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Sobriety and Self-Respect

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    Sobriety and Self-Respect

    I'm curious to hear what other people think about this. My main reason for quitting drinking was simply that I knew it would kill me if I kept it up. Period. I didn't and don't have a bad life, and fortunately have not caused significant damage to my health, family, or friends as a result of my drinking.

    However, since quitting I have noticed an overall increase in self-discipline and self-respect in other areas of my life unrelated to drinking. Getting a handle on resisting drinking has indirectly inspired me to exercise total self-control over everything else I do. I haven't been procrastinating with things I need to get done, I've been eating a healthier diet, making productive use of my time, etc. Some of this is slightly related to not drinking, as I now have more free time, but much of it is just a renewed feeling of self-respect. I'm wondering if others have had similar experiences. In short, for the first time in a while I feel totally in control of my life.

    Sobriety and Self-Respect

    That sounds great! I'm only on day 17 (technically 18 since its midnight here) and have yet to get to your point yet, but that's where I hope to be someday too. It would make since that a lot of people would be in your position. I know that I started eating worse, becoming less active, procrastinating more, etc. when I started drinking more than just socially. As I'm in early stages, I haven't found my way around this stuff yet, but it is also one of the reasons I am going AF. I feel ya and hope it keeps getting better!


      Sobriety and Self-Respect

      After a few weeks of sobriety,all sorts of emotions start to kick in,for a long time we never dealt with real emotions we drowned them in alcohol,when we start to first become aware of a problem,we may react with anxiety & fear.This is normal, but there is no need to fear awareness.
      becoming aware is the first step toward positive change & growth, its the first step in solving the problem or getting the need met, its one of the first step towards the future, its how we focus on the next lesson.
      Awareness is how life,the universe and our own beliefs get our attention & prepare us for change,The process of becoming changed begins with awareness, awareness,acceptance & change-that's the cycle,We can accept the temporary discomfort from awareness because that's how we have moved to a better day at a time

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        Sobriety and Self-Respect

        Oh heck Ya, Jim Beam.

        Its all interconnected. Like how I posted on how my home is very clean when not drinking and trashed when I am drinking. Drinking is a HUGE blow to your self esteem in so many ways. Even when I had a few days sober behind me, it took me wayyy longer than that to feel "normal" again.

        Drinking affects every aspect in your life. I have realized that when you get the drinking under control, every aspect of your life changes, because you are changing. Your getting more confidence in yourself, and I suppose its natural to want to get control of all the areas you neglected before.

        I am on the best sober run of my life right now, actually one week tomorrow, but I am DETERMINED this time to not go back to before. Its like the song "My chains are gone, I've been set free". I dont want to go back in those chains. I can tell you do not either.

        I know that sober life will just get better and better. I also know that a sober life will not mean a "perfect" life. I can accept that. I just want to deal with life on lifes terms, and not with the perpetual hangover and the feel of self loathing on my first waking moment.

        Keep up the Great work Jim Beam! Im right there with ya at one week tomorrow. Lets keep it going ok???



          Sobriety and Self-Respect


          It just keeps getting better & better
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Sobriety and Self-Respect

            I totally have more self respect now im AF.

            I have always been a complete control freak which meant I would give myself a real good kicking everytime I f**ked up with alcohol. I was a "functioning alcoholic" and it never seriously damaged my life, family or friendships but the energy it took to hold all this together was enormous and was draining the life out of me. Latterly I did a lot of drinking at home where in a sense I could control what happened and this lead to increased anxiety whenever I had to go out drinking socially.

            Frankly my life became one big lie and self respect went out the window. Since being AF I am a much calmer person, Im much more aware of every sense and emotion I experience and deal with them rationally. I take better care of myself and therefore if something doesnt get done I relax about it instead of punishing myself the way I used to. This I obviously did before out of a sense of guilt for my drinking and what a huge weight guilt was.....
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              Sobriety and Self-Respect

              JimB I agree with you 100% Life is so much better, I suppose the free time and extra energy thats available thro not drinking is a huge factor but more, it is the self image the not loathing myself anymore that is so amazing. I was never comfortable with being a drinker, I really hated the way I behaved, lying, being lazy, someone that people probably looked down on, but the drink was more important than my comfort, more important than anything actually..............and now I'm feels great and yes I am very very proud of myself as we all should be here cos the fact that we are here at all means we are grabbing our lives back
              PTL!!( sorry couldn't resist that bit!):thumbs:
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Sobriety and Self-Respect

                Chill Girl - thanks for the post because what you describe is very similar to my life - and I kick myself in the ass everytime I screwed up and drank way too much.

                JimB I am so glad you are realizing the difference AF can make in your life. I look forward to posting the same, need a little more space between Day 1 and saying how great I feel, but getting there!

