I was here a while back and had some success but then kind of just gave up. Figured it was just how it was going to be. I had gotten to a level of not getting really drunk, only drank at home and no hangovers so I thought....it is okay right?
NOPE! I recently and finally got some blood work done. Deep down I knew what they would say.....only it was worse than I thought. My liver is in terrible shape. Levels waaaay high. So needless to say now I'm scared.
So with that being said, I'm doing two things. I have started a home detox program. I have a friend who cured her own cancer advising me on what to take. And I started Alan Carr's book.
OMG!!! I think it is awesome. I am only half way through but I am amazed by how differently I am already starting to feel about AL. I never would have thought about the way he puts it....and it makes so much sense. And I like the way he writes. Very down to earth and to the point.
I would highly reccomend this book to anyone.
Good to be back on track and back at MWO.