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Time to share...

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    Time to share...

    Firstly, may I acknowledge all of you who have been here for me... The support and encouragement were overwhelming!

    I have been trying the "modding" routine, with times with success, but to me it is like playing Russian Roulette! Today is day3 AF, and I am ok... Thanks to some threas that I read, I am more prepared for triggers and stumbling blocks, not that this would render me immune. The weakness and temptations are mine and mine only.

    Thank you for new language like ODAT, and many more... Not to mention AF. I am not arrogant, I am accutely aware of the fact that you might find me in chat with wet eyes, but I don't anticipate it... Just 3 mornings with a clear head, and I have what it takes to face the normal ups and downs life can hand out to you.

    Vodka was my lover, but he became abusive... May I share something that was sent to me this morning? I don't believe in coincidence, so here goes:


    Your dignity rests on the assumption that your life is significant.

    Dignity means ?worthiness.? To have dignity is to feel that you are worthy ? not worthy to receive, but worthy in yourself. It implies that you have something of value that you can give others. Better said, it means that you feel that you yourself are of sufficient value that your presence in the lives of others makes a significant difference. It also implies that you enjoy being with others in a way that makes a meaningful connection.

    You can treat other people with dignity even if they do not seem to display any dignity themselves, and you can help them restore a sense of dignity to their lives by the way you relate to them. You can do this by understanding them, respecting them, honouring their journey and their place in life.

    Inhuman conditions detract from the opportunity to experience and express our dignity. Dignity resides in the freedom to experience the best within our human nature, and to share that. Our dignity is enhanced when we have the consciousness to express our soul nature. It is on this level that we deeply experience the value and importance of our being ? both in the relationship with ourselves and the relationship we have with others.

    We are purpose-driven beings. It is much easier to endure pain, suffering and hardship if we see some purpose in it. Purpose gives value, meaning and importance to things, people and experiences. We would rather experience hardship than have no importance.

    Depression often carries with it this feeling of having no importance. Using the depression purposefully, we can let it take us to our depths to find the value and importance that resides within our own being. Whenever life presents difficulties, it is a challenge to us to go deeper to the level of soul where the value of our experiences can be discovered and purpose can be found.

    Gratitude to all out there... Talk soon to old and new friends.

    Love from my sunny country xxx

    Time to share...

    Well done on your 3 days Solitaire. Regaining our dignity is huge part of recovery in my opinion. Not beating ourselves up over past mistakes and constantly feeling guilty. I have the tag line 'make peace with your past' I feel we need to cross that bridge to progress. With that comes a renewed sense of self worth, dignity and respect for ourselves and others. Thank you for sharing.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Time to share...

      Congratulations on your 3 AF days ODAT Solitaire!

      Thank you too for posting the message on dignity. It's really inspiring to read stuff like this and if you'd feel comfortable in doing so I'd suggest you make a thread solely with this idea of dignity in mind so others could discuss it. This has really resonated something within me reading this (the part below especially!) and I just love it when that happens!!

      Our dignity is enhanced when we have the consciousness to express our soul nature. It is on this level that we deeply experience the value and importance of our being ? both in the relationship with ourselves and the relationship we have with others.

      Love and Light
      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


        Time to share...

        I miss you Solitaire! Congrats on 3 Days AF! Remember, that's 3 days that you have not let the devil win!

