I`ve been doing a lot of soul searching in the last few weeks. When i joined MWO and started the road to recovery i guess i went through some of the ``staqes`` euphoria and excitement the first few days, anger at AL,hating it for leading me where i was at that point and then a certain peace when things just started to feel normal. I`d like to go back to the anger part. Why do we feel the need to hate AL? afterall, it`s just a bottle of liquid which is readily available to everyone, yet I CHOSE to abuse it, i consciously poured it in a glass time and time again, it didn`t just launch itself off the counter and shoved itself down my throat. When i look around me at people in general, i don`t mean here at MWO, but either family, friends or coworkers, hell even my kids, what strickes me the most is how often i hear the famous ``well it`s not my fault, it`s really because of so and so`` we live in a society where it`s never our fault. Maybe it`s time to start taking responsibility for OUR actions? maybe when we stop trying to find someone of something to blame and really take a good, hard look in the mirror will we be able to address the real issues that may have lead us to seek a way to escape. Food for thought
Have a great saturday!
