now. If you feel like you're talking but getting nowhere, save your breath today and over the next few days.

                        Friday March 19 - Moon into Taurus

                        Moon Meditation: "Don't obsess!…"

                        Oh dear. If you're anything like me and you have a tendency to obsess over STUFF you're going to have to work extra hard today and over the next few days not to lose your cool or to send yourself crazy with your thoughts. This warning reminds me of a phrase that New Age superstar Louise L. Hay loves to repeat: stop terrorising yourself with your thoughts. If you know you have a tendency, then stop yourself and instead use the energies to eradicate the scary thoughts (also very astrologically possible today).

                        Well its "Ouch! Yes! Oooh! And Wow! " for me have a lovely evening... Hi Chookious


                          THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                          Hello Peeps!

                          Have I missed you all again? Finally got son off to bed and now at a bit of a loss what to do. May carry on with my book but bed is looking far more attractive. Just too tired to concentrate.

                          Night all



                            THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                            tawnyfrog;821390 wrote: Forgot to say ... I think the marathon running is a brilliant idea for the potential meet-up. As long as you all hold hands while you're running and stop every 100m for a group hug.
                            I'll be the one waiting for you at Doyle's, fanging on some fine seafood.
                            I had a little guffaw at this. And I said 5K, not a Marathon, I have bad knees you know.

                            So are we serious about a meet-up then ?

                            Spam - I also had a chuckle at the 'ex-alkie' thing, not offended at all.

                            Missy B - I agree with you on the counselling, I had it for other 'issues', and it was definitely very beneficial. You have to be comfortable with the counsellor though, so if anyone else tries it, don't be worried about trying a different counsellor if you're not at ease.

                            As for the Ipod saga - sorry for too much information, but it was definitely the sweatiness inside my very sturdy sports bra that did for it. Am going to get a waterproof cover.

                            Have also been thinking about the music thing. There are a lot of negative associations for me with the instrument I was really good at (very long story), so I'm going to learn a new one. Wasn't that an easy solution?? All these self indulgent long posts are helping me if no one else


                            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                              THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                              Wow! Seems we have some fair dinkum interest in a meet up. If it isn't bizzare enough already on this thread, let alone in 3D! :H

                              A beautiful, beewdiful morning here. Had a great gig last night, nearly lost me heart to a pretty young thang, and an invitation to weave some guitar magic today with a couple of visiting musician's.
                              Ah, the sober life. Very, very, difficult, NO, impossible, to imagine in the early day's of my af'ness, let alone when i was a drinkin'. But, we need to hang in there, and get some serious af time under our belt's, then the fun start's! The fun of realising....'Jesu Christou, is this fecker really me?! Did my emotional and other development pause when i started drinking heavily? Mmm, maybe, maybe not. Yep, that's it, i'm still a bit fragile dahling.....(true). Wow, a bit to learn then' etcetera, etcetera......And along with the re-familiarising us with us, and that can be a feckin strange one, what treasures unfold before us, every single bloody day.
                              It is absolutely amazing how door's open, when we are open, and we are true. True to ourselves, why we are here, and what we should be doing.
                              Some folk are fecked if they know what they should be doing, who they are, or why they're here, and that's a personal journey, but for those of us who know this, not taking that path is a crime really, an arrogant, disrespectful waste of our lives, and disrespectful to this incredible Universe, that gives us everything we need, if we respect ourselves first, then through this, other's.

                              Ah, the weather, the weather, malakas.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                                Good post G. I came across something from a school retreat (I went to a Catholic school) when I was cleaning some papers out at Xmas time. It had a lot of stuff about honouring your body, with all its faults and flaws,, and making the best of it as the only one that you were going to get. Of course, being a Catholic school they were basically euphemistically telling us not to have sex! but in retrospect the wider message wasn't such a bad thing to try to knock into the heads of teenage girls.

                                Im trying to send the kitten photos ..... not quite sure how to embed them in the message (as opposed to providing a link). Trying this will see what happens .....

                                IMG_0026.JPG IMG_0025.JPG IMG_0028.JPG IMG_0045.JPG IMG_0047.JPG IMG_0051.JPG
                                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                                Harriet Beecher Stowe

