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Now I'm quitting smoking (again)...Wish me luck!

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    Now I'm quitting smoking (again)...Wish me luck!

    Hi all,

    Ok, so I've been AF for a few days...feel pretty good. I've also cut sugar from my diet to help with alcohol cravings. I'm taking a bunch of supps, especially l-glutamine. It really seems to be helping.

    I had been taking sleep medication for several months. I stopped the one a few weeks ago due the expense and bad side effects. I started another one which which was way cheaper but gave me terrible nausea (Trazodone). So I stopped taking that last night and took worked somewhat.

    Now my problem is I have to quit smoking. I simply can't afford it anymore. My husband has been houding me for years--especially since I've quit for a a few weeks then picked it up again....about 20x this year!

    I bummed a couple cigarettes from co-workers today, but I haven't bought any. I would basically have to dig through dresser to find lost coins to maybe get enough money to by cigs.

    I can do this...I think...I'm just going through so many changes right now I don't know how my body and brain will handle all this healthy-ness.

    I feel sad and irritable right now. I will not drink. I've made myself too sick from that to go down that road. Just wanna know how to fight these cigarette urges cold turkey.


    Now I'm quitting smoking (again)...Wish me luck!

    Hey Fragile - Good luck with the no smoking, when I stopped I used the Allen Carr method and it worked where all else had failed.
    Make sure you are not trying to take on too much at once though, if you get irritable because of the smoking it may weaken your resolve with AL so please be careful.
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Now I'm quitting smoking (again)...Wish me luck!

      hi flower. well done with the drinking. ive never been a big smoker but im smoking a lot at the moment (cheap roll ups). i cant give advice but as chill says.. make sure your not taking too much on. for me alcohol is the greater demon as it not only affects you physically but also mentally. good luck with it all.
      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
      Keep passing the open windows


        Now I'm quitting smoking (again)...Wish me luck!

        Take a look at
        There's lots of information & support there to help you plan for your quit.
        Quitting cold turkey is not really recommended. I quit nearly 10 months ago - it wasn't easy.........but it's worth it

        Good luck!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Now I'm quitting smoking (again)...Wish me luck!

          Good luck fragileflower,
          I want to give up cigs too.. i've only been smoking for about a year, and around 8 a day.. but had enough now.. I have a friend who is a licensed hypnotherpist, i'm going to give that a try.. maybe you can try that if cold turkey does not work? or that site that Lavande has recommended..
          People also advised me not to try quitting AL and smoking at the same time.. and for me also, as spuddle says - AL is definately the worse of the two evils.. both smoking and AL cause physical health problems.. but AL has a lot more devasting effects mentally..
          Well done on your AF days!
          Katie xx
          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



            Now I'm quitting smoking (again)...Wish me luck!

            Tossing in some words of support for those of you working on quitting the cigs! Like Lav, I found Quinet to be a very valuable site - it helped me a lot. Another good site that is smaller in population, but has tons of great information and some really nice people is tales from the quit.

            For me it was SO hard at first to get Nic out of my life. I just celebrated 3 years smoke free and am happy to say I haven't craved a cigarette in a very long time. It DOES get better and easier with time.

            You GO!!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Now I'm quitting smoking (again)...Wish me luck!

              Depeding on how long you've been smoking it may be asking a lot to do it all at once - especially cold. I'd at least go get some commit lozenges or gum or something to take the edge off - it really does help & gives you something to do - you know takes the place of looking for the pack, finding the cig - lighting it. Instead, you're finding the lozenge, opening it, popping it in the mouth - you get the idea. Don't expect to be superman . . . . . . take help wherever you can . . . .I smoked for over 30 years - quit in 2003, and it was the hardest thing on earth for me . . . . (they were my friends . . . .)


                Now I'm quitting smoking (again)...Wish me luck!

                THANKS EVERYONE!:thanks:

                Yes, alcohol is definitely the bigger Demon for me. It makes me sicker on so many levels...and has the potential to kill me quickly.

                I did find some nicotine gum from my former quits...hopefully enough to make it to pay day if I want to buy some more.

                Also, if I really really feel the crazy need to smoke, I will tell my husband if I take on too much, I am in danger of drinking again (he doesn't know about my relapse to drinking). But I can tell him that it happens to be people even with years of sobriety.

                You all rock...thanks!:h:h:h


