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The one and only reason I try not to drink.

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    The one and only reason I try not to drink.

    Hi all,

    To be honest the only reason I try to avoid drinking is the withdrawals. If I did not experience it I would drink all day every day.
    I am 5th day sober now, which is ok. Normally my pattern right now is that I am 2 weeks sober and then I am going for 3 or 4 days MASSIVE binge.
    I don't know how to have fun without drinking, I don't know how to socialize. I am a loner as when I am sober I find people vain and boring.
    Alcohol did create few issues in my life, but they are mostly imaginary. Once hangover is gone it turns up that everything is ok and not much damage have been done.
    I did lose some friends and partners due to drinking, but they were not nice people to start with anyway. No DUI, no problems with authorities.
    I am working from home and although I am sure that many times I've talked to my clients drunk they either did not notice(I don't believe in it) or don't care or they are just nice and did not want to mention it. When I give customers time frame for projects I actually accommodate for my drinking, therefore all is always on time.

    I was sober for 8 months last year and honestly I did not notice much difference except waking up fresh(and sort of happy). Actually during that time I have become even bigger loner.

    I don't want to drink ever again, because of withdrawals, but I would love to make life interesting without drinking.

    Thank you,
    We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.

    The one and only reason I try not to drink.

    Net, that's a very interesting post. It's possible you are a loner by nature, and enjoy that lifestyle. AL DOES loosen people up, if done in moderation and appropriately, but you mention binges, so that doesn't apply to you. If what you want is to have better interaction with those around you, there are better ways than damaging your mind and body, because whether you've noticed it, felt it, suffered from it yet, AL DOES damage you. It's insidious, silent, and deadly in many cases. I would suggest you look in your community for people who have similar hobbies, interests. Join in, whether it be a reading circle, a travel club, line dancing - whatever you are interested in that will get you out there and involved sober. Your reasons, explanation of your drinking patterns, whether you realize it or not, are a rationalization. Drinking in excess is NEVER harmless. It is much more obvious than we believe. It's not at all unusual to drink to feel more comfortable socially, but your time would be much better spent learning about yourself and exploring your interests with others of like mind.
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


      The one and only reason I try not to drink.

      Netty - you write about your ability to function well despite excessive drinking. Imagine the possiblities of even more success AF!


        The one and only reason I try not to drink.

        if you managed 8 months sober and consistently have 2 week sober periods then withdrawls should not be an issue at all...

        This is a progressive disease and you are mentioning many of the signs of it getting worse, but yet you rationalize alot of it. It's not clear to me if you have made a choice about your own affliction yet.

        The issues it creates are definitely not imaginary.

        Good luck on your journey


          The one and only reason I try not to drink.

          Hey Netty,
          I've been in the habit (in the past & sometimes now) of underestimating the impact of my drinking..."everyone does it, it's never affected relationships,I function fine - go to work, run a family etc etc etc...none of that is really true. It's what I tell myself to make myself feel better. But honestly my only f**k ups in life are directly related to drinking...things I've said or done while drunk.
          Life's too short. one day we'll be in our twilight years looking back...I know what I want to see & it doesn't involve a whole lot of regret.
          Well done on your 2 weeks sober this time & have a great weekend - feeling healthy & happy(ish)!!



            The one and only reason I try not to drink.

            Angelcakes - your post made me think about a "friend" (who hasn't called since I told her I'm no longer drinking) who rationalizes her out of control drinking on weekends by saying that we are in our 40's, we won't be out partying in our 60's or 70's, and now is the time to have fun because "life is too short." I believed this for a while, until I finally realized that life indeed is too short to waste my time and compromise my health and psyche regretting all the things I've done, or haven't done, while drinking.


              The one and only reason I try not to drink.

              Hi Netty - I agree with Angelcakes also - For 16 years I thought I had no problem with my drinking then the next two years struggling to stop. Now after being AF for 6 months I am only beginning to see the effect of my drinking on all aspects of my life and it makes me shudder. I am still haunted by stories of when I was drinking (stories I don't remember). Just the other day I asked a friend where he lived - he replied but you have been there twice ( I don't remember).

              Before I gave up drinking I thought I would have a terrible time at social functions because I was always the fun outgoing one ( I now know that was the loud horrible drunk one).

              Nothing good comes out of drinking alcohol to excess like we do.
              It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                The one and only reason I try not to drink.

                Zeppie2;816894 wrote: Hi Netty - I am still haunted by stories of when I was drinking (stories I don't remember). Just the other day I asked a friend where he lived - he replied but you have been there twice ( I don't remember).

                Before I gave up drinking I thought I would have a terrible time at social functions because I was always the fun outgoing one ( I now know that was the loud horrible drunk one).

                Nothing good comes out of drinking alcohol to excess like we do.
                Yep!! 5 months myself, still walking right into bombs like that. I HATE not being able to remember crap I did.


                  The one and only reason I try not to drink.

                  I also drank way longer than I should of b/c of the impending withdrawals. Everytime the withdrawals would start-It would scare the daylights out of me. stop them I kept drinking and continued to make a bigger and bigger mess out of my life. I lost my job, I almost ruined my relationship (embarrassed him many times in front of his friends most of whom are in Law Enforcement as he is-I'm sure they all wonder why the heck he stayed), made a complete ass out of myself countless times. I would say hurtful and just plain mean things to people I care about and it's taking a long time to even get some family members to speak to me. Were the withdrawals hard? Absolutely. But believe me they were not nearly as painful as the places I took myself to during my heavy drinking. It's worth it and if I can do it, you can do it. Be sure to seek medical intervention if they get too bad..I did and am lucky. My electrolytes were so low (potassium mainly) they were scared I was going to go into Cardiac Arrest.
                  Work like you don't need money,
                  Love like you've never been hurt,
                  And dance like no one's watching.
                  ~author unknown

                  One reason I don't drink is that I want to know when I'm having a good time.
                  ~Nancy Astor

