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I took my first Antabuse today...

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    I took my first Antabuse today...

    I took it at noon. It felt great. Now its midnight and I don't feel so excited about being sober anymore. Too many toughts. And I may have scared off a girl I'm dating because I think and overanalyze everything and came to the conclusion that she dosn't like me anymore because "I am a weird person" and that I screwed up bigtime on out date today.

    I have to actively concentrate to not text her one more time. When I had my friend Al I would have felt that I was king and she was lucky to have spent some time with me. Now I just wait to hear from her again.

    Oh well... Sorry about the ranting, I hope its theraputic at least

    Now all I have to do is take the Antabuse again tomorrow. Wish me luck! I know I can do it!

    I took my first Antabuse today...

    Well, congrats on taking a big step like Antabuse. It's definitely guaranteed sobriety (as people get super sick and can die on it if they drink on it) and it does work for some people. I have a friend who takes it.

    As to the girl, who knows what she is thinking? Women. And I say this as one. Try not to worry too much about her and just focus on you and getting healthy, ok?


      I took my first Antabuse today...

      Thanks I just hope I continue taking it... Any tips?


        I took my first Antabuse today...

        Scandinavian;818675 wrote: Thanks I just hope I continue taking it... Any tips?
        With the Antabuse? Yeah, take it every day and don't drink one drop on it. Be careful of any foods that might contain alcohol, mouth washes, after shaves, etc. Some have had reactions to even slight amounts of AL.

        I took it at one point, but then I'd only take one pill, then stop, then wait and count days until I thought it might be safe to drink again (knowing where the nearest hospital emergency room was). Completely nutso and super dangerous on my part! That's why I don't take it as I do not trust myself.

        My friend takes it just like a daily vitamin and just doesn't drink so it works for him. Good luck!


          I took my first Antabuse today...

          How long exactly do I have to wait before drinking again? The box says 14 days but I recon thats a bit on the safe side.


            I took my first Antabuse today...

            I used to take Antabuse as a PRN or as needed medication. If the holidays were coming or some big event where I didn't want to get smashed, I'd pop some Antabuse. I used to hold my Antabuse in my hand, look at it and start thinking if I take this tonight I'll be able drink in x number of days. I always knew what day I could start drinking again and when that day came, guess what I did? Now I have one of those weekly pill holders. It holds my vitamins, supplements, and my Antabuse. I take a half of a pill 4 times a week. I don't think about it any more; I just take it. In a couple of days I'll have been sober for 7 months. Don't think about it, just take it. If you really want to stop it's worth it.
            Good luck with the girl.


              I took my first Antabuse today...

              Cross post
              Hi AD.
              Scand, for me on such a low dose, I could drink in 5 days. But as AD pointed out it is nutso and dangerous to play around with it.


                I took my first Antabuse today...

                Hey Scandinavian,

                Good job on taking the Antabuse. It shows you have made a commitment.

                It sounds like you are already thinking about drinking to ask how long before you can drink? Thats kinda self defeating thinking isnt it? Why not use this time to just focus on YOU and YOUR sobriety.

                I do not know your age, but I am 42. Relationships come and go, they really do. It sounds like you feel some low self esteem to worry too much about what this girl thinks. The right person will come along, and you wont have to worry so much, because they will just love you for... you.

                I hope you take the this time to Love Scandinavian. Find out what a really cool person that he is.



                  I took my first Antabuse today...

                  Thanks a lot everybody! The support is much appreciated. I'll try to sleep now as it is very late here. I am a bit scared because I normally fall asleep the moment my head hits the pillow.

                  I'll post again tomorrow after hopefully taking another antabuse. Its gonna be weird to not be hung over also. Havent tried that in a couple of years


                    I took my first Antabuse today...

                    Hey Scan!

                    I've been af a couple of weeks now. One of the MAIN reasons I wanted to quit so badly was that awful, rotton, miserable, loathing, self hatred of myself at the first waking moment. Not to mention the 3 am wake up, heart beating crazy, and panic attacks!

                    Friend, waking up hangover free is like Heaven to me now. Just wait and see how good you feel!

                    Some of the best joys in life can be the simpliest my friend.

                    Wishing you the best.



                      I took my first Antabuse today...

                      I finally fell asleep around 3 or 4 at night, and woke up a bit now and then, but I was expecting that, and I got several solid hours of good sleep.

                      When I woke up at 7 thirty I was of course tired, but it actually seemed like a grey foggy mist that always surrounds me was gone. I was in high spirits first thing in the morning. This is very rare for me

                      I was tired but not "half zombie" like I use to, and I had a good feeling both physically and mentaly. I was also quite happy that I got some sleep, which I had suspected vould be very hard.

                      The common flashes of neusea and general sh**feelings vere gone. I felt relaxed, positive and happy.

                      What's interesting is that I have always looked at myself as a person that doesn't get hung over. I never vomit the next day, and I can drink my ass off, sleep for four hours, get up and funktion well. But it seems I had just gotten used to being hung over.

                      I feel confident that I will take the Antabuse tomorrow also.

                      My big problem now is what the crap do I do during the weekends?

                      Onve again thank you all for the support! I will post more updates if someone are interested in reading them


                        I took my first Antabuse today...

                        Hey there Scandinavian,

                        I am so glad it went well and sounds like you are on a great path!

                        As to the weekends, yes, that is a problem for many. I am not working so everyday is a weekend day for me, so I know what it's like.

                        Perhaps you could make some plans not involving AL or a list of things to do to keep busy. I think keeping busy is very important.

                        Good going!



                          I took my first Antabuse today...

                          Ok I took it again today and I feel like this is something that I will continue to do. I wonder what I will feel during the weekend.

                          I've noticed this today:

                          * I've slept less than what I normally do, but I feel much less sleepy
                          * I went to the gym even though gym day is tomorrow
                          * Confidence is up, restless leg syndrome is down
                          * Apetite is up
                          * No side effects yet from the Antabuse
                          * I was in high spirits this morning too
                          * I get less stressed out and I'm generally happier

                          Now its two days to friday, and I really wonder if it will feel like a weekend when I'm sober... It will probably feel that it lasts longer because I like to sleep a good 10 hours after heavy drinking. Thats a plus of course


                            I took my first Antabuse today...

                            Hey Scan,

                            Well... I can tell you one way you will feel this weekend, SOBER! Remember! You cannot drink on Antabuse, very very dangerous. Dont even try to play with it, you could seriously damage yourself.

                            I think you will be just fine. Once the brain realizes it aint getting some drinks, Im sure you will adjust quickly. Its all good! Remember, this is a GOOD thing!

                            Post alot on here how you feel, there will be someone around to listen or chat with ya.

                            I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                              I took my first Antabuse today...

                              Scandinavian;818682 wrote: How long exactly do I have to wait before drinking again? The box says 14 days but I recon thats a bit on the safe side.
                              Everyone is different. I was taking it for 2 weeks in February but for whatever reason (actually I think it's probably not that hard to figure out) I stopped taking it for a week and tested it. Safe to say I got plastered. I would not suggest this.

                              I never realized how bad I felt while I was abusing because I did it for so long and I guess I just got used to it. But after being sober for 3 weeks and drinking again I felt RIDICULOUSLY bad. Drank again. Felt worse. I decided that the Antabuse was the way to do it.

                              Keep going man. I have someone watch me take it at least every other day, that way even if I decide to skip one it will still be in my system.

                              Also, be careful with it. I have had reactions from only being around people with massive amounts of cologne/perfume on. Granted, I can't say 100% if it was the Antabuse or my mind tricking me into over-reacting but I would suggest being careful. That was not a good night for me.

                              Nice to meet ya and good luck!

