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god, I wish I could sleep

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    god, I wish I could sleep

    God I wish I could sleep like a "normal" person...
    it feels like I'm being punished for finally conquering the f'ing AL fight...!!

    I went thru 3 months of painful swollen legs and ankles, could barely bend at the knees, or walk, doc gave me the norm water retention meds and eventually an opiad based painkiller as it was soo painful..
    he told me it was one of the effects of my body cleansing the AL out of my system...

    I have now stopped taking them and just take 1g paracetamol when they hurt, plus my Bac, sups, blood thinners & epilexter as I had 3 seizures after I stopped the AL abruptly once, so now have danger of epileptic fits, as I now have blot clot in my brain coz of them.....

    and now I can't F'ing sleep...
    during the day I have overwhelming NEED to sleep..can be talking to some one or doing something and everything shuts down...
    dizzy need for sleep..
    then during the night awake at all crazy hours..

    God why is it when we are trying or best to do the right thing,
    it is so bloody painful???????

    god, I wish I could sleep

    LadyJan, sorry to hear your sleep is so troubled. may I ask how long AF now?
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      god, I wish I could sleep

      oh sorry, noticed your AF date on your sig line. well done! honestly i'd get the opinion of another doc if possible. you may have something else going on....sleep should be quite better by now (in my experience). Also the swelling of the joints is odd...never heard of that before with detox.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        god, I wish I could sleep

        Hiya Det, started trying in serious in start of oct 2009
        and finaly got there on 2 Jan 2010

        but have been in to detox 3 times etc over the last 4 years...
        but never been this long AF


          god, I wish I could sleep

          My Doctor actually gave me Lorazepam to help when I just couldn't stand it. When my nerves were shot and I couldn't sleep. I know it's not the best solution but I still use it on occasion. Maybe you could get something to help you over the rough patches.
          Congratulations on being AF free!!!!
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            god, I wish I could sleep

            Sleep I'm an expert at - NOT.

            I came through a different route. Through prior surgery and childhood broken nose, I came about 3 years ago to chronic apnea due to multiple obstructions. In 2009 I had my nose redone. I have a nice plastic piece now in the middle. Also my throat was reshaped. Where most people have a dangly thing, (uvula) I have a load of scar tissue, regrowth and now, unbelievably a new dangly thing carved from the scar tissue. Ewww.

            Did it help my sleep? Yes and no. I have a 30 year habit of mouth breathing during sleep. So although I can now breath through my nose, ie. shut my mouth and still breath, that's not what I do. I still sleep as if I'm dying for breath.

            I also have a 30 year habit of using alcohol as a sleep aid. When I was in my 20s this worked very well, despite my obstructions. As I aged, I increasingly got "broken sleep' where I awoke in the middle of the night fully aware. At some point I started drinking in the broken part, and the rest is history, a 24 hour drinker was born. My process of losing the alcohol has meant restructuring and addressing my sleep habits. Still a work in progress.

            My suggestions:

            Read books. There are a lot of books on sleep. Learn from them.

            Go to Youtube. There are people who have made videos. There are videos about sleep, and also many meant to help you sleep (ie you listen to sleep).

            Learn breathing and meditation. These help you recover your sleep pattern, particularly for sleep maintenance which is my (post AL) problem.

            Night sleep is a product of daytime energy use. Exercise and mental challenge are essential to the need for rest and restoration. As we age and grow sedentary, we plant the seeds for our own insomnia because our bodies don't need restoration. To sleep like a youngster you have to live like a youngster, lots of energy used for muscles and mind.

            My greatest goal now are for relaxed and delicious sleep. I'm getting better at making it happen. For me it is a process of trying to make my mature body re-tune to what I was like 30 years ago. I wish you success in the same endeavor.


              god, I wish I could sleep

              thx Norac & Boss man..
              gonna go to pharmacy today see wot they can give me... don't really want herbal, have treid valeriana but didn't really work well so gonna see wot other thing they have

              don't wanna was vallium type drug as it may become addictive...just cleaning one addiction don't wanna start another...!!

              good idea that about you tube..didn't think about that one..gonna have a look..

              about energy in the day...thats the problem, coz I get such a strong overwhelming NEED for sleep in the day, I am dizzy if I don't..
              so it's right muddled up...


                god, I wish I could sleep

                Ladyjan when i stopped drinking as part of my recovery i started to walk more (sorry not more i just started to walk)anyway with the results my ankles & feet swelled up terrible i also got massive attacks of gout,arms & legs,I got diffane of the doctor and started to swim & use my bike,so maybe if you can give your legs some rest & exercise it might help,re sleep i made sure i got up at the same time every morning & didn't take any nana naps during the day and also keep your head clear of negative thinking,think positive, ditto to above posts .hope your well soon :-)

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                  god, I wish I could sleep

                  im really struggling with sleep too. AF for 10days (yippee). trying to tire myself out during the day and NOT NAP but like you LJ am so tired after awful sleep that its really hard. just hoping that time will turn this around. body has got so used to passing out ( that wasnt good sleep either so cant really complain). hang on in there, it has got to get better xx zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
                  Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                  Keep passing the open windows


                    god, I wish I could sleep

                    also been reading on here late at night. not sure if it helps as mind mind gets full of stuff.. all good and positive but its still stuff whirring about in there.
                    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                    Keep passing the open windows


                      god, I wish I could sleep

                      You will sleep soon.

                      Just give yourself time.

                      It happens and when it does, it is truly blessed sleep.


                      been there done that.
                      AF April 9, 2016


                        god, I wish I could sleep

                        thx guys,
                        yep Mario thats wot I'm gonna try doing taking my doggies out for longer walks.

                        SD..your right about coming on here in the middle of the night, I read thru different posts as my gang are all nomally tucked up in bed..
                        so my head starts going in a spin..even had a dangerous thought of going out to the 24hr shop and getting some AL to put me to sleep......stupid YES after coming this far..I didn't.. but the f'ing devil was knocking on the door..!!
                        in times gone by I would've thought nothing of going out and getting some..!!!

                        yep Cinders I can't wait to have that sweet calm sleep after all this..just gotta hang in there and I will..
                        I get my beautiful boy back very soon, and NEVER gonna do that to him again...



                          god, I wish I could sleep

                          i had a reasonable sleep last night, not brilliant but a lot better. maybe sheer bloody exhaustion but at least i know i will come eventually. feel i can do more stuff today so hopefully be tired tonight and have a blissful nights sleep... ever hopeful x
                          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                          Keep passing the open windows


                            god, I wish I could sleep

                            To everyone having trouble sleeping - I'm sorry, I've been there myself!
                            My period of sleeplessness went on for 13 years due to a variety of reasons in addition to AL abuse.

                            BUT, I am sleeping now thankfully. For me using the Hypnotic CD & taking an herbal preparation that includes melatonin, valerian & lemon balm works. It did take many months of patience, research, trial & error but I found my solution.

                            Hang in there - you will find your solution too
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              god, I wish I could sleep

                              I am now on Day 16 AF and I have slept so very well after the initial few fact, my body seems to crave more rest after disrespecting it for so long with too much wine and too little sleep.

