And we are going to score that girlous for you-ous.....don't you worri-ous.....
Morning all,
Ronnie, i was fairly exhausted when i started my new job too. Just all the concentration of learning new thing's, and using my brain in ways i wasn't used to. i.e., i actually had to think! :H and worrying whether i was doing ok etc.... Get as much rest as you can, and good nutritious tucker. Banana's are good for energy. You've got lot's of well developed and excellent skill's already, running a family/household, and as T-ball coach. They are lucky to have you.
Hope you got some sleep in the end Spamious!
Nice to see you Chooka! Can you drop in a bit earlier? Take care.
How are you Fickopolous?!
Hello Missios!
Where is Beagleos?
A safe, sober, and magical day to all! :yo:
:coolsanta: :thanks: