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    Gosh, it's quiet here tonight.

    Perhaps, Bridge is still entertaining her bush ranger.

    Mr G. Well done on 17 months. You've commented on some of my other threads and it's great that you guys are still happy to help the Newbies on their way. You must have seen a lot of repetitive stuff but you've not backed off. Thanks Mate! (Best Aussie Accent there.)



      Aaah. Some pre-alkie memories going on here.

      We're watching France v England in the 6 nations. Prior to son's birth, we would go to a pub to watch the game. I would drink coke, yell at the tv and drive hubby and friends home.

      If we went to Twickenham, I wouldn't drink because I didn't want to queue for the ladies loos at half time. And I didn't want to lose any time that I could be taking the mick out of the opposition.

      Rugby without AL??? But I ALWAYS did it. The game and atmosphere was more important!

      Spam xx

      ps I love Jonny Wilkinson


        THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

        byebyebridgetjones;825488 wrote: Anyway, then I had a horrendous but significant dream, which I won't bore you all with the details of. Long story short, it was a little message from my subconcious telling me that it's time to get on my frigging bike, and start making some stuff happen around here.
        Well, as we're talking about dreams and no-one's here anyway...

        I had a dream last night that I was having the most amazing, no strings attached sex with an ex boyfriend who I haven't seen for 16 years. (In real life, this guy was extremely handsome, very successful and charming but if he wasn't an alcoholic then he was certainly queueing up to be one. And he was good in bed.)

        Bridge - What does this mean? Perhaps it means that people with Al problems are good lovers..:H

        Spam xx


          THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

          Evening all,
          Thank you so much for my Birthday Greettings, I did'nt do much for myself yesterday as I had the Tee-ball presentations and AGM then in the Arvo I had the baseball wind up and by the time I got home I was but I got lots of cards and lovely gifts.
          Pan well done can this I am so proud of you hun.
          Well id better go off an tuck you all in tonight, I hope you all remembered to clean your teeth.
          Love ronnie
          :dancin: enguin:
          starting over


            THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

            Belated Happy Birthday Ronners!

            Have had lots of Teen Embuggerance but all quiet on the western front. I would like a Mums with Teens support group just like the toddler group I went to. But here no one talks about their life if its less than perfect

            Anyhoo did a lamb roast tonight and had a lovely family meal with proper conversation and laughing and everything.

            Life is good.


            P.S. Go Pan!
            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



              THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

              Morning all,
              Great stuff Bet's! You would be a very cool mum.

              I've just been corresponding with an o/s buddy, and the topic of tirdness and drinking thinking came up. It's true. We can be more vulnerable . The AA saying of H.A.L.T. is a good and true reminder. It means avoid being Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. Easy to say, i know, but worth remembering i reckon.

              Oh Bridgos, have you released that man yet?! :H

              See Spam, it's all in our thinking, non? (plus our environment, plus our emotional state, plus our this, our that, oh where do i stop?! :H )

              Hornos, fire up the barbie!

              A grand day to all malakas.....;-)

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                Good Morning All,

                Where is everyone?

                Well, I have so much to do over the next few days and I don't know where to start. My time alone will be shorter now as the after school clubs are finished for Easter.

                I think I shall make some coffee and "assess the situation."


                  THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                  I'm still assessing the situation. In other words, I have done nothing!

                  I think I'd better go out and do the grocery shopping.

                  Spam xx


                    THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                    I love it that's it's already tomorrow there . . . . .


                      THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                      Yup - Monday 2.15pm and my ears are bleeding. Overnight visitors. Yarp, yarp, yarp, bloody yarp. Thank dog they've gone.

                      I will now go for a long walk and flush the white noise out of my head. See youse later. It's a gorgeous sunny warm afternoon.


                        THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                        Hi Spam,
                        I've just got back from doing a minimal amount of shopping... my brand new Westinghopuse fridge packed it in on Friday night and I can't get a technician till tomorrow to tell me the condenser is stuffred and I'll need a new fridge. So, making do with my little Waeco I take camping.
                        Tawny: Had to chuck out a tub of Weiss Coffee and Weiss Mango icecream... sob sob.
                        This is but another little episode in the story of my house renovations that has kept me away from MWO for the last 6 weeks.
                        More tales to follow.


                          THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                          Good to see ya, Raggsy!

                          Hey - the Naked Ladies are up!


                            THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March



                              THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                              Guitarista;825563 wrote: Hi Pan! This is an amazing acheivement friend. Great stuff! And sometimes we need a plan and a firm direction for ourselves. A vision, and a way to get there, starting now. Do you have a vision for yourself and where you want to be, and how to get there? Sorry, i might be on the wrong track, but just throwing some thought's out there. Take care.......
                              I have a vision, yes. A sober me, remembering what happens in my life. Seeing as I've spent most of my adult life NOT remembering much, I want that to change. How to get there is simply not drinking one day at a time. Last Christmas I panicked and bought wine because I knew I wouldn't be able to buy it on Christmas Day. I shouldn't have done that because on Christmas Day had the bottle shop been open, I wouldn't have bought any. But, seeing as I had it, I drank it. That started me back on the downhill. I have gone back to my philosophy not to buy any wine today. Tomorrow is okay.


                                THE NEXT DAY THREAD, March

                                Guitarista;825874 wrote: I've just been corresponding with an o/s buddy, and the topic of tirdness and drinking thinking came up. It's true. We can be more vulnerable . The AA saying of H.A.L.T. is a good and true reminder. It means avoid being Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. Easy to say, i know, but worth remembering i reckon.
                                I agree. I knew I was feeling tired while the wine was haunting me. I was also feeling a bit lonely, so I kept HALT in my mind. It really was worth remembering. I couldn't avoid being tired, but at least I knew I was more vulnerable than usual.

