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    Picking on Bets again! You'll hate me!

    I was told not to train with an ipod as it has an internal hard drive (??) that cannot cope with being bounced up and down with running and things.

    Spam xx



      Early morning and it is still dark .... at this point in the year I look forward to daylight saving ending. Looks like it is going to be a brilliant sunrise though, after 2 days of rain

      Going backwards on post responses here ......

      Bets - some i-pods (like the classic) have/had a hard drive which is why you were not supposed to run with them. Most of them (like the latest shufffles and nanos) now have a flash drive so it is fine. I have no idea what this means, but this is what I have been told. Tawny may be able to provide a more helpful explanation!

      And Spam, I dont think you offended anyone!! I had a good laugh myself!

      I am already on track for a 5km run so I'm in. For anyone that wants to but feels a bit intimidated I downloaded a training programme from the web that has a really long and slow build up that mainly involves walking to start with. I mostly swim and cycle and find the running bit of triathlons really hard. see Free Triathlon Training Programs and Plans I agree with Mr G that exercise is an essential part of recovery, but there is lots of it that we do just by living our lives. I bet Tawny gets more of it by all the activity she does and dont even get me started on how many muscles get used in housework!!!!

      Took kitten pics last night, but need some education in how to upload them on here. Will work it out later today when I have a bit more energy ..... But Murrumbridgee if the cutest of the bunch I would have to say!!! Although I am also a bit attached to Miss Adelaide who remains the littlest but who has fought an amazing fight to stay alive and who is very staunch in the face of her bigger siblings!!

      Bets - I'm at an age where my nieces and nephews and my friends kids are all in the process of establishing their adult lives. A few of them had stunning academic achievements, but most either scraped through or failed. But all of them are doing great things with their lives - going through second chance education, being productive, making lovely and loving parents etc etc.

      And Spam ... go for it with the music!! I have really enjoyed having my ukulele over the past few months. It is easy enough that I can pick it up at irregular intervals and have some fun and relaxation with it. And next Saturday I am going to an all afternoon open invitation Ukulele fiesta ....... !!!

      Ronnie - thinking of you. Hope you are getting some light relief in amongst all the tension.

      Tawny - did the boys come back to finish the job???

      hoping everyone has an absolutely splendiferous day!!!
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

        if anyone is up early. I have finally managed to get into chat. There for 20 mins if you need some Sat am stimulation!!
        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

        Harriet Beecher Stowe


          THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

          Yuk, Yuk, Yuk.

          It's too early to be up on a Saturday! However, son had to be at cricket by 7.45 am. Luckily, the ground is close to here for a change.

          Deciding what to do next.....go back to bed or go and do the grocery shopping.

          I suppose it has to be the shopping.


            THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

            Morning all,
            Well, had me 2 cup's of plunger coffee, the sun is a shinin', so off me bum and out into it.....Yeah!
            Missios, if i was up a bit earlier, i would've loved to have joined you in chat. It's a weird place to be sure, and not one i frequent, but you or anyone here would've been a good reason.

            Have a cracking day folk's! Yeehaw!

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

              Oh AWEFUL night's sleep was had here.
              Might even pop in for a nana nap today I think.
              It gives me the screaming shits actually. I had so much to do today.
              Nemind at least there's not a hangover to deal with.
              What adventures are happening today folk ?
              Where's the frog ?
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                Hi Underoos
                Ou est le Frog?
                On another note-


                  THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                  Arvo all...Le Frog's absence leads me to believe that the strapping young lads did indeed come back to finish the job...they're out there right now, sweating away & Mdme Froglette must keep an eye on them you know.
                  Sheep- Have you tried googling 'Jellybean Addiction'?? The internet's great for that type of thing :H

                  Murumbridgee - you're going to acquaint yourself with James??? He's awesome...better than ADs for me.
                  Now, all this talk of running makes me wonder if I'm missing something...I like the exercise muchly but I don't like the running...bummer as we have a fantastic 7K running track around the bay right near my place...and my mp3 player is loaded.

                  Miss B - lock & load me for a coffee when you're over in Oct, or maybe a bite to eat or sommat.

                  I'm gonna make an Eton Mess for dessert tonight - strawberries, cream & bits of meringue with strawberry topping over the top. Tres decadent but it is Saturday.

                  :blob::guitar1::strawberry::wings: just 'coz...


                    THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                    Hi All
                    Well my team have just won thier last game of tee-ball for the season, we have done really well as we have only lost 1 game all season, all I have to do is get through all the presentations next week!
                    The atmosphere in my house has gone from bad to very bad my Mum decided to tell my hubbie exactly what she thought of him and it was bad....but the problem is she still expects to stay here when they come and visit. I have tried to talk to her saying that I am walking on egg shells in my own house and I have also spoken to hubbie and he is making a real good effort (and so he should) but she is'nt having anything to do with him....she hates him, I really dont know what to do, there is no reasoning with her, im prepared to give him another chance...maybe I am mad to do so but at least I can say I have TRIED!!! if it dont work out. its getting to the point that when she makes a cup of tea she does'nt even ask hubbie and he is in the same room!!!!
                    Im sorry to rant its just I have had enough of all this, plus it now looks like I will have to fork out for a place for my mum & dad to stay when ever they come over as I know they cant afford it.

                    Well I hope you have all had a good day, I am hopping for rain as they is no air here at the moment.
                    Take care
                    :dancin: enguin:
                    starting over


                      THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                      Whats this page 2 thing MALAKIOUS peoples WAKE UP internet was cut off for days by the builders I thought after 500 calls to the Mumbai call center ( all very pleasant) i got a guy to come out this morning to inform me I had plugged the phone line in the wrong hole..( story of my life yea i know lame joke ) after he gave the raised eye brow "your a dickhead mate" I chatted rugby bollokouious with him as he said he was from Sidney and telstra had sent them down because of all the storm damage in Melbournious.. he said although you are a prize idiot I wont charge you ...Yippe do dahha

                      The above avartar shot is ficks post shower area the only way to get otto out........ they literally had to pull it down....... Otto has left the building...... or should I say the building has left Otto

                      NOW keep posting and YES Mr G I will fly up to Morseby to see yas


                        THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                        reggious, great to see you. "Bout time! You have got me speaking Greek and I even called my cat Bettyious this morning. Right on the eve of St Patricks day .........
                        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                        Harriet Beecher Stowe


                          THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                          C'mon people...where the bloody hell are ya??
                          Is 8.09pm too early to go to bed on a Sat night??


                            THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                            I'm here and even though it is 10:09 I am wide awake!!
                            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                            Harriet Beecher Stowe


                              THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                              might be just you and me Angel .... and you are locked in my diary for October!!
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                                THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                                Miss B scasa malakas you bewdiful.:l... CAKES you want souvalki

