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    byebyebridgetjones;829287 wrote: And THEN I will set up a permaculture learning centre on site, and have people in at minimal cost...and it will be a working organic farm....but relate-able to anyones back yard set up.......God I've exhausted myself......:H:H:H
    Brilliant Bridge! Go for it.

    Sweet dream's. How's the wild man from Borneo?

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-



      Guitarista;829286 wrote: I am marking your word's Jonesy, and i know you will do that. That's an honourable thing to do, if the land is fecked up. How would you restore it? I'd be interested to hear a quick hypothetical if you could be fecked?

      (maybe Gippsland...)
      Now Gippsland I have heard of......down your way I think...must Google....
      Right you'll be fecking sorry you asked,but here I go....
      First you need to find out about the endemic vegetation (what was there before it all went to hell). Next you can put together a proposal to the DECC or a local authority like Landcare or Bushcare who can help enormously.
      Plant endemic pioneer species. Shade out exotic grasses etc. May need to use enviro friendly weed matting etc. Atack weed species via many different methods as appropriate. Cut and paint,spray,shade out, hand weed. Persistence is key... are you still with me ???
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

        Now you've got me all fired up before bedtime......:H:H
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

          reggie;829249 wrote: Sheet the word "Bung" Dad used it all the time "the Voxuall Cresta's gotta BUNG alternator Reggie dont worry I will get one sent out from England". very English goes back to the ultimate Bard

          Bunghole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
          Love your use of the word "Voxuall" - you sound like a pom. My first cars were Vauxhalls.


            THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

            A good day had at Caloundra. Got home late, ate junk food and put the young man to bed.


              THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

              Spam;829297 wrote: A good day had at Caloundra. Got home late, ate junk food and put the young man to bed.
              Good on you Spammy. I used to live there a very long time ago.
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                So, we had a bit of a cheese moment on Saturday.

                If you had to give up cheese or chocolate, what would it be?

                This one's easy for me - I don't like chocolate. Well, I like the immediate taste but hate the aftertaste. Also, chocolate puts me on a different planet.

                But I could never give up a good Stilton.


                  THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                  byebyebridgetjones;829292 wrote:
                  First you need to find out about the endemic vegetation (what was there before it all went to hell). Next you can put together a proposal to the DECC or a local authority like Landcare or Bushcare who can help enormously.
                  Plant endemic pioneer species. Shade out exotic grasses etc. May need to use enviro friendly weed matting etc. Atack weed species via many different methods as appropriate. Cut and paint,spray,shade out, hand weed. Persistence is key... are you still with me ???

                  I have actually been doing this at the back of my property for the last couple of years. I haven't always planted as well as I might have (eg; planted the wrong species of one plant and it is twice as big as the one that I meant to put in!!) and the enviro-weed mat doesn't last as long as it is supposed to and is now ripping to shreds) but I sooooo love looking out over my deck now, and we have lots of bird life around now too. Lots of hand weeding still, but also lots of plants are self-seeding so I keep people supplied with little native seedlings. Planting endemic species is definitely the way to go.

                  Monday again. Blech. Hanging out for Easter weekend ......
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                    Morning Missios, and all who drop by,
                    Your backyard sounds beautiful Missy, and yep, roll on easter w/kend! I've got 3 weeks hol's starting the week after that too....yeehaw!

                    Bridgos, your talk of land generation, and the different techniques is not only turning me on, but also very interesting, and yep, i'm still with you, and i'd love to hear more! (sorry folk's....what have i started? :H ) :h

                    Spamious, cheese or chocolate? I love em both, but if i had to choose, as it seems i do, i'll take cheese in all it's glory.

                    Raining here, and i love it! Rain, hail or shine. I love it all, so bring it on. And, since i've stopped drinking, along with that, goes the silly dwelling upon the past. Ah, freedom! There is no longer, rain in my heart.

                    A safe, sober, magical day to all malakas.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                      See what I did there ? See how I did that ?
                      Whenever I want the house to myself, I just start talking about bush regen. :H:H:H
                      Yep the enviro mat doesn't last forever does it Missy ? But once you get that top tree canopy up, it'll shade the buggers out.
                      Don't get me started on local provenance and DNA testing for biodiversity. Please.

                      Yay. he rain just started here.......
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                        Arvo all,

                        We only had a bee's dick of rain but every bit counts.
                        Choice between chocky and cheese? The chocky can go. The stilton's the problem. It just screams "you need port with this". Hence, since starting here over four years ago, I still will not keep port in the house. I used to love the stuff and who can drink "just the one, thanks"? A bottle later and you've fried your brain some more.

                        So - I'm in front for tonight's tea - have just made a batch of pesto and love love love the smell of fresh basil and garlic wafting through the kitchen.

                        Bridge - when I bought my place, it was a denuded, chewed-to-death sheep grazing block. Pretty amazing what comes back when you let it.

                        Hey Ronnie - you alright?


                          THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                          Afternoon all....cheese or chocolate?? Couldn't decide....
                          I had a major relapse on the weekend and so now I'm at home, feeling like crapola...ugh...


                            THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                            Angel - sorry to hear that. Did you have to chuck a sickie? You know the drill. Just get back on the case.

                            Remember it's full moon soon, folks. Silly-bugger stuff seems to happen - so be prepared.


                              THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                              tawnyfrog;829776 wrote: Angel - sorry to hear that. Did you have to chuck a sickie? You know the drill. Just get back on the case.

                              Remember it's full moon soon, folks. Silly-bugger stuff seems to happen - so be prepared.
                              Yep...very not happy with me.
                              Have called a place about doing an outpatient course but it's considering AA also.I need something else.
                              Full-moon...I'm going to diarise it 'coz I go whacko on/around full moons...I need to be prepared next time!!


                                THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                                Oh me Gord
                                Can someone PLEASE reef this copy of Dan Brown's latest out of my hands so as I can get summat DONE ? :H
                                Page turner or WHAT ??
                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

